

  • dandes
    dandes Posts: 69 Member
    You may friend me! I will encourage you along the way. I am 38 and in the same boat as you! I look forward to watching you succeed. D.
  • Hi, I'm 41.. and I've had my up and down years.. these last 3 years have been especially hard with the birth of my son... I just haven't shifted the weight like I did with the other two kids. I was 27 and 30 yo when I gave birth to my first two kids. I need to loose about 8kg to be comfortable.. and get rid of the love haddles. I'm excited about discovering this new website.. and would love to make some friends who are traveling the same journey. :smile:
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello, I am 44 and have been feeling the same way. Since joining MFP I have lost 17 and then gained about 3 back so I am back to trying to regain control. Feel free to add me.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I see there is a lot of us out there. I wanted to be Fit for 40, but, um, that was 3 years ago!! So, here I go again for the last time!!

    I've sent a couple of friend requests, but would be happy to receive requests from my fellow 40-ers!

    We will do this!!!
  • Calaf67
    Calaf67 Posts: 10 Member
    Lets do this!! I just started today my second part of my journey. 65 ponds to go. I 'll be happy to give support.
  • Hi,
    I can totally relate! I have lost and gained so many times, I can't even keep count anymore. This time is definitely different though--I've lost 56 lbs so far with another 40-50 to go. I am so ready to have the life I always imagined--the time is NOW. Always happy to meet like minded people on this journey so definitely check out my profile and add me if you think we'll be a good fit. And either way, good luck!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I welcome my fellow 40 something Amigo's feel free to add me. whomever you are
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I am 44.
    I was was 190 back in 2005 and gained 30 lbs over the next six years following my deployment to Iraq. I got motivated when I was about to be given a company command. I dropped 25lbs in three months. I gained back 15 of that over the next 18 months. I got motivated again back in July of this year and dropped ten lbs in a month and have kept it off thus far.

    Although i would like to get down to 190 again, I am not really focusing on my weight anymore but rather focusing on ability. I want to have better endurance, strength and flexibility. I dont want to be a "hard body." I want to be a healthy average joe.