In a rut

I am. I really am. I haven't logged any of the food I've eaten because it has been too bad to log. I wouldn't even know how to- I haven't even paid attention to portion sizes. I went out to get the 30 Day Shred but it was sold out so now I'm going out in the torrential downpours to look at another store for it. Ugh, I just need a little motivation. How do I get back on track???


  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Don't let it get you down. I had a day like this not too long ago. I wasn't paying attention to portion sizes or anything. Then I stopped myself and thought, "Am I going to let 1 crappy day ruin all of the progress I've made so far? Nope. Not this girl. Not now, not never." Then I bucked up, logged it ALL (the best I could...since I wasn't really paying much attention to what I was forking in), and started fresh. I'm doing this for me, not anyone else. I am the only one who can ruin it for me. And I refuse to let that happen. I want to be responsible for myself becoming more happy, healthy and in shape.

    Just remember that you are doing this for you, too. And you deserve to get the results you want and don't let a bad day (or two) stop you. I hope that you were/are able to find 30 Day Shred. I like it a lot and I know you will, too.

    Best of luck to you and just remember to always be your own cheerleader and if you need more than that, there are several of us out here who would be more than happy to help you get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: T
  • RobinBernier
    RobinBernier Posts: 5 Member
    It's actually worth going out in the rain for .Jillian Michaels is really motivating in it . I have seen awesome results from this dvd !
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Ya know what I find to be the best for my motivation? Grocery shopping! I hit the store - I buy plenty of fruit, veggies, lean meats, etc. While I'm there - I pick up a magazine with healthy recipes in it. Go home, put your food away and relax.... and plan what you will eat tomorrow. Before you go to bed - set out your workout clothes for tomorrow.
    As you go to sleep, review WHY you are making these changes and envision how your life will change for the better.
    When you get up in the morning - get dressed immediately, make your breakfast and log your food.
    You can do this!
    Check in with me - I'll be here first thing in the morning, logging my breakfast before church!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Ahh - looked at your profile... you really need to fill out your goals and inspirations - I go back to mine all the time. My husband and son are one of my reasons for doing this .... when you can look back and say - "What's more important, my husband or this chocolate cake?" - it helps!
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you! You are all wonderful! I went out and bought the DVD. I might even try a little tonight before bed. Yes, sonjavon, I am committing to my profile right now. Thank you for your support and I am now......READY!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Awesome! Can't wait to hear how you're doing tomorrow! Great job recommitting! And great job defining your goals!