If every day were like today is so not accurate.. I need hel

minimalistrose Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So a few weeks ago I decided to write down what I would weigh in 5 weeks and well its been about 5 weeks since then and I definitely don't weigh what the website said I was supposed to weigh.

I don't get this I'm eating my proper calories and exercising and I'm really not losing weight. I'm so upset I need to lose five pounds by May and nothing is working.

Please don't tell me to eat more calories I need some real advice.

Usually I don't eat all my carbs and I go over on protein and sugar could that be it?



  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    first of all everybody is different so of course that is not correct, second am having issues too.... my advice exercise more, and more intensely keep eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. the results will come.... am waiting for mine!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Increase your exercise and eat your exercise calories. That's how I started losing again after I got to 6 pounds from my goal.
  • minimalistrose
    minimalistrose Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know what exercise to do! I usually just go on 45 minute power walks everyday. I'm too scared that if I start running I'll get bulky which is what always happens... Walking is the only thing that keeps me slimmer maybe I will start hot yoga or something but how would I even gage that on this website!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Oh yeah you have to change up your exercise. Your body gets used to doing the same thing day after day so you have to confuse it a little. Yoga is on here but it doesn't burn many calories. Try dancing? Also eat different stuff if you find you're eating about the same thing every day. The other thing I did was change my weight loss goal from 1 pound a week to 1/2 a pound a week and ate the additional calories. I really did start losing again. I lost about 3 pounds in 2 weeks after being stuck in the same place for 2 weeks.
  • Did u really eat the same exact thing for 5 wks??? Because that is what that is based on and you have to switch things up or your body will become accustomed to ur eating and walking regime.
  • Did u really eat the same exact thing for 5 wks??? Because that is what that is based on and you have to switch things up or your body will become accustomed to ur eating and walking regime.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    It is not always what the scale says, how are you close fitting? You might be losing inches and toning you muscles. Protein is good for you, but it is also good for your muscles. Though muscle does not actually weigh more than fat, it is more dense, so you can be burning fat but also increasing your muscles and that is why you are not seeing the difference on the scale. Just don't be discouraged by what the scale says alone. There are other indications of weight loss.
  • MattDustin
    MattDustin Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, that calculator is not right, it makes an educated guess, but every single person has a different metabolism. Think about it, if a 6'2" bodybuilder weighed 200lbs with 12% bodyfat, his weight loss and metabolism rate would be much different from someone with who weighed 200lbs at 5'4" and 25% bodyfat. That "if every day" thing is a nice tool, but its not perfect.

    As far as exercise, walking is great, but try some resistance training too, it will work wonders! If you don't have a gym, do some squats, crunches, leg raises, pushups, dips on a chair, chair step-ups... anything you can do at home. Muscle burns calories, even at rest, so if you add more muscle, you will burn more fat. Also, cardio, such as walking, burns more calories during the exercise, but after about an hour, your heart rate slows, and your body returns to normal. Resistance training continues to burn calories for hours and hours after, as your body is repairing, so not only will it burn more calories long term, you will burn more from the muscle you gain.

    The way to bulk up and gain muscle is to lift heavy, and increase your calorie intake. As long as you are just doing some exercises with your bodyweight, and don't start eating extra, you won't bulk up. You might get toned, and after a couple weeks you might actually add a pound or two of muscle, but it should definitely help you lose weight faster, and you won't get big and bulky from just your own bodyweight. Also, you might add a little muscle weight over a few weeks while still burning fat, so even though your weight may not change on the scale as drastically, you will still burn significant amounts of fat as you build muscle and tone your body. Personally I've lost inches off my waist while lifting weights, so even though the scale stayed exactly the same from adding muscle, I dropped lots of body fat.
  • minimalistrose
    minimalistrose Posts: 6 Member
    Haha sorry I didn't eat the same thing for 5 weeks but I just wrote down on a calendar from the day I pressed the button and the number I am now is not even remotely close to the number it said on the website. Im too scared to eat my exercise calories my metabolism is so screwed up from all these years of having horrible eating patterns and I just got it working again in september after I went to a nutritionist. I initially gained weight and was soooo upset so Im still trying to lose weight its been a huge battle.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I wasn't losing when I was eating 1200 cals a day whether I exercised or not. The thing I liked about MFP was that it told me how much to eat based on the exercise I did. I followed the recommendation religiously. I always ate within 50 cals of what the site told me to, and I lost. I lost a lot really quickly.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    So you don't want to follow the advice or the plan this site has for you (which has worked for literally hundreds of users), but you want us to magically have an answer? OK


    there's the magic.

    If you only have a little to lose the time frame will be much longer. The 5 weeks button is to keep you motivated, but it isn't a psychic prediction from above. It's a best educated guess based on the information from those hundreds and thousands of users who have been here before you.
  • kritinc
    kritinc Posts: 3 Member
    Same thing was happening to me. Then, I read some of Jillian Michael's books... With her advice, I went to BMR calculator, put in all of my info, and it gave me a specific # of calories to eat. Make sure you figure out your BMR, not just your BMI.

    I 've been trying NOT to rely on my calories earned from exercise. I just try to shoot for my goal. My goal happens to be 1473 cals/day. She says you can mix it up during the week.
    example: 1200, 1200, 1800, 1400...

    I thought I knew a lot about nutrition and weight loss, but, I've learned more from her books.
    I realized, I really was eating about 400 calories too much a day if I wanted to lose. As soon as I changed that, the pounds started coming off. I was already exercising a lot, I've continued to do so, about 5 days a week.
    I 'm reading her Master Your Metabolism book, now....very informative. I highly reccommend it. Your local library probably has a copy?!
    Hope this helps you. :-)
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Did u really eat the same exact thing for 5 wks??? Because that is what that is based on and you have to switch things up or your body will become accustomed to ur eating and walking regime.
    I was gonna say the same thing
  • If you don't have a lot to lose, it could take awhile. And if you're eating the minimum of 1200 or less, it could take even longer. There are many voices of reason and sanity on this site. Many people who have succeeded by doing it right. If you don't want somebody to tell you to eat more, maybe you're NOT eating enough. Though I am certainly no expert, i'd like to think that with all the time and effort i've put into figuring out the right way to do this I have at least read enough to know that you can work out and burn 2000 calories per day, but if you're not fueling your body, you can forget the weight loss. Maybe mentally it's hard for people to wrap their mind around this, it was for me too at first, but its a fact. Take care of your body, and it'll take care of you.
  • minimalistrose
    minimalistrose Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys... I do eat about 1200 calories a day... I was wondering though do you think its better to eat most of my calories at like lunch and snacks and breakfasts and have a small dinner?
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