People who dye their hair, is it just me or...



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I've never had anyone attempt that conversation with me. Hmm.

    Why did you dye your hair?

    This really makes me long for our M, W, F arrangement to kick in...
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    No one has ever asked me that.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I was a bottle blonde during college and a red head starting at age 24. Now it's back to it's natural, mousy brown/dishwater blonde color.

    My boyfriend, about a week after we met, asked why I dyed my hair. I told him the truth, it was to cover up the gray hair I had discovered at age 22. I'm now 30 and have started to "own" my gray hair. Not thrilled but I'm going gray while my boyfriend is going bald. We're even :-)
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    Been coloring my hair since I was 13.... I have been asked why did you choose that color... I was orange at one point but absolutely loved it...but never asked why I chose to dye it in general
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I had someone tell me yesterday that they miss my blond streaks.
    Miss them???? I'm still trying to figure that one out.
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    The closest I got to someone saying something like that was a week ago and one of the workout trainers was coming in as I was. It was a bright, sunny day so my hair looked really red in the sun. I dyed it a burgundy black (mixed two different colors). She said something like wow, looks like someone dyed their hair for a party. I was like no, this is the color I want it to be. Then she goes, oh, it looks nice. Yeah, umm OK.

    I used to have blue and purple streaks in my hair and I didn't mind the questions then. I was the first one to do it in my high school so I figured it would pose some attention.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I would get asked that all the time when I dyed my hair
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I've been asked that a million times because my hair color has always changed from week to week. Doesn't really bother me much, but my answer is pretty simple. "I got bored with my hair color, so I changed it."

    Although today had to be the best reaction to my hair yet. Right now my hair is fire engine red, a woman came up to me in the grocery store, jaw agape and just looked at me and said "OH MY GOD, GIRL. I LOVE THAT COLOR. THAT'S HOT," and just walked away. That was soooo hilarious but complimentary!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think most women do dye their hair, so I find it odd that anyone would ask about it. I don't dye my hair cuz I've got these really cool silver streaks at my temples. But no one ever asks me why I don't dye.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I've actually had people ask me why I wear color contacts... boy do they shut the F up when I prove to them that this is my actual eye color

    lol I have gotten this too since HS....I wear contacts...but to see, not to change the color.
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    yes...i got told i was fickle cause i change it often?!?! not sure how my hair reflects my commitments lol. i change it depending on the season...its autumn now so im red! x
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I'll ask why someone choose a particular color when they have like purple or blue or neon green. And it's meant jokingly - afterall how serious can you be when you have purple hair ;)
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Oh honey, I'm a different colour every 6 weeks, so people are used to my wild hair changes! LOL!! :drinker:

    But should someone ask, I always try to answer a question WITH a question, such as "Why do you ask?" or "Why do you want to know?" Say it with a smile, dripping with honey, and set them in their judgemental place! :tongue:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    People never ask me if I dye my hair. Guess black works well for me. When I used to get it for other color I just told them I need a color to match my personality.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I get this question a lot and I always want to answer with "Just to annoy you"... lol
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't think anyone has asked me WHY I dye my hair.

    And I have hot pink streaks in mine right now. Huh.
  • MonicaLee92
    Yeah I could see if I dyed it an unnatural color or something. I haven't done that since I was in the eighth grade though lol I've gone from auburn to red to strawberry blonde to blonde to brown with blonde underneath to dark brown with blonde underneath back to natural (light brown) and now i've been doing darkest brown lately. So they're not even out of the ordinary colors lol but everytime I dye my hair I get asked that over and over.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    When people ask me this question, I always reply with "because I wanted to?"
    My hair color should be the least of a few of my "friends" concerns.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    When they ask I always say "because I am far too young for the amount of grey hair I already have."