Weddings over, Now What?

leaso75581 Posts: 103
The big push for me to lose weight was for the wedding. Now that it's over (Best day of my life, by the way :happy: ) I have every intention of maintaining, but there's no extra "push" if you know what I mean. There's still the 10 lbs, I want to lose, but that's no super rush...I'm just afraid I'll backslide, because I have no real urgency. I'm cautiously optimistic that I won't but, you never know....


  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Try starting a challenge with someone...who can lose 10 lbs by whatever time
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I love this question!! I always wonder with folks who are losing it for a special event (wedding, HS reunion, vacation, etc) if they end up just throwing in the towel at the end or if they can find the motivation to continue for another reason.

    For me, reason #1 is health and/or fitness. Assuming exercise was part of your plan pre-wedding, continue with that and it will help you maintain your physique and weight. If that gets boring instead of giving up, find something new - take classes, buy DVD programs, take a different walking/running route - whatever keeps you moving. Obviously you also need to continue to eat right but at maintenance you get more calories than in weight loss mode so at least you're not as restricted in that department.

    Maybe get your hubby interested. You're obviously crazy over each other and want the other to be around as long as possible so being healthy is part of that. Take walks, hikes, bike rides together, meal plan and cook togther. Or recruit a friend to workout with you if he's not interested.

    You can do it!
  • thanks for the advice!! will do!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member

    just kidding.. set a new goal for yourself. new years? valentines day?
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