In need of friends for support!

Hi everyone, my name is Ray. I'm 5'6" 185lbs. I've been on MFP since April and I love this place. I started at 235 in April and I stopped at 178 in August. Just took a break for 3 months and I gained 10 lbs so I decided to hit it again. I weighed in at 188 on Wednesday which is when I started again. Weighed in on Saturday at 185. I plan to hit 175 by the end of the month if I don't cheat to much (thanksgiving is coming up). I'm just looking for some friends and motivation to keep going. Maybe some new ideas on food. I try to eat alot of protein and low carbs. I know I can get to 170 but its awfully hard to get below that. My ideal weight would be 155, which is where I would like to be. Thanks for reading and HMU!


  • Oh my goodness you have done SO great!! Add me I would love to be able to support each other in reaching our weight loss goals!!!
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    Your doing awesome! Keep up the good work! Add me and we can help support each other! :)
  • Raysluj
    Raysluj Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both. I also wanted to add that I think my diary is open for you to read. I don't suggest eating exactly what I was eating at that time. I have never been a big eater, I just eat the wrong foods. For me it's always been hard to reach 1000 calories a day which is why I only went to the gym about 10 times during April-August. Now I'm hitting the gym 5 times a week and trying to get at least 1200 calories. So any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    My diary is open as well. I need to work on eating more vegetables during my day. I am open to suggestions as well if you have any :)
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Feel free to add me! We can always use more friends...
  • ~I'm really needing support with my weight loss, looking for friends!!!!~
  • heske12345
    heske12345 Posts: 12 Member
    i'd love to be a motivational friend- i could use one too! well done for losing so much before, i'm finding it really hard to shift the pounds so maybe could do with some sound advice! please feel free to add me :) Ellie
  • Raysluj
    Raysluj Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone. Just posted a pic of myself and my newborn son from about a month and a half ago.
  • Raysluj
    Raysluj Posts: 6 Member
  • Raysluj
    Raysluj Posts: 6 Member