Alright boys... where are you hiding?



  • awadm
    awadm Posts: 252
    Seriously, guys! Come out and play!..we don't bite, ya know :flowerforyou:
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    23 going to be 24 next month :glasses:
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks for making me feel old! Damn... =(
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    They're all tied up in my basement and will remain that way for the time being. Sorry.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I want some more guy friends too. Not that I don't mind having girls as friends I like guys too. I need diversity on my FL.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i'm 28 but i keep my friend list very low (20 friends right now) i'm not a collecter, i try to only have motivating friends, and by that i mean people who excercise and i can see that thing on my page pop up saying _____ burned 1263 calories doing ______ ....i don't care if you ever write on my wall or say good job or any of that i feed off some friendly compitition, if you fit this catogory feel free to add me :laugh:

    ETA: 1263 is not a minimum calorie burn, just saying i like people who i constantly see excercise being done :wink: :laugh:
  • thyagofalconi
    thyagofalconi Posts: 16 Member
    Hey. 25!
  • Where's all the 20-30 guys at? I'm adding lots of girls my age which is fab! But I want some dude friends too, haha

    Let me know if you find some who aren't creepers!
  • I use this to track food mostly, I don't go on the posts so much but you can add me I don't have a ton of friends on here yet :/
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    i'm 28 but i keep my friend list very low (20 friends right now) i'm not a collecter, i try to only have motivating friends, and by that i mean people who excercise and i can see that thing on my page pop up saying _____ burned 1263 calories doing ______ ....i don't care if you ever write on my wall or say good job or any of that i feed off some friendly compitition, if you fit this catogory feel free to add me :laugh:

    ETA: 1263 is not a minimum calorie burn, just saying i like people who i constantly see excercise being done :wink: :laugh:

    Hey lol I burned those 1200 calories honestly!! I promise that was hard work I did my legs were sore from my workout last night!! :wink: :happy:
  • They're all tied up in my basement and will remain that way for the time being. Sorry.

    You don't have to tie us up... We're not going anywhere.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i'm 28 but i keep my friend list very low (20 friends right now) i'm not a collecter, i try to only have motivating friends, and by that i mean people who excercise and i can see that thing on my page pop up saying _____ burned 1263 calories doing ______ ....i don't care if you ever write on my wall or say good job or any of that i feed off some friendly compitition, if you fit this catogory feel free to add me :laugh:

    ETA: 1263 is not a minimum calorie burn, just saying i like people who i constantly see excercise being done :wink: :laugh:

    Hey lol I burned those 1200 calories honestly!! I promise that was hard work I did my legs were sore from my workout last night!! :wink: :happy:

    :laugh: you were actually who i was thinking of when i wrote that, and i know it's not easy, that's exactly why it is inspiring and why i need more people like you on my friends list :wink: i promise you those high numbers you see on my excercise isn't easy either :laugh:
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    not hiding, and just a touch over your 30 year limit (31) but feel free to add me if you would like :smile:
  • Whoever Said they are playing on cod that's true and funny lol.... Saying that new halo and assassins creed just out lol
  • AdventureVia
    AdventureVia Posts: 84 Member
    Heyo! I'm back in the gym as of a few weeks ago (lost 80 pounds, took 2 years off!) I'm down 15 pounds so far and have a long way to go!

    I do have a super awesome amazing girlfriend but I totally need more friends and support on here! Add me up!
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    Whoever Said they are playing on cod that's true and funny lol.... Saying that new halo and assassins creed just out lol

    not all of us, i have never played any COD, have not played the halo series, and i only played a little of the first assassins creed, i prefer excercise to calling some 13 year old kid a douche for killing me on a video game. i am a rare breed :laugh:
  • Lol your definitly one of a kind lol ^^
  • sky3z
    sky3z Posts: 190 Member
    Funny thread, lol
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I'd say right here but you found me before I even knew.
  • sizco18
    sizco18 Posts: 26 Member