Ravenous Nights

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
I've noticed that some days after a really, really heavy workout session, I have this horrible sense of hunger. Its not thirst, I'm genuinely hungry (I drank about a quarter gallon of water) - even with eating a bunch of peanut butter. Anyone know why this happens?

I ended up going significantly over on calories last night because I just couldn't get satiated, and that was WITH healthy food - fruit, peanut butter, etc. I went to bed starving. Now this morning I woke up and according to the scale, I'm 2 lbs heavier after doing my morning bathroom visits.

Now, I'm thinking it was my body building up glycogen after it was thuroughly depleted from constant exercise and hiking? Or am I way off mark? I'm not worried about the variance in weight, I'm just trying to figure out the hunger. I didn't really eat anything out of the ordinary so I doubt its a trigger food issue.


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I've noticed that some days after a really, really heavy workout session, I have this horrible sense of hunger. Its not thirst, I'm genuinely hungry (I drank about a quarter gallon of water) - even with eating a bunch of peanut butter. Anyone know why this happens?

    I ended up going significantly over on calories last night because I just couldn't get satiated, and that was WITH healthy food - fruit, peanut butter, etc. I went to bed starving. Now this morning I woke up and according to the scale, I'm 2 lbs heavier after doing my morning bathroom visits.

    Now, I'm thinking it was my body building up glycogen after it was thuroughly depleted from constant exercise and hiking? Or am I way off mark? I'm not worried about the variance in weight, I'm just trying to figure out the hunger. I didn't really eat anything out of the ordinary so I doubt its a trigger food issue.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    I'm right there with you.. and don't know why either.. Ever since I upped my workout sessions I have been hungrier..the true hunger too...not just boredom or anything like that. I also have been craving Peanut butter.. a LOT lately? I don't know if I am lacking in protein or what ..but I am in the same boat as you..
  • sarakenna1
    sarakenna1 Posts: 261
    Where is Banks?! He'll know... Or maybe Yellow Pepper will know...

    Here is my hypothosis (but honestly, I have no formal training in nutrician). I think that when you excersize really hard for an extended period of time, your body burns up the fuel (e.g. carbs, fat, protien) you have consumed that day until there just isn't anything left. Once that happens your body starts burning stored energy, wich is good for losing weight, but leaves your body feeling depleated. Plus, exercising increases your metabolisim for about an hour or so after your work out, so even once your workout is over your body keeps burning up fuel at a high rate.

    Here are my suggestions: eat an energy bar or something with carbs before your work out so your body has energy to burn during your work out. Then, make sure you schedule a decent meal after your work out to replace the nutrients you burned up. Be sure to include a mix of veges, high fiber carbs and protien.

    Good luck!