Disproportionately Large Waist?

Does anyone else here feel like their waist is far too large for their body size? Did your proportions get better as you continued to lose body fat, or is it something we just have to deal with?

I'm 5'6", 138 pounds, and my measurements are 36-30-38. It looks ridiculous. I look big because my waist is so wide. My stomach is actually pretty flat, so it might just be the way my frame is built :(
I was looking at the measurements in the 150-160 pound thread, and was so discouraged. A lot of the girls in my height range (5'5-5'7) at that weight had a 28" or so waist. I don't understand why mine refuses to shrink :(

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


  • You're close to the weight/height/measurements I started with, actually. I started with measurements about 32-30-41 (5'5", 140lbs). Now I'm at 30.5-26-35.5.

    So yes, your waist might get smaller! It could be your frame, sure, but I thought the same and look what happened. And it might take time, it all depends on where your body thinks fat should come off of first.
  • At my skinniest, I was 38,31,39 and I'm 5'9. It's just the way we're built. It does cause few problems when it comes to fashion because if I wanted a pencil skirt, but considering the proportions, I'd look ridiculous. I wouldn't worry too much about it though. Being toned and fit matters the most. If you're debating on possibly removing part of your ribs and wearing a corset, I don't think that'd be a good idea, but that's just my personal opinion. :X
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Well I am 5 foot 5, weigh in at 156 pounds and I am 38, 33, 39 at the moment...never had a teeny waist over 20 years old...
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 28"-23.5"-31"

    So my upper body has always been tiny. Im a pear :((I'm 5,6. 116 lbs)
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I would guess it depends on how short your torso is...I have long legs but my waist is short. So at my skinniest I am 30-31 inch waist (and healthy weight). I am however NOT my skinniest right now.
  • Does anyone else here feel like their waist is far too large for their body size?
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I'm built the same way, with long legs and large breasts.

    When you lose weight and tone, you will have a rocking figure. Don't sweat not having a tiny waist.
  • I actually have a small waist and big hips that I cant get rid of. So it looks quite disproportional.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    Oh yes...... me!

    I am build like a sheet of plywood - from the side I am skinny, but from the front I'm built like a rectangle. All the women on my father's side of the family are the same - a huge barrel chest with no waist. My measurements are 110lbs, 5'5", 33-25-37, but all the difference between waist and hip is in my *kitten* - from the front I barely change. I also have a really short, thick neck, so I look like I've had an anvil dropped on my head and I've been compressed...

    It sucks! I'd love to have a smaller waist, but this is what I'm stuck with. You might find you change a lot as you lose weight, though.
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    It sounds like your natural body shape may be an athletic figure - there's some more info on that here: http://www.channel4.com/4beauty/style/dress-for-your-body-shape/athletic/how-to-dress-an-athletic-body-shape

    I have a friend who looks like this and I envy her because she always looks stylish and lots of different clothes suit her shape.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Yes the curse of being a rectangle body shape. And yes it gets better with weight loss but we never turn into hourglasses (sadly).
  • I started with 42.35 .40. now with reagular execise I am 40. 32 .38 so I say it's the exercise that helps so dont give up :smile:
  • Thank you for your kind comments! You ladies all look gorgeous to me, so I'll keep at it and focus on health and overall fitness. Thanks again for making me feel like I'm not alone!
  • I'm an orange on stilts.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I actually have a small waist and big hips that I cant get rid of. So it looks quite disproportional.

    Yeah this is me too. Small waist and bust but huge hips and thighs. Learn to embrace!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Carrying my 9#3oz son blew my waistline all to ****. I may never get it back. Fortunately that's what corsets are for. I don't think I'll ever have a 20" waistline again but I can hope! It was 36-20-36 at one point many, many years ago BC (before children).
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Be sure you are measuring in the correct place. Your waist is not necessarily where your pants fit or at your belly button like some people seem to think. It is at the smallest section of your torso. In my case it's an inch or so above my belly button.
  • That's not bad at all. I have the weirdest body shape ever (according to some sites it's called a spoon shape) and I have a REALLY big waist. The last time I measured myself I was 38-36-42. I live in baggy jumpers and t-shirts as my stomach just sticks out so much, at least yours is flat.

    I did have a small waist once, so it gives me hope that hopefully once I've lost the weight I can have a normal body shape. At my slimmest my body measurements were 28-23-30, I'm not looking to get that slim again, but would just like to have a waist again.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I'm short waisted (and short in general) and even at my lowest weight, I think I have a boxy-looking mid-section.
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    You're not alone!! (Obviously by all the replies :)). I"m 5'1, 118 pounds and 35, 30, 36. I like the link above about the "athletic" figure - sounds much better than a 'boyish' figure! The more I lose weight the more I think "aha.....this is what my figure is ACTUALLY meant to look like" instead of being a bloated sack of potatoes :D Acceptance is key! Good luck :)