Eating everything in sight after a workout!

Does anyone else do this?

I eat really well throughout the workday and go to the gym right after. The second I walk in the door, I start preparing dinner. I start snacking on triscuits or popcorn or fruit while it's cooking. It's like a food rampage!

Granted, I always stay within my calorie goal (usually within 100 calories because I stop myself before a full-on binge) but I definitely cannot stop eating after working out. THEN I have unlimited energy and usually stay up late cleaning my house, reading or watching movies!

Not that I'm complaining because there are all good things but I just feel like a FOOD MONSTER sometimes!


  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I wish I could help you/had some advice or great tips... but I feel like a food monster all the time!!

    Hey, I'm from Portland, too!!! Maybe there's something in the water.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I get really hungry after long workouts. A protein-based snack will usually do the trick for me, plus it helps your muscles repair after workout. I love South Beach's Protein bars. Only 140 calories and yummy! Cheese is a good one, too. It's filling and has protein.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    :flowerforyou: Hey Ladies,

    I'm also a Mainer... Portland area as well.

    Small world huh?

    It sounds like you've formed a habit of allowing yourself to let the food monster out. Make a plan, prep you’re after workout snack or meal and then focus on just sticking with that. What time of day do you exercise? Our bodies release tons of endorphins while working out which gives us a renewed version of energy!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I don't do it after the gym, but I do it all the time when I'm preparing my lunch for work the next day.

    I would bring something with you to the gym (protein bar, almonds, banana, etc...) and eat it on the drive home. Or just leave it so that the first thing you see when you come in the door?!

    New England represent! (I'm from Massachusetts!)
  • I always have a protein shake within 20 minutes of working out. It's the best way to help build lean muscles.
  • This happens to me lots! I've found that I can keep myself from eating lots after a workout if I consume some extra food before the workout starts. Then when I come home I have a little something like a glass of skim milk, and I don't snack as much.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Hi Mainers!

    I work out when I get out of work at 6pm, which means I haven't eaten much since 3pm (if I have a mid-afternoon snack). I recently changed my daily calorie goal from 1400 to 1200, I think that might have something to do with it.

    I will make a point to eat more protein (and more in general) throughout the day!

    Thanks for listening!

    -FM (Food Monster)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Well isn't this weird? I saw this topic and couldn't wait to post about having the same problem and then I see that it's a Maine thing. I live in San Diego now but I grew up in Brunswick. This is truly a scientific mystery.

    I've starting having a cup of strong herbal tea after dinner. It helps me stop the shoveling long enough for my stomach to realize it's not empty anymore, it feels almost like dessert (sigh...almost) and it also gets me relaxed and down from the workout high.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I would say make your pm snack a daily event and get a good protein bar/ protein shake (watch out for high sugar and try to get 10 - 15g of protein in there) to get you through your workout and make it to dinner.
    then drink a big glass of water after your workout to keep ur tummy full til dinner or you can do this vice versa.
    (lots of water pre work out to keep you hydrated and then protein bar/shake post workout)

    I use Zone Perfect protein bars in almond raisin and they are yummy and keep me full thru to my workout.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Mainers!

    I work out when I get out of work at 6pm, which means I haven't eaten much since 3pm (if I have a mid-afternoon snack). I recently changed my daily calorie goal from 1400 to 1200, I think that might have something to do with it.

    I will make a point to eat more protein (and more in general) throughout the day!

    Thanks for listening!

    -FM (Food Monster)

    I actually just did the opposite. I upped my daily calories from 1200 - 1400 because I use to be the "food monster" as well. Especially if I did my workout after work and then started preparing dinner after that. Since upping my calories I have a little bigger snack late afternoon and that seems to help with my hunger before and after my workouts.
  • Keep your water bottle next to is probably your body crying for water:) Hope that helps.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Being ravenous after a hard workout is normal. I would recommend bringing a high quality snack to consume on your way home from the gym. Just before you get out of the car, having finished your wonderful snack, start gnawing on a stick of gum. It should really help curb the pre-dinner binge.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I get really hungry after a long workout as well. When I was working out at night, I was having a heck of a time staying under my calorie limit. I switched my workouts to pre-dinner, and that seems to have solved the problem for the most part. :)

    I'm in New Brunswick...the Canadian Maine, and right above you guys.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    If your work out is truly hard and not a leisurely 15 min walk in the park. Then I would suggest 8 - 12 oz of low fat 1% Chocolate milk. Its one of the best combinations of protein/carbs/and fats that your body needs after a work out. Additionally chocolate milks is delicious after a long day of eating healthy.
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    It's not the most exciting option, but I enjoy eating hard-boiled egg whites after a workout. My trainer had said that generally it is a good idea to consume some protein about 30 minutes after a workout. I used to work out in the mornings, so I would do a protein shake when I got home from the gym, and then two egg whites with some raw veggies when I got to work. It sounds so plain, but it kept me from eating everything in sight once I got to the office. :-)
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I grew up in Brunswick, too! So weird.

    I am a fan of the snack in the car, then gum before the house idea, and am probably going to do this myself! Days when I forget to put a snack in the car, I think I'm going to make that chocolate milk! I have heard that's great for you after a work out in several places, too.
  • tmomma
    tmomma Posts: 5
    Ditto on the Protein Shake, immediatley to within 30mins after your workout!!!
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Wish I would have read this 3 hours ago.
    I am the opposite, I am NOT hungry after my workout.
    But have felt weak and queasy during , so I have started eating a little something before and a little something right after.
    I think I messed up this morning.
    I have heard about these Larabars and Luna bars on MFP.
    I bought 2 of each yesterday, the calorie count was tucked under the seam on the wrapper( the Larabar) and couldnt see it until you opened it.
    SHOULD HAVE BEEN A WARNING, so this morning I am all gung hoe to try my new food/workout plan and see how I feel.
    Ate a medium tangelo ( carbs) 70 calories 1/2 hr before working out.
    Burned 527 calories in my 57 minute workout........then ate that damn Larabar 220 calories !!!!!! 11 gr fat 31 gr carbs and only 3 grams of protein !!!! HUH? who said these things were good POST-workout food? All that hard work, and I feel like crap for eating that mini crappy bar. Oh, I also had a sm cup of skim milk ( protein)
    So today I am going to buy some good old fashioned chocolate milk, which ironically I have been craving. Weird, and I am gonna try that tomorrow for after my workout.
    Thanks for all the advice, I can really use it.
  • Keep your water bottle next to is probably your body crying for water:) Hope that helps.

    I agree, I try to chug water when I'm in food monster mode. If I'm still starving 15 minutes later, then I eat something.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I eat either 1/2 of a Clif Builder's Bar (all natural) or a Think Thin bar immediately (I mean within 5 minutes immediately) after I finish working out. If I don't, I become nearly frantic to get food....anything...And we definately don't want that. My nutritionist said that I needed to do this as well. It helps enormously!

    Oh and I drink water throughout my workouts, and after as well. Easily 40+ oz relating to the workout.