What am I doing wrong???

I have spent the last few years really trying to crack down on my weight. I recently started running, and just ran my first 5k last weekend. after 9 weeks of training and running 4 times a week, I was not losing any weight and I was noticing NO differences what so ever. I have been counting calories, exercising. I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I went to complete nutrition and they put me on some pills to try and help me kick start my metabolism to lose weight. But after 4 weeks of pills I am exactly the same weight. They recently told me I was not eating enough calories (because of how much I was burning off running and whatever these pills are suppose to burn off) so they put me on a diet of 1900 calories a day. YIKES. that seems like so many calories to me since I have been trying to keep my calories at 1400-1600. Now I am just confused, I don't know how many calories I really need to be eating a day and/or what I am doing wrong and why I cannot lose weight. I feel like I am trying so hard and its discouraging to not see any results!! Any suggestions? Advice? or just support?? I would greatly appreciate it!!


  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Without knowing your stats - height, weight, age it's hard to give advice. Also you should open up your diary you'll get more feedback.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Figuring out the right amount of calories you should be eating is hard. If you don't eat enough, you put your body in starvation mode. It takes what you are eating and storing it as fat and not burning it. It's the burning of calories that makes you loss the weight. First thing I would do is throw the dang pills out. There is no such as a cure in the form of a pill out there. Yes, some do work for some people but the mass majority do not work. If it says take this pill and continue to do what you usually do and you will loss weight....RUN AWAY!!

    Next I would look at what you are eating. How is your protein intake? How are your carbs? Take the tools here on MFP and figure out how many calories it says you should eat. Play around a bit. Take a week and eat what it tells you PLUS what you are burning in exercise. You should stay about the same. Then take a week and eat under those same calories by 200 or so. See what your weight is doing then. Once you find where you can eat and loss the weight, stick to it for a while.

    I had gastric bypass in August. I had to really play with my calorie, protein and carb intake to find what works for me. If I eat all protein and very few carbs, I won't loss. I have to have blood work done often. My protein levels were low...yet I was eating the amount of protein the dietician reccommended. Once I added some carbs, I was losing weight faster and my protein levels are now normal.

    Everyone is different and what works of me may not work for you....so play around with it
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If you were not eaing back your exercise calories then there is a good chance that you were not eating enough to fuel your body.

    Good luck. I haven't lost weight in almost a year no matter how I exercise/don't exercise and count my calories.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Open up your diary and let us take a look. Strength and resistence training is very necessary in losing weight Are you only running? Also, low carb, high protein is the WAY to go.

    Give us your height, weight, age etc...
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i'm a runner and eat 3,300 calories a day, yesterday i went for a long run and ate over 5,000 calories, in the past few months i have lost a tiny bit of weight, but i'm not trying to lose, i'm maintaining, chances are great you are not eating enough if you are running a lot, just writing this to tell you not to be afraid to eat more,long story short without all the technical stuff, your body needs fuel to burn, you don't eat enough and it will slow itself down to preserve itself, you eat enough and it will know it has the fuel to burn so it will start burning more :wink:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I have spent the last few years really trying to crack down on my weight. I recently started running, and just ran my first 5k last weekend. after 9 weeks of training and running 4 times a week, I was not losing any weight and I was noticing NO differences what so ever. I have been counting calories, exercising. I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I went to complete nutrition and they put me on some pills to try and help me kick start my metabolism to lose weight. But after 4 weeks of pills I am exactly the same weight. They recently told me I was not eating enough calories (because of how much I was burning off running and whatever these pills are suppose to burn off) so they put me on a diet of 1900 calories a day. YIKES. that seems like so many calories to me since I have been trying to keep my calories at 1400-1600. Now I am just confused, I don't know how many calories I really need to be eating a day and/or what I am doing wrong and why I cannot lose weight. I feel like I am trying so hard and its discouraging to not see any results!! Any suggestions? Advice? or just support?? I would greatly appreciate it!!

    If your metabolism is suppressed because of undereating for your level of activity, you taking a pill to increase it doesn't do any good, it doesn't have the calories to speed up, or rather, other stuff that burns energy will just not be done too, net effect is nothing.

    There are many different levels to your metabolism.

    1900 sounds high compared to what? 1600?

    What did you used to eat that got you into trouble? Does 1900 sound high to probably closer to 3000? And no exercise then?

    So, you know the definition of insane, right. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Ready to do something different for a decent amount of time, like 4 weeks?

    Use the spreadsheet linked to in the post. Be honest with activity levels. And read the limited info carefully to understand.


    Also be aware that if you are exercising, you must be wanting improvement to your body, that may mean inches lost initially, not weight.
  • Hi! sorry not really sure what I'm doing haha how do I open my diary??
  • vadarvs
    vadarvs Posts: 19 Member
    I have been just as discouraged lately. However, I know that my lack of seeing results is because I will splurge from time to time. Even though I will still be under my calorie goal for the day, I'm not seeing the results I want. My weigh in yesterday was a little discouraging, but my husband pointed out that I wasn't as strict with my diet as I was the month before. So today I have decreased my calorie intake and will see how that affects anything. I would recommend you also watch sugar and sodium intake. If you only focus on the calories, you will miss out on tracking the other info that is just as important.
  • Heybales pretty much nailed it. What happens if you repeat something over and over and over and over and.....??? Yep, same here. I get really bored. So does your body. Survival of the fittest means those best at adaptation and thats what your body can do. Two years ago I weight 230lbs, body fat of 31% and very unfit. Anything that challenges your body to change is better than nothing.

    In terms of your body, what is your composition? Are you thin and lean or shorter but more muscly? Muscle weighs more than fat...you may just be converting fat to muscle in the legs. Food - Are you eating Carbs? Complex carbs or simple? All these things matter.

    Remember, science can tell you the world, but if it doesnt work for YOU then it DOESNT work. Every step forward takes you closer to your goal, no matter how far that goal is...

    CHIN UP!!!
  • Feeling so much better already! Thank you everyone for the advice! I Opened up my diary. If you have any suggestions of things I should be eating that would be great. The guy at complete nutrition told me that I needed to be eating pretty much the same boring things (pecans and blueberries, along with my protein shake) for every meal (he put me on a 5 small meals a day thing) but after day one I was so sick of pecans I couldn't even choke them down. I really just want to be eating HEALTHY!
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Go back to basics - use this site http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bf/ to get your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) do not include your excerise just you normal daily lifestyle and then eat 515 calories per day less than that for each pound a week you want to lose. Set this as your goal here.

    Calories in = calories out

    You are not logging every day - you should reslove to log everything every day that way you will know if you are on goal.

    Get a Heart Rate Monitor if you do not have one and use that to track you calories burnt, do not trust the burn rates on this site - then if you want to you may eat some or all of these calories back.

    Keep this up for at least a month then decide if you need to adjust anything.

    Good Luck