Losing Hope...



  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I would have to say it isn't magic. If you aren't burning more calories than you are eating, then you won't lose. The numbers here are not absolute. They are estimates. I would wait and see how the boxing works out for you. But there really isn't any magic.
  • rizzaG
    rizzaG Posts: 110
    Re: Jofjltncb6

    True, I agree with you on that otherwise I really have to try extra harder to up my calorie but it's really hard. I'm on maintenance right now and I'm happy. I eat pretty lean, I don't like red meat at all, hate greasy food,I stay away from fast food etc. I stay active and tomorrow is my last day of doing Insanity. I built this kind of lifestyle and I don't know anything else except treating myself with muffins or chocolates once in a while:) Honestly I don't wanna loose anymore weight but I truly gotta have to eat more while I'm staying active in order to maintain my weight.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am not sure what to do anymore. I am 5'4" and currently weigh around 143-144. I feel stuck! My weight yo-yo's up and down 5 pounds from there. I try to eat as healthy as possibly without going insane. I ran a half marathon this summer and barely lost any weight. I have just started a boxing class 3-4 times per week. I have been doing it for about 3 weeks and my scale has barely moved.

    The last time that I lost a significant amount of weight was 4 years ago but I was working out with a trainer, boot camp style, for 5-6 times per week. I ended up getting down to 127 pounds. Once I stopped doing the heavy workouts the weight came right back on.

    How do I get past the plateau? How do i jump start it so I don't feel like a failure or I literally cant do it? All of it really messes with my emotions!! any suggestions!?! im open for anything at this point.

    Losing hope?? That's a bit dramatic for a woman who is not over weight and running half marathons!! There are people on here with much more difficult obstacle to overcome so let's get a grip ok.

    I always find a good plateau buster for me is - easing up on the cardio for a bit and hit the weights hard. That and/or taking a break from working out all together and eating at maintenance.

    Love yourself and appreciates your accomplishments :flowerforyou:
  • KristinR1983
    KristinR1983 Posts: 1 Member
    I can completely relate to losing hope and motivation. I don't think it matters what size or weight we are, when someone is working toward a goal, and that plateau hits, the devastation of staying at that weight SUCKS! I have a trainer that works out with me, we also do very intense, cardio and P90x-ish type workouts. So when I do not see him on a regular basis, I try to maintain other workouts on my own. Personally, I HATE gym workouts. Some people have such motivation for them, God bless 'em! Obviously I have a membership, when it's the only workout I have time for, I will do it, but inside I am kicking and screaming, "are we done yet". Some things that help me get going again are different classes. I don't know if you are into yoga, dance or zumba. But for example, I started taking a beginners yoga class, then I saw a coupon for "Hot Yoga" oh my God, what a workout, and do you ever sweat!!! To me, the best part is you feel SO great afterward, and literally your clothes are soaked. Also, fun, intense workouts are best: ie: turbo kickboxing, in and out, 1 hour class. Incorporate that with yoga, zumba, belly dance, salsa, or whatever class you want, a few times a week,and you won't even realize you're working out again.

    The most important reminder I have to keep flashing in bright VEGAS lights to myself is, NONE OF THIS IS LINEAR! Life isn't linear, I'm going to have my ups, my downs, so I just need to ride the wave.

    Hope it helped!!! You look great, keep up the amazing you!