"Sobering" stat about my alcohol consumption...

Holy puns! Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck!

Anyway, I am not losing any weight for two reasons: I am drinking a lot again, and subsequently bingeing my *kitten* off to keep from being hung over.

Not a fantastic strategy, if I do say so myself.

I just used an Alcohol Usage tool to see how my drinking stacks up to others, and the results were pretty clear:

Only 8% of American men drink more than I do.


I have been better for stretches of time since I started myfitnesspal, but overall a cheat day becomes a cheat week, which has become a cheat month. How the hell do I do this?!

What are some strategies for quitting booze AND binge eating... Work out whenever I get the inkling to drink or eat? To stop complaining and be a more disciplined person? All of the above?


  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Why are you drinking so much? Is it to deal with stress? Or relax with friends?
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    What do you want the most?
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Maybe it's time to get help?!? IDK if you are partying or self medicating but either way it sounds like if you can only control the drinking for a short amount of time that you might have a "problem". Best wishes!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    If you're having trouble quitting, I'd recommend something like AA or an outpatient alcohol treatment program. These programs offer a lot of methods for coping with the need to binge and will help you learn why you're doing what you're doing. They aren't just for stereotypical "addicts" anymore.

    I hope you can find some relief soon and best of luck to you!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    that is a hard one!! lifestyle change for sure...and unfortunately sometimes group/friend change :( now I have 2 children, but was young when I had the first. I drank a lot before getting pregnant, unfortunately I lost a lot of friends during pregnancy/post pregnancy. Have you asked yourself why you are drinking too much? Stress, boredom, or other reasons? I would try to get conrtol of the culprit of your binge drinking. Hope this helps!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I would love the link to this "tool"...I want to see if I need to increase my consumption.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Maybe for every drink you are having you have a glass of water in between. Eat a healthy balanced dinner before said alcohol binge. Then when you get home before going to bed take 2 ibeprofen and at least 16oz of water before sleep. When you wake up hung over load up on an omlette with tons of veggies. Just some thoughts. Make it a scheduled event that only happens once a week - plan the rest of your meals and days out at least a day (preferably a week) in advance. And above all stop your self-sabotage!
  • ericjustin1977
    ericjustin1977 Posts: 9 Member


    I definitely self medicate. I have a lot of anxieties in my life, be it from two jobs, to things at home, and honestly it has just become a really comfortable routine. I can go a night without, but once I really say "OK, no more" I get anxious about it.

    My life is a little complicated right now, and I don't have a whole lot in the way of solutions, so I really need something more constructive to give me the same satisfaction being ****-canned does. haha.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone!
  • Chari_Jan
    Chari_Jan Posts: 161 Member
    I have been sober since 5.3.10. Your story is very familiar. I highly suggest hitting up an AA meeting or contacting a rehab center. If only to better educate yourself...you might hear something that you need to hear. I ask that you keep an open mind and look for the similarities instead of focusing on the differences between yourself/situation and others in the room. If you need to talk or have any questions...do not hesistate to ask me.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I think a better question is why are you drinking so much? There really isn't enough information here for us to really help or advise you. Do you have friends who like to party? Do your coworkers go out after work for drinks frequently? Are you stressed, and therefore looking for a way to cope/escape/whatever? Or, if we really wanna go there, do you have alcoholic tendencies?

    The long and short of it is this: at one point, you had this under control. Now, it's out of control. You know yourself best.

    My best advice is to just be honest with yourself about the reasons and work towards change. If you are *not* an alcoholic, here is my suggestion: cut yourself off completely from alcohol. When you think you want it, do something else: exercise, go for a drive, whatever it takes. Then, once you've gotten the parts of your life back into control, reintroduce it in moderation.

    Every now and then a drink is awesome. I probably have a drink twice a week. However, when it's a constant and it dominates your life like it has been, you need to step back, assess, and change.

    Best of luck to you! :smile:
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Only 9% of females drink more than I do. :(

    I'm struggling with this same thing - as horrible as it sounds. I live in Wisconsin - we DRINK!!!! Everything we do revolves around drinking. I do the same thing.... drink... hungover... eat... auuugggg I'm getting no where. Even though I only do this once a week - on the weekend, it's ruining my progress.

    I did decide after this past weekend that I have to be done. For both my weightloss, health and a relationship I'm trying to salvage.

    How I'm going to deal with social situations - I'm not sure yet. But I'm curious to see who will be standing by my skinny self in the end!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    It depends how much motivation you need. Try pre-logging your calories so you know how many drinks would fit in your goal - it won't be many. Don't go over your allotted amount. Also, go do a hard workout the day after you drink. If you're like me, you'll be panting as you run, lifting badly, and generally feeling like crap. Then plan to work out every day that week, and you'll think twice before reaching for a beer or few.

    It's really about what you want more - boozing it up, or being healthy? I still have the occasional weekend binge, but it's certainly not a daily thing. You have to take care of yourself, that liver's gotta last a long time!
  • spartanracer1975
    I am very familiar with your story. I stopped one month ago today and it's been great. But really I had to just make a decision. AA isn't for everyone, you may find what you need there you may not. I suggest breaking up the old routines, that may mean saying good bye to some old friends, or at least turning them down for certain activities.
    Since I stopped drinking I don't remember a day that I missed accidentally on my workouts. In other words, if I take a day off it is always intentional. before I would miss days all the time, claiming a cheat day or whatever, but now I am in such better shape than before. I may be overtraining a bit, but that's okay.
    Make a plan for your workouts or diet and then stick to it, think of that everytime you want to drink. That's what I do. My plans usually include getting to they gym at 4 AM so I can't even drink the night before or I'll never make it.
    Oh, and I do enjoy NA beer, some might think it's a gateway but that is not the case with me. It's actually like a bridge to get me from feeling like I want to drink to realizing I don't.
    Good luck.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I come from the same lifestyle.
    Things that are helping me: Not having as much in the house, pre logging it and not going to the bars for no real reason.
    So far, so good.
    Although when we went out for Halloween, I still drank until I blacked out.
    Am I doing better? Maybe. Am I doing it as often? No.
  • ooshlet
    ooshlet Posts: 18 Member
    me too. i only drink socially so dont think of myself as having a problem, but increasingly i've realised every time i go out it becomes a binge, and i wake up shameful and hungover. i went out on friday and was so hungover on saturday that i missed the gym and lunch with my friends, so ended up alone all weekend, feeling miserable and beating myself up over it. realised after some soul searching that enough is enough.

    thing is, i've always socialised with drinks, and after 20 years of doing this, i'm not sure how you do it otherwise. but i've told myself no drink till christmas day, when i can have a glass of champagne. possibly the worst, so therefore the best, time to stop!
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    When I sat down and evaluated my life, I realized that I did not need the alcohol - what I really wanted was something to do when enjoying a relaxing evening watching tv.

    Now, instead of a glass of wine (that was really 2 glasses of wine) I have either water or tea...... and save my liquid calories for a margarita or draft beer when I go out for dinner with my wonderful husband.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Have you tried slowly tapering back the drinks. One less every week or day or however you think you can handle it? The most immediate change I can suggest is to change up the kind of food you binge on. Have some healthier foods to hand to help with the alcohol after effects. Deli meat wrapped around cheese sticks. Peanut butter and apples. Depends on how you eat and what you eat. Best thing in the world for hangovers is to chug tons of water the night before after you finish with the booze and pop some aspiring BEFORE you go to sleep. Sounds silly but worked for me in college. If you cant change the alcohol then the food is the next choice. Better food choices, things you can binge on but binge on without overdoing eat. Drink tons of water before bed and pop those aspirin.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member


    I definitely self medicate. I have a lot of anxieties in my life, be it from two jobs, to things at home, and honestly it has just become a really comfortable routine. I can go a night without, but once I really say "OK, no more" I get anxious about it.

    My life is a little complicated right now, and I don't have a whole lot in the way of solutions, so I really need something more constructive to give me the same satisfaction being ****-canned does. haha.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone!

    Sounds rough.

    Don't say "I'm done with booze!" and create anxiety. Just start to cut back. It's easy to drink when there's a bunch of beer (or whatever your poison of choice is) at home. Find ways to trick yourself into buying less. Bike to the booze store so you can only carry so much, perhaps? This would be a great choice because biking is exercise, and it will help you relax! Don't be a ***** about the weather; it's 26 degrees here, and I biked 5 miles to work!

    Also see if you can tackle the things that are causing you stress. If you keep drinking, that's probably not going to solve anything. Instead, see if you can figure out what at work is stressing you out (can you re-examine your budget, and work fewer hours?). At home, have a talk with your loved ones. Say you are working to change, and that you will need their support. Discuss what you find frustrating, but also be willing to find out what frustrates them, and work together to have a more harmonious home. Are you living with a partner? Perhaps buy some massage oil. Then, when you feel stressed and feel like drinking, you can instead give each other massages. Sounds way better than alcohol, if you ask me!

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I simply don't buy any beer. That keeps me from drinking it. Or I might buy *one* tall boy and just drink that one, so I can't drink more.


    My Results
    Your answers suggest that alcohol is not likely to be harming your health because you don’t drink more than the USDA Recommended Guidelines.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Only 9% of females drink more than I do. :(

    I'm struggling with this same thing - as horrible as it sounds. I live in Wisconsin - we DRINK!!!! Everything we do revolves around drinking. I do the same thing.... drink... hungover... eat... auuugggg I'm getting no where. Even though I only do this once a week - on the weekend, it's ruining my progress.

    I did decide after this past weekend that I have to be done. For both my weightloss, health and a relationship I'm trying to salvage.

    How I'm going to deal with social situations - I'm not sure yet. But I'm curious to see who will be standing by my skinny self in the end!

    I got this same stat as well. I don't think they ask enough questions to be accurate. What if I'm the person who has ONE glass of wine everyday with dinner? That's healthy enough. It said on a "drinking day", how many drinks do I generally have... 5. But how often do I do that? It never asked me that. Once a month - IF that. Maybe once every 2 months. Happy hour, anyone?