depression isn't real...



  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I went through therapy for about a year and a half (the college i was going to at the time offered it) and found out I was dealing with situational depression (aka adjustment disorder. basically it takes me longer to adjust to changes then it would for a normal person) as well as anxiety due to my mom and grandma passing away (mind you I watched my mom die in 2009, and then my grandma passed away 11 months later).

    After my son was born, found out I had mild post partum depression (they felt that once the stress at home died down that things would get better).

    I'm not on medication, and when i was pregnant, they wanted to put me on meds. I flat out told them "no" because i didn't want anything to harm him. Afterwards, they offered again and I said "no" because i need to face it, not mask it. I have found that if i don't exercise (which is rarely) i completely crash and basically become mopey, crying mess. But i have also learned that by channeling that energy into things i love and set goals up for myself, then I will succeed and that helps me be a better mom to my son. Exercise for me has become the cure and has made me confident, and in baby steps, has helped start overcoming it. 3 years later, I can finally look at pictures and not burst out into tears and anytime i run a 5k, i think of my mom and run it for her. :flowerforyou:

    Don't let it control you!!!!! Yes it is hard, but you can fight through this!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    One thing that can help if for everything you do make a quick note of acheivement and enjoyment for things you manage to do.

    So if you got out of bed that day you may feel you acheived a 6, but you didn't enjoy it at all (cold misserable day) so a 2.
    then you watched your favorite movie, and maybe you achieved a 3 but enjoyed it lots (9)
    made a healthy snack A=9, E=7
    had a burger A=4 E=4

    try to do that for a few days, then try to look at what gives you high scores, and then you will know if i do X i will feel y.

    That helped alot with me.

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Lots of good info and suggestions. My current effort is based on "fake it til you make it". I am forcing myself to "be" happy and the person I would like myself to be. Its very hard sometimes. I will be driving to work and make myself smile and laugh at the radio. I have to remind myself throughout the day to do the same. I am "acting" like a person who enjoys working out, likes the people they live with, etc. And it actually is getting a little easier. Laughing is actually good for you - both physically and mentally. When I am *really* struggling I go to a comedy club for the night. 2 hours of laughing so hard I cry does wonders for you - helps you sleep better, feel better the next day, etc. I am going to buy a few comedian's DVDs so I dont have to wait for a weekend or spend so much (just dont drink a lot while there - has the opposite effect if you feel like crap the next day!).

    I do more than this (working on actually making some changes to the parts that are causing me to be depressed), but this is part of my master plan :) Was on meds for quite awhile years ago, and those just made me feel empty - not depressed, but no real hope of happiness either.

    Good luck...
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Have you thought that something you are eating might be contributing to your depression? I stopped eating gluten a couple of months ago and the biggest sign of positivity for me, was that the aching feel of anxiety in the middle of my chest had gone. I can breath in and out now without it being there taunting me.

    I actually ate a bit of gluten this week and i crashed yesterday, felt terrible about myself etc.

    I would recommend you think about removing a few foods from your diet (in turn, not all at once) to see if you are a bit intolerant to anything that might be causing your depression. I know i was x

    This is good advice. I have a brief story that supports it.

    My husband was depressed for many years. He has some serious health issues, and we chalked it up to that. Several months ago his acupuncture doctor told him to quit drinking beer because of the gluten and switch to saki highballs. He did. He felt so much better that we've started eliminating gluten from his diet. The longer he goes gluten free, the better he feels. Food allergies and/or intolerance can affect your entire body function and quality of life. It would be worth your time to look at food allergies and/or intolerance. It could be that your diet includes something that causes the depression.

    I know a few people with similar stories.

    It amazes me how many people suggest pills straight off. Generally pills mask something, not sort it out, the only times i think pills for depression are useful, are for a very short time when the risk of suicide or physical harm is very real.

    I would take anti-depressants if i had post-natal depression because i would have to care for a child but i would NEVER take long term anti-depressants, they are dangerous, addictive and do little to sort out the problem.

    I would definitely look at diet and if that isn't helping, move on to something else.
  • salubriousliving
    Just for general knowledge, have you seen a doctor about that?
    yes! i have. i have been diagnosed and whatnot. i have also been on medication for about 2 years. i recently got off of Effexor, and because i'm impatient and stubborn, did not console my doctor. I know! that's the worst thing i could do possible, and i i suffered the withdrawals. but now i am off meds and trying to see if i can handle it, because i don't really trust anti-depressants anymore. i've been on a lot of medications and none of them seem to work. 2 years of changing medication definitely didn't help my overall healthy either. that's a bit of my background!
  • salubriousliving

    I am an 'ex depressive' I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (long cycling) when i was younger. I did not take drugs and worked on getting my brain to accept life on a different scale. So i stopped myself getting really happy, so i wouldnt drop to really sad


    Have you thought that something you are eating might be contributing to your depression? I stopped eating gluten a couple of months ago and the biggest sign of positivity for me, was that the aching feel of anxiety in the middle of my chest had gone. I can breath in and out now without it being there taunting me.

    I actually ate a bit of gluten this week and i crashed yesterday, felt terrible about myself etc.

    I would recommend you think about removing a few foods from your diet (in turn, not all at once) to see if you are a bit intolerant to anything that might be causing your depression. I know i was x

    this is actually a great idea! i have never thought of that, to be honest. definitely looking into that. i'm always up for non-medication answers. thank you :')
  • V3ggieL0vinGinger
    I struggle with depression as well. I always find it hard to get going just in general. Add me if you want some motivation and support :)
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    bump for later
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    hope i got your attention, but not your anger!

    i'm finding it very hard to stick with healthy eating an exercising because of my depression. i lack all sorts of motivation and almost always feel as if i don't deserve it and that i'll never be happy anyway.

    my point is, i would LOVE to have motivation from those who have suffered/suffer through depression so that we can pull each other out that big hole.

    i suffer from bad depression. I'm on Klonopin and Wellbutrin and it makes it a ton better!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    1) see your doctor
    2) exercise
    3) find something to focus on (one time for me it was my work, the last time was getting healthy). Getting healthy worked the best.

    Believe me, at my age, I have gone through some heavy experiences to trigger depression. Dr's help is invaluable.

    Good luck.
  • mollz007
    mollz007 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi, I will send you a request. I have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off since high school.
  • daryabella
    I struggled with depression for a while but once I got over it, I was diagnosed with cyclothymia. At random periods, I'm not in the mood to eat what I should or exercise or really do anything. Being on here has given me that extra push and motivation to get me through those times. I love to give support to other people as well cause I know how tough it can be!!
    Feel free to add me!
  • teampugador
    So your title definitely caught my attention... pissed me off when I read it lol. Anyways, I've been on meds for the past 5 years and it wasn't until this year that I finally found a combination that really worked for me. This is the happiest I've been in years. Although many people argue against medication, I know that I would not be here without it. I was in a very bad place at the beginning of this year and I truly believe my meds is what pulled me from being suicidal. I understand the struggle of finding motivation and even just leaving the house sometimes. You have to find joy in the little things, both in this journey and in life. Feel free to add me if you ever want to talk about your depression :smile:
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I was diagnosed with major depression disorder and PTSD about 7 yrs ago. I also suffer from anxiety. I have been taking medication on and off for the past 7 yrs. I will have to take meds for the rest of my life. But the healthier I eat and the more exercise I get the better I feel. Good luck to you.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    If you need an extra friend on MFP, add me. :flowerforyou:

    I got diagnosed with depression over the summer. Been helped with therapy and meds. Doing a lot better now.
  • BeginningNew2012
    I am bi-polar (rapid cycling) and was diagnosed when I was 17 years old. I had to be put on a combination of medications to control my emotions and behavior. The medication did stink for me becuase it was a contributing factor to me putting on weight so fast. I often tried to control and "fix" myself without meds, to no avail. I actually ended up hospitalized shortly after having a miscarriage (for the record, this was the second and while it played a big part it was a combination of everything that lead me to this point). I got back on my meds and was doing amazing. Ever since going off my meds because of becoming pregnant again, the pregnancy hormones actually balanced me out. Now after the birth of my son I am doing much better and on a lower dose of medicine just to keep everything in check. I have also been on about 10 different combinations of drugs to find what worked for me.

    The point of this is that while dealing with depression/mental illness and not recieving treatment, I did not have any desire to focus on my physical self. I would attempt to be healthier in my manic modes but within the hour I would sink low and not care anymore. Since getting things in check and having many motivators I am finally taking control of my health. When you feel better mentally and you are actually mentally healthy, you can then focus on your physical health. Feel free to add me :)

    Oh, and just a side note, having support, money, and things like that won't neccessarily help you control or overcome things if you are in need of medication. I had the support of my whole family (I didn't realize until I was hospitalized and people fought over visiting me) and I was able to hide things and have a job making money. Don't be afraid of recieving/seeking help.
  • jgsc6d
    jgsc6d Posts: 18
    (P)OCD and major depressive, it sucks. Everyday is a challenge and I wish anybody else good luck with their treatment.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    It took me 9 years to go through menopause and with that came a lot of hormonal fluctuations.......have been on meds for about 8 years. Started on a very mild dose and after 2 years I went off them. Then my dad died, my husband lost his job, my daughter needed surgery, a dear friends daughter was killed in a car crash at 17 years old and I had a nervous breakdown......Had to go back on the meds, only double the dose.

    Since I lost 20 lbs and have become more active, I have gone back to the original dose. My husband won't let me stop taking it because I scared him so badly when I went off them the first time....I tend to agree with him :-) In general I'm a very happy active person. My doctor told me that 67% of the population will suffer from clinical depression at some point in their life. I could never understand how a person could think of suicide until I had my breakdown with the anxiety attacks that caused me such extreme physical pain. I am a much more understanding person now! We all need to walk a mile in each others shoes, but I will say that diet and exercise can assist in helping decrease symptoms of many things.
  • salubriousliving
    Folks may want to check out the following groups -

    There are any number of people who share similar experience.

    thank you for this!
  • salubriousliving
    One thing that can help if for everything you do make a quick note of acheivement and enjoyment for things you manage to do.

    So if you got out of bed that day you may feel you acheived a 6, but you didn't enjoy it at all (cold misserable day) so a 2.
    then you watched your favorite movie, and maybe you achieved a 3 but enjoyed it lots (9)
    made a healthy snack A=9, E=7
    had a burger A=4 E=4

    try to do that for a few days, then try to look at what gives you high scores, and then you will know if i do X i will feel y.

    That helped alot with me.

    :heart: :flowerforyou:

    this is great. thank you so much for this!