Diet Coke......



  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I will admit that I sometimes drink diet sodas...but in all reality what are we getting nutritionally from them? Not a thing!!! So basically it has no worth. So why not drink water, which does give our body something it needs. In my opinion, I dont want to drink something that has me so addicted that I cant stop drinking it. And believe me, I have had to break my addiction to sodas many many times. Its just not worth it.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    My new fave is Pepsi One....OMG it is so good! :drinker:
  • tazlady
    tazlady Posts: 60
    not to mention what the carbonated water does to your bones.. and also heard that the sweetners in the diet sodas as someone pointed out cause you to crave carbs. So losing soda is a good idea.. having it once in while is ok like once a month and not a whole serving.. just enough to wet your tastebuds.. :wink:
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I refuse to give up my Diet Coke. I drink obscene amounts of it. However, I have never seen a single autopsy report stating "Death by diet cola" so I will continue to drink it. I just make sure to drink my water in addition to my DC.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I ADORE Diet Coke... it's definitely a weakness of mine, though I've tried to view it more as a treat, or when I REALLY need a caffeine boost. Otherwise, in an ordinary day, I won't allow myself one until I've had my 8 glasses of water for the day. It's too easy to just drink those down and not get enough liquids otherwise.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I refuse to give up my Diet Coke. I drink obscene amounts of it. However, I have never seen a single autopsy report stating "Death by diet cola" so I will continue to drink it. I just make sure to drink my water in addition to my DC.

    Amen sister....
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I refuse to give up my Diet Coke. I drink obscene amounts of it. However, I have never seen a single autopsy report stating "Death by diet cola" so I will continue to drink it. I just make sure to drink my water in addition to my DC.

    Amen sister....

  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I drink diet coke/pepsi whenever we go out to dinner or I need a boost of caffeine in the afternoon. Before drinking diet I would drink regular coke/pepsi and my doctor suggested the switch. If diet was so horrible I doubt my doctor would have recommended it and would have pushed me to cut soda out entirely. Regardless, I've lost 70 lbs in 9 months and feel better than I ever have. Diet coke hasn't hindered me at all and I'll keep drinking it.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    while I am trying to drink more water than soda, I will say that I love diet sodas. If I drink regular soda now it gives me a horrible headache. Also, for all you crystal light drinkers, have you seen the ingredients list? I can only drink it rarely because it makes me teeth hurt.
  • NinaMyers
    NinaMyers Posts: 37
    Well, since posting this thread earlier this week, I have drastically cut down on my diet coke intake.
    Was out for dinner on tues night, had one then, and bought one on Wednesday.

    Have noticed I'm getting headaches, must be the caffeine addiction:embarassed:

    Trying to drink more water.
    Not going to cut out a can of diet altogether, but def cutting down (Also saving me a fortune, buying cans from thr machine at work!):bigsmile:
  • aclarem
    aclarem Posts: 12
    I've found that two-a-day works for me..... well, that and my coffee. :)

    Again, everything in moderation. And, for those of you that drink "regular" because it HAS to be better.... all that stuff has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. Not a whole lot better, IMO.
    It's like everything in life... moderation is key!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I gave up all soda for Lent. I thought it would be really hard because I loved Diet Coke and Diet Mountain Dew - but it hasn't been hard at all. Here's what I notice, and no - I have no science to back it up... I can only tell you the change in how I feel.

    I have plantar fasciitis - since I haven't been drinking diet sodas (or anything with artificial sweetener actually) - I notice that my feet don't hurt as much.
    I don't crave really sweet things - I crave fruit - perhaps that's more of a comment on "better eating" than giving up soda - I don't know.
    My skin looks much better - my dark circles under my eyes are disappearing and my skin just seems younger. - Again, maybe that's because I drink so much more water.

    Bottom line for me is that it gets in the way of drinking water - and I know how important water is to my system. So... after Lent it may become an occasional treat - but I'll never go back to drinking it daily.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Reading some of these comments stating how addictive it is and how you can't give it up... Well that should tell you something. Healthy real food doesn't physically addict you. Something to think about.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The way I look at it. If my one vice is Diet Coke. So be it. I've tried to give up soda totally, and feel a complete deprivation doesn't work for me because when I eventually fall off the wagon it's with a vengence. So I allow myself Diet Coke.

    I can't tell that it has an effect on my running either way. It hasn't effected my wieght loss either way. So in a world where there a ton of things to stay away from....I'm keeping my Diet Coke/Mt Dew.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Reading some of these comments stating how addictive it is and how you can't give it up... Well that should tell you something. Healthy real food doesn't physically addict you. Something to think about.

    For me, it's not that I can't give it up, it's that I don't want to. I've done it before, but I didn't feel any different, I didn't look any different, and I don't believe the pseudo-science behind all of those claiming it's poisonous, etc. And there are plenty of natural substances that are addictive... I'm going to look for the article I read a couple of months ago detailing a study showing (I believe) that salt is the only chemical to which the human body cannot become physically addicted. (Really hope I can find it or else
    I'll feel like a complete *kitten*.)

    Also, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would argue the health benefits of psychadelic mushrooms, peyote, tobacco, and opium. And those are all very "real" and natural substances. So is caffeine. It's found in several products, naturally.

    Not being argumentative - just bringing my two cents to the table.
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    My dentist could tell I was a soda drinker. I told him that I was only drinking diet, and he said that most people consume some kind of sugar around the time they drink the soda. The sugar + the acid in the soda = holes in your teeth! It eats away the enamel. Plus, I think the tricky part about diet soda is that because there are no calories, people feel free to drink WAY more than they would allow themselves to drink of the regular stuff.

    Also, I have heard a lot about the correlation between artificial sweetners and your desire for more sugar. After quitting the diet pepsi, I find I snack on less sweets in the afternoon.

    I have stopped drinking soda on a regular basis, but if I am going to splurge I just have a small portion of regular soda, and brush my teeth afterwards. My dentist could TELL that I quit drinking it regularly after just 6 months.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Reading some of these comments stating how addictive it is and how you can't give it up... Well that should tell you something. Healthy real food doesn't physically addict you. Something to think about.

    For me, it's not that I can't give it up, it's that I don't want to. I've done it before, but I didn't feel any different, I didn't look any different, and I don't believe the pseudo-science behind all of those claiming it's poisonous, etc. And there are plenty of natural substances that are addictive... I'm going to look for the article I read a couple of months ago detailing a study showing (I believe) that salt is the only chemical to which the human body cannot become physically addicted. (Really hope I can find it or else
    I'll feel like a complete *kitten*.)

    Also, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would argue the health benefits of psychadelic mushrooms, peyote, tobacco, and opium. And those are all very "real" and natural substances. So is caffeine. It's found in several products, naturally.

    Not being argumentative - just bringing my two cents to the table.

    Exacccctly.......I've stopped drinking it before and didn't notice a difference at all as well.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I refuse to give up my Diet Coke. I drink obscene amounts of it. However, I have never seen a single autopsy report stating "Death by diet cola" so I will continue to drink it. I just make sure to drink my water in addition to my DC.

    Can I get an Amen !!

    I dont even know where to start, so I better just not.
    If you want to know how I feel about all this see my tagline, that about sums it up.
    Now let me drink my can of toxic waste in peace.
    Seriously people.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    The way I look at it. If my one vice is Diet Coke. So be it. I've tried to give up soda totally, and feel a complete deprivation doesn't work for me because when I eventually fall off the wagon it's with a vengence. So I allow myself Diet Coke.

    I can't tell that it has an effect on my running either way. It hasn't effected my wieght loss either way. So in a world where there a ton of things to stay away from....I'm keeping my Diet Coke/Mt Dew.

    You took the words right out of my mouth.
    Cheers !:drinker:
  • DogsRule666
    I have read the same thing about diet sodas causing you to crave sweets. I don't know how it effects fat burning, but I use pre workout supps that have caffeine in them and have had great results with them. I also drink a very large amount of water.

    Artificial sweetners, are swheeter tasting than sugar. When you have artificial sweetners, your body expects the suger rush. However, when the sugar rush doesn't happen, your body than craves the sugar, even more. I personally have given up sweetner in my morning coffee, and I no longer crave sugar in the afternoon.