Looking for before and after Mirena success stories!



  • Without looking at your diary and having more info about your current stats it would be difficult to detect any other problems.

    Most people (and no one take this the wrong way, its merely an observation!)
    Most people who gain weight on a contraceptive method, do so because of an increased appetite.

    Now thats not to say everyone who does gain is over eating, but its the reason behind the weight gain side effect being written.

    Birth control meds, especially the levonorgestrel in the mirena have a tendency to reduce free (or serum) testosterone.

    While it supposedly doesnt impair sexual function... testosterone is important for muscle production, and in women, testosterone levels are already low (this is why men are generally stronger than women all other things being equal) take some more out and i can see a problem with muscle generation.

    It also decreases the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

    Now in women, an increase of DHT can lead to male features being expressed (deeper voice and facial hair) so it stands to reason that if you take even more out then you get more female features, lower muscle mass being one of those features.

    your main counter to this would be exercise and mostly you want strength training to build muscle (muscle not only burns more calories when idle than fat, but also produces some testosterone) which would counter the effect of the mirena.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    I had my daughter in July of 2010 and weighed about 155 after and had lost weight and gotten down to about 145 in the year that followed. In may of 2011 I got the mirena and stopped getting my period all together. After I stopped getting my period everything was fine for a few months and then I noticed the weight gain. I worked out and did MFP and weight watchers and could not lose a pound. I would just gain. When I went in mid September of 2012 I get it removed I weighed 178. I had many side effects fom the mirena. My doctor did all the blood tests and they all came back fine. I went right on the pill after removal and she told me it may take a few weeks to see any weight loss bc she had seen this before and sure enough in the third week of my pack of pills I lost 10lbs! I am hoping that is just the start! But I went from looking 7 months pregnant all in my belly to somewhat normal again. So good luck to everyone. I know some people it has been great for and others who have hated it.

    [I felt like I was reading my own post when I read this!]
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had my Mirena placed at the beginning of September. Days after I started with MFP. No troubles losing weight here!!
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    I was on Mirena and I gained gained gained despite what I did. I got it out a month and a half ago... suddenly I'm losing weight. :)
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    I think Mirena works great for some people, others not so much. You'll know if it doesn't work for you. I felt bloated and gross all the time and I was CONSTANTLY irritable and angry. I got it out and I felt/feel soooo much happier and losing weight isn't impossible anymore!
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    I've had my Mirena since November of 2011. Started my weight loss in January of 2012 and right now I am down 54 pounds so it hasn't caused me any issues with that.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I hate it. Gaiined weight with it and had horrible mood changes all the time. Also had no interest in sex whatsoever, and it's really not normal for me.

    Not using it anymore.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Well...tomorrow is the day! I am scared and excited! I will update my progress and see how it goes.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Good luck! Bit late now, but I have had a Mirena since Feb and I lost weight fine on it.
  • I gained 30lbs. very unexpectedly when I had a Mirena put in back in July 2009, by that October I'd gained back all the baby weight I'd lost prior to having it placed at my post partum appointment. During October & November I had some tests run (thyroid function) which all came back fine, went on a good diet/exercise plan and the numbers should have indicated a slow loss but nothing. I had my Mirena taken out in early December and almost immediately started dropping weight. I dropped about 10-15 pounds before I got pregnant with my 2nd in January.

    I have a paraguard now after baby #3 and I love it. I'm still breastfeeding so my periods are still super light but I've lost 16 pounds in about 7 weeks since I started really kicking my butt into gear with the weight loss thing.
  • I had Mirena put in April 2012 and removed September 25, 2012. I'm 5'2", very petite and very athletic (runner). My weight is normally between 99 - 102 pounds. I noticed in August that my clothes were all very tight, my stomach looked very bloated -almost protruding (I never have issues with my stomach). My skin was breaking out/looked "aged", my hair felt dry, I had cellulite on back of my legs, I felt depressed, was forgetful and tired all the time. I did some research online and read about so many women who have had these same side effects. So, I had it removed at the end of September. When the doctor weighed me, I was 109 pounds - almost a 10 pound weight gain, which was shoking, given that I had no change in eating habits (always healthy) and I was constantly exercising. I'm now about 6 weeks after removal, just got my period, my stomach bloat has gone down, I've lost a couple of pounds, feel happier and my skin and hair look better. I also have been drinking tons of water and completely cut out coffee to flush my sytem of the toxins/extra hormones. I think this has helped tremendously. I would recommend that anyone having side effects have it removed immediately. Your body will go back, it will just take some time for your hormones to normalize/balance out. Flush your system as much as possible to speed this up. Hope this helps - good luck girls!
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    I've lost 50lbs since having Mirena in January 2012. At first I found cravings were worse, but not anymore. I eat around 1400 calories, and make sure to weigh and measure everything.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Well....it is done! My doctor was awesome too! He said that he has seen this....in very few people, but he has seen it. He was pretty sure it is my mirena that has been giving me fits, but he is going to do blood work to be sure. He said after removal that I should start feeling better. I am keeping my fingers crossed! :-)

    I will keep checking in!

    Thanks for the responses and keep em' coming!
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I got it this past July. I have gained a few pounds since then but not sure that I can attribute it to Mirena.

    Hope you feel better once its removed. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • haylo817
    haylo817 Posts: 4 Member
    Just adding to this conversation. I just switched from Mirena to Paraguard. I actually lost 30 pounds when I was on Mirena through the standard eating well and exercising. It was hard but my body was able to do it.

    The reason I switched was because I am working with a holistic doctor. I've been trying to push past a plateau and wasn't seeing the success I was hoping for even through a really solid regimen. She has seen a lot of women who have gotten off hormonal birth control and then were able to lose weight.

    It's my belief that birth control itself won't make you gain weight but it may impede weight loss or increase appetite, which can contribute to weight gain. I also think it could be healthier to not have artificial levels of hormones in my body long term.

    The removal and re-insertion process was uncomfortable and slightly painful. But it was very short and worth it. The doctor actually used a spray on novacaine. So much better than a needle!

    I also asked my doctor to run a hormonal test and he agreed. He didn't expect me to see any abnormalities, but he was also happy to oblige.

    My moral of the story is to do your research, but at the end of the day use your own intuition. Be your own advocate for your health. It sometimes is scary to push your doctor to run tests or change treatment, but it's your body and your money!

    Thanks to everyone who has added to this conversation! I'll let you know how my paraguard works.
  • bcumak
    bcumak Posts: 18 Member
    I had the Mirena put in October 2012 and also started going to the gym to loose weight at the same time. The first 8 weeks I gained a few lbs, and was feeling really frustrated. I went to my doctor to discuss having it removed. He discussed how maybe I was adding muscle...yeah, yeah this didn't feel like muscle and he also suggested that I watch what I am eating and see how things are after the holidays. I am so glad that I waited. Three weeks ago I found MFP and have been watching what I eat (no more raiding my kids Halloween stash...how many calories could be in a "mini" piece of chocolate?). What did I learn? I eat like a cow which is why I gained weight...go figure:) In the past 3 weeks with MFP I have lost 6 lbs (just 14 more to go!!). I know that everyone's body responds differently to hormones but for me I found that my occasional acne had cleared up and I just felt better. I also need the hormones to reduce my heavy bleeding (TMI), Mirena helped tremendously with that. I think everybody's bodies are different and you just need to do what is right for you.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    I have the same problem: weight gain, forgetful, depressed, tiiiired all the time!! Keep us posted :)
  • nishbaybe92
    nishbaybe92 Posts: 18 Member
    So here is what I can say from my extensive internet and personal experience research with Mirena.

    I found that more often than not, more women experienced weight gain, commonly between 20-30lbs, within a short time frame. Let it be stated that a good percentage did not experience any changes in their bodies whatsoever...but by comparing numbers on multiple websites, it was clear that the ones who saw gain vs. not seeing changes were 70/30. These are my own personal observations and numbers, so do with them what you will.

    Personally, I am 5'0, and started (before any birth control) at 105lbs. Then, I was put on the depo for a couple years, and my weight only went up from there. Not changing my diet and workout, I went up to 130lbs. It was when I reached 140 that I began an actual diet/work out routine. I signed up for yoga. I did a mile long walk 4 days a week. I also started a new job that had me on my feet for 4 hours at a time. I cut out soda and juice, and went on a mostly liquid diet. That said, my weight topped off at 150lbs.

    Until I got Mirena. I got Mirena in about a year ago. Since then, I put on an additional 30lbs. It was when I reached 155 that I decided to up my healthy living. I ran everyday, I only drank water (a minimum of 9 cups a day), cut out all junk and fast food, increased my fruits and veggies, cut carbs and sugar...I was living on a mostly PURE diet...meaning, no extra calories, no preservatives, no extra sodiums, etc. And I hadnt lost a lb. I stepped it up even more, to the point where i was living off of smoothies, tea, water, grilled chicken breast, fruits and veggies, ate all healthy, drank well, and worked out. I lost 5lbs over the course of 5 months...that's it.I couldnt lose anymore, no matter how much I upped running. I threw in weight training as well. Still nothing. When I first went to lose weight (before birth control) I lost weight steadily over the course of a few months....about 20lbs in 4months...so this was NOT normal. Understand, I am young (only 21) so I should still have a good metabolism.

    Mirena works by tricking your body into thinking it is pregnant. So it makes sense that women would experience pregnancy like symptoms. I've seen all sorts: hair loss, back pain, weight gain, horrible cravings, heavy bleeding, terrible cramping, fatigue, depression, little to no sex drive...this coming from both women with and without children....(I am one of the women on it without children).

    Dr.s will also, often tell you that "its not possible for Mirena to cause those things" or "its just your body not wanting to lose weight" or "its just a combo of muscle gain and water weight" and they will try to talk you out of getting it removed. The best thing you can do for yourself is trust your instincts. You know your body better than anyone,so go off what you know. But because Mirena DOES use hormone, be it a small amount, it still IS possible. IMPORTANT to remember, that everyone reacts different. So a small amount of extra hormone for one person might not cause changes, but someone else might be very sensitive, and will see drastic affects.

    After removal, it was also reported that many women saw weight loss, commonly ranging between 15-30lbs.

    So after my research, and months of struggling to lose weight, I have made my decision and will have it removed on Tuesday the 25th. I personally feel its best for me, some may not feel that way, and that is perfectly OK.

    The point of this is to hopefully help some women benefit one way or another.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have Mirena and I've been losing weight just fine. I doubt if that's the problem. I think it's pretty ridiculous that some of the people on this thread are saying that doctors have told them Mirena isn't the problem but those doctors are wrong...how do you figure? When hormonal birth control does cause weight gain, which it legitimately does for some women, it's on the order of 5-10 pounds. If you've gained way more than that, it's a calories in/calories out problem. If you feel like it was easier for you to lose weight after quitting birth control, that would most likely be the placebo effect. Whatever works for you, I guess, but people who did not go to medical school do not understand medicine better than people who did, and the vast majority of doctors want to help you. They aren't the enemy. Personal anecdote does not trump actual research.