So effin' sick of it ALL! *insert head explosion here*

I know, I know. I should be happy that I've lost the weight that I have thus far. I'm about 13 pounds or so away from my goal weight. BUT, and there's always a but, it feels like I still have 300 pounds left to lose. The last few pounds just will not go away. I've tried changing up my diet, changing up workout dvd's, taking breaks, then working out like mad, eating more, eating less AND NOTHING , and I mean nothing, seams to be breaking my damn plateau. It seams like my body won't give up those last few pounds of lard without an all out fist fight.

What do I do? I can't afford a gym membership. Everything I do, I do on my own at home and with the help of my obsessive google searches and youtube videos. I feel like throwing that scale out the window everytime I step on it.

I don't want to give up and just throw in the towel, but I'm the type of person who eats more when they feel depressed about how much they ate. When I don't see results, it makes me care less and totally kills my motivation.

Help. Please. I'll take all the advice I can get.


  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    Do you run? Running is what helped me get the most weight off and really start to get fit. If you don't you can start slowly with a walk run routine. Google couch to 5k.
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I would go with it and toss the scale out the window. Find exercise activities and things that you enjoy. Do them regularly. Have fun with your days and just count on the waistband of your pants to guide you.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    I hear you I have been stuck since dec. It drives me nuts.
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    I have way more than 13lbs to go...but I hear you and am feeling your frustration. I don't know what to suggest. But I encourage you not to throw in the towel. It is bound to least that is what I keep trying to convince myself of.
  • imdamom
    imdamom Posts: 42
    Maybe it's your body's way of telling you that you are at your right weight. I have read a few different articles that talk about how "goal weights" aren't always right. They are usually based on an arbitrary number that we have decided is the right weight for us with no reason behind it. They have gone on to say that if your body always seems to stick at a certain weight, then that's probably the correct - happy - weight for you. Perhaps you should get your body fat % professionally tested and check your BMI to see if it's in the healthy range for your height. Maybe you are already at the weight your body was meant to be. If you still just have to lose a certain number of pounds to get to your goal weight, maybe you could take a week or two and stay in maintenance mode and then start back up to see if your body is then ready to give up those last few pounds.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    What types of workouts are you doing? I decided to quit my gym because it just didn't fit in my day to go there, workout, shower, get back to work. I started working out from home but have limited space, so like you, I found some YouTube videos to start with. The biggest score that I have found in terms of workouts I can do at home is this site: -- short, intense circuit training workouts. The host has an amazing body that really has inspired me (helps get my boyfriend interested in the workouts too....)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Maybe it's your body's way of telling you that you are at your right weight. I have read a few different articles that talk about how "goal weights" aren't always right. They are usually based on an arbitrary number that we have decided is the right weight for us with no reason behind it. They have gone on to say that if your body always seems to stick at a certain weight, then that's probably the correct - happy - weight for you. Perhaps you should get your body fat % professionally tested and check your BMI to see if it's in the healthy range for your height. Maybe you are already at the weight your body was meant to be. If you still just have to lose a certain number of pounds to get to your goal weight, maybe you could take a week or two and stay in maintenance mode and then start back up to see if your body is then ready to give up those last few pounds.

    That was my thought, perhaps your body knows far more than your scale does? The last bit can be frustrating as it does come off far more slowly but it really could be that altering your goal to the feel of clothing, energy, how much you can do now that you couldn't do even a couple months back. Those can be an incredible marker on what's really going on with your body.

    You've done a lot of hard work, our bodies are so amazing how they adjust and perhaps yours is telling your something?

    I'm one that steps on a scale but I don't live by it, we go up and down each day and if I went by that it'd send me into a depressed state too!

    I'm so sorry you're feeling such frustration:ohwell: , but I really do think if we look back at how far we've come since the beginning of our lifestyle changes, we'd realize how truly far we've come!! Think if you had a friend that was where you were at, would you look at her progress or what she hasn't done yet?

    We can be Soooo very hard on ourselves, Hon you've come so far, CONGRATULATIONS on your success!:drinker:
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I am right there with everyone else. I havent lost a thing in two months. I gave up about two weeks ago
  • jenniferb
    jenniferb Posts: 31
    So have you tried to drink more water? Water flushes fat, and my doc. told me thats the only way to get it out of your body. Also try eating more fiber.
  • bathori
    bathori Posts: 33
    When you've lost as much weight as you have your body is (and this sucks!) much more efficient at using energy. The last few pounds are always the hardest but don't give up, you just need to make every workout and meal count for the next few weeks and you're there!

    I don't know what kind of workouts you're doing or how solid your diet is but, generally, when you get to this point you need to REALLY tighten up your diet - keep it 100% clean with protein at every meal, and ramp up the intensity of your workouts, increasing the weight if you can (or do alternate body weight exercises that are a lot tougher, eg. pushups with your feet elevated). You're almost there good luck!!!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I wouldn't stress over it, still be healthy but take a break from the obsessiveness of this lifestyle. Remember all you've learned and chill until you're ready to kick *kitten* again, you can do it! You're at 138?! Sounds like a great weight to me. :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Looked in a mirror lately there stickgurl? You're fine. Don't sweat it. Take your time, enjoy the spring, watch your chow and get some exercise and relax.... it'll be what it'll be.

    I think you're about there,,, it's just that "there' ain't quite where you thought it''d be. :wink:

    Chuck the scale. And change your background on your ticker, it doesn't describe you anymore.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    My wife was just telling me about a new workout called Zumba, it seems like a fun new way, I have heard like others have probably said that maybe you need something new or maybe your wieght is where it should be.
  • aareeyesee
    aareeyesee Posts: 65 Member
    Perhaps your BMI has shifted since you started the program and you are no longer as negative on calories as you think you are? I also second the running its free and if you are close to a healthy bodyweight it isn't terrible for the joints. The weight basically has no choice in the matter, unless you have starved your body into a super low metabolism. Less calories in than your body puts out equals weight loss. Your body can't win against math.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    you need to be doing cardio if you want to lose those last few fat. like running. or something that can keep your heart rate up to 160% or more for a good 12 mins. and thats will helps lose those left of the fat that you have. so if you do about 30 mins that even better cause thats will show that you made enough progress within the time. and the fat will just come right off.
  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi there, whatever you do don't give up! you've come so far and everyone has had some great advice. Maybe your goal weight is too low, maybe you need to bump up your cardio (that was my problem awhile ago). have you tried incorporating weights into your workouts? muscle burns more than fat so that can help, plus it looks good! :)

    have you checked your measurements? For awhile when I was noticing the scale go down I was losing inches elsewhere. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you are building muscle that can make a difference.

    hang in there, sometimes it just takes time.