Is it ok to work out with a cold?

andriadean7171 Posts: 42
edited January 4 in Fitness and Exercise
I haven't been working out as I should lately, and right when I'm ready to get back on the ball, I come down with a cold. It's not really that severe, and I'm planning on only working out in my gym. Should I wait til I get better?


  • 45taylor
    45taylor Posts: 21 Member
    Depends on how you feel. Your body may need rest and hydration more than the workout right now. But general rule is if it is a head cold go ahead. If chest symptoms take the day off and rest. Hope ya feel better.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's probably fine for your health although I wouldn't appreciate you spreading cold virus with me at the gym. How about a nice walk or a workout at home instead?
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Depends on how you feel. Your body may need rest and hydration more than the workout right now. But general rule is if it is a head cold go ahead. If chest symptoms take the day off and rest. Hope ya feel better.

    I agree. I always go by the rule if the "pain" is from the neck up, feel free to workout, just not at 100%. If it's from the chest down, take the day off and hydrate! Usually I can sweat out head colds pretty quickly at the gym, be sure to have plenty of tissues nearby though :laugh:
  • sab53
    sab53 Posts: 22 Member
    As long as you sanitize the surfaces you've touched afterwards, it's fine. I actually found that working out helps me to recover from colds faster. Must have something to do with the increase in circulation and the fact that it totally clears my sinuses and lungs better than any decongestant.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It's probably fine for your health although I wouldn't appreciate you spreading cold virus with me at the gym. How about a nice walk or a workout at home instead?

  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm exercising my current cold quite thoroughly. It's done about 10k with me over the past couple of days, and if it's still hanging around on Sunday it's going to do a 10k race with me. I'd prefer to not be working out with a snotty nose and a bit of a cough, but as long as it's a flat run I'm ok. Hills tend to bring me to a standstill.

    As others have said, I'd get out in the fresh air rather than spreading it around an a/c gym.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I have constant allergies and I keep working out. I hate it because it makes me feel drained and out of it but I can't stop because of it. I also don't feel like I am giving it 100% when I am sick.

    Colds are worse, in my opinion. I would just have to judge it on how I felt.
  • I would not go to the gym. With a compromised immune system your cold could get way worse and gyms are breeding grounds for germs. Why not take a walk or do some stuff at home until you are 100%?
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I just make sure I really wipe down the equipment so I'm not passing my germs on and I give myself a bit of a break. I haven't felt great the past few days so instead of running 5min at a time (I'm doing couch to 5K), I've been doing 2-3min at a time. Make sure you drink plenty of water and don't push yourself too hard but if it's not too severe, there's no reason not to get up and move (even if it's just to take a walk). I felt crappy yesterday so I went to the gym intending to just walk on the treadmill for half an hour and I felt ok enough to do a little running and some ab work.
  • stlhrs
    stlhrs Posts: 67 Member
    A few weeks ago I had a nagging cold that wouldn't go away. I had it for over a week. Mostly congestion, no fever or dehydration. I had a 7k run coming up and needed to be over the cold. One day I just decided I was tired of it and tried to "run it out". Ran 6mi that day and cold was gone.

    Again, it was just head/chest congestion, no fever, no dehydration. It worked for me to just push through it. Your mileage may vary.
  • It's probably fine for your health although I wouldn't appreciate you spreading cold virus with me at the gym. How about a nice walk or a workout at home instead?

    that sounds like the safest plan. Thanks everyone!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    if you have the energy for sure, I do , but if your body is tired and no energy, I'd say have a rest day
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