I've lost 154.4 lb's so far


I am from Melbourne Australia & have only come across this site the last couple of days. I was using another calories app but this one is way better. I have lost over 70 kg or approx 155.4 lb's so far. I've gone from SUPER OBESE, to morbidly obese, to severely obese to obese & now finally out of obese into the BMI overweight catergory....

I was officially 157.5 kg (347lb's) nude morning weight but didn't tell anyone I actually got up to 159.9kg or (351.6 lb's) that afternoon my heaviest weight ever. Today I am weighing smack on 87 kg or 191 lb.

How did I do it? Basically I changed my mindset & started treating my super obesity as an illness. I took 3 months off work on long service leave when I took up swimming. I hated swimming & started off struggling to do four 25 metre laps, by the end of my leave I got up to doing FIFTY 25 metre laps & FORTY on a regular basis (1 km). I started walking 1 & 3 km's & then building up to 4, 5 & 6 km's. I'd do a steep walk up a hill that for a normal person of fitness it would take approx 10 mins up & 10 mins back but for me it took 45 mins & more (wonder I didn't have a heart attack).

I'd lost 12 kg but put on 2 kg the week i was to go to a hosptial in Melbourne to discuss lapband & diet. I thought they were going to flog me lapband. In fact the week prior I nearly cancelled but was talked out of doing so from my doctor. It's a program I had to wait 2 & 1/2 yrs to get into & glad I did. I was told I'd be put on a strict diet & that if i stuck to it I'd lose my weight. If I lost my weight then it'd be far better than surgery. I had to promise that once I lost my weight I'd go on medication which I've been on for the last couple of months now but lost the first 60 kilos on DIET/exercise alone.

I know now if I had've failed this diet & by the way it's the first official diet i've EVER been on which makes me wonder why did i wait so bloody long???? Anyway had I failed I would've been referred for lapband... A work colleague I had his aunty died during the operation at age 60 with no prior problems & my sis in law had a work colleague die at 55 also during surgery. I know of people who;ve had it & had complications, vomitting from eating meat etc etc. I've had none of that. In fact the professor in charge of my program once was getting frustrated coz patients weren't wanting to try the diet but wanting lapband - Look some people need to do it but a lot of people think it is going to cure all. I've heard of people putting weight back on even with lapband.

At one stage I was told only myself & another guy were the only ones to last longer than 3 months on the diet. It is a strict low carb, low to no sugar diet. I started on the diet in June 2011 & pretty much stuck to it only going off it by asking for permission in advance. ie it was my birthday late last yr & I'd asked for Xmas & new yrs as exemption days/nights but forgot about my birthday. My mother in law got snakey when I wouldn't have any birthday cake but I didn't ask for the exemption in my mind though i was sure no one would've minded but I did - I was THAT STRICT.

WhY???? I had to draw a line in the sand in my life which was going no where. Two yrs ago this week I'd made up my mind that in 2011 & 2012 I would do whatever it took to lose my weight - no excuses. Early Feb 2011 on a hot day I went for a walk and about 200 metres in i was wheezing... I had asthma on a HOT day from walking. i never got asthma in the summer but I was never nearly 160 kg's neither. I went straight home & told my wife I'd apply for long service leave the next week to take it ASAP coz if I didn't my gut feeling was I'd be dead by mid winter July 2011 in Australia... Instead I was back at work somewhat lighter.....

From when I started my diet to when i went back to work was like 5 weeks & though we could hardly afford it i returned part time having Fridays off where I was still able to go for either a swim or walk/steep hill climbs or all three. Most weeks I'd get a massage. The point was I could hardly afford not to go part time. I don't believe I would've succeeded if I hadn't of gone back part time. Why??? I had chronic neck, shoulder problems & sitting in an office all day for 4 days a week is enough when one is so overweight. The time I had on Fridays has been in valuble.

I am now the lightest I've been in like 16 yrs. Why coz basically I treated my super obesity as an illness. I hope to post before & after photo's in the success section in the next week or so

The success of what I have done will be determined if I can keep it off in 3, 4 & 5 yrs time

wishing you all the best




  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. Congrats to you on your accomplishments and weight loss!!!!
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    Your story is very inspiring!
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Wow! that is an amzing story Chris. You're an amazing person, and with everything you've done I'm positive you'll keep it off for good. Congratulations!!!!
  • lloydscan
    Thank you everyone for your very positive comments. It was late at night & I probably should've left my post for the success section & actually said where I've come from.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story Chris! I wish you all the success in the world on your journey to a healthier you! Welcome to MFP :smile:
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am glad that you shared your story...it is amazing. I've been obese since I was 12 and never took it seriously until it was too late and I had a heart attack at 44. After my heart attack I piled on another 50 lbs. and I couldn't believe it. My meds were partly to blame, but I was responsible for putting that food in my mouth. I've had to have 11 surgeries since my heart attack, the first was open heart surgery...ouch! I am unable to work due to health problems, but I am determined to lose this wt. but have to do it mostly through diet and a little exercise. I am so proud of you for taking control of your life. You are an inspiration to us all. I am on here every day and have an open diary. Anyone can feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • kimmmyers
    You are an inspiration! You have reminded me of that line in the sand I drew for myself January 3, 2012. I've lost 47 lbs since then, but still have not gotten to goal. I have struggled for the past several weeks and really needed a reminder of how important this is to me. Thank you :-)
  • rimhof456
    rimhof456 Posts: 13 Member
    Very inspirational story, thanks for sharing.
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member