New to MFP, depressed about my weight :(

This morning I weighed myself on a scale that's actually accurate for the first time in a very long time (my roommate's scale is one of those crappy old-fashioned ones with a dial) and found out I weigh over 10 pounds more than I thought I did, putting me at my heaviest weight ever. :cry:

My first instinct was just to sit and cry about it (and maybe stuff my face with junk food in the process) (which I'll admit I did do for about five minutes), but then I thought, "Why not turn this whole thing around starting now?" So, I stopped eating, took a few deep breaths, and joined this site. :wink:

I was wondering if anyone on here has had a moment similar to this that just made you feel horrible about yourself? And if so, how did you snap out of it? I guess I'm still in shock over the number on the scale (which I know I shouldn't let dictate how I feel about myself, but it's so frustrating to find out I'm 12 pounds farther away from my goal weight than I had been led to believe for the past few months) and I was hoping I could find some people who have been in a similar situation to give me some words of wisdom that could help motivate me to start my new, healthy lifestyle.

A little background info: I have been overweight for my entire adult life (except for my freshman year of college when I actually got down to a healthy weight thanks to Weight Watchers, but I gained it back in the following years due to my stress level going way up and a bunch of other factors). I have tried just about every diet in the world with little success, and now I'm thinking I want to stay away from the diet mentality and just eat healthy food and get plenty of exercise for the sake of being healthy - not because I have to. So... that's the plan. But I may need a little encouragement to get started. :ohwell:


  • hello there im new as well i can be a weighloss buddy and help with encouraging !
    Don't worry i know your strong enough to do it ! and when you do you'll be so proud off yourself!:smile:
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP :) I went through a lot of 'diet phases' which never really worked... I piled on the pounds through puberty and have never really been happy with my weight since I was about 15. I always told myself I'll do this exercise, I'll not eat this food, and even went through a 'cuppa soup and cereal bar for lunch' phase where its all I ate every day for about a month. I didn't even lose a pound by doing that and it made me mega depressed. I thought what's the point? If I can't lose weight by eating next-to-nothing I might as well give up and eat what I want, when I want. But joining MFP has helped me unbelievably. I can track my food which is the most helpful part so I know how much I've eaten, so I know if I can have something else as a snack or I have to stop and have a glass of water instead, it's genius! I really hope this site helps you and if you need any support and motivation there are lots of people on here in the same or similar situation as you :) If you like you can add me as a friend and I'll support you all the way :) x
  • fanarad
    fanarad Posts: 97 Member
    I came to the same realization last week when I stepped on the scale at the gym after my workout - and found out that I was 11.6 pounds heavier than I thought I was and ya - that much further away from my target. It sucks! I'm at the heaviest I've been I think ever and I'm still haven't gotten over that (but am slowly turning it into motivation!) Add me? I'd love to talk with you or anyone else in a similar situation!
  • lorelai66
    lorelai66 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I did the same thing last Sunday. I gained over 12 pounds since I came home from camping for the summer. All I have wanted to do it cook and then eat it. I got on the scale and found that I weighted 223.4 which is the highest I have ever been. The number really does not matter. If we are more than we have ever been then its time to start over. Well that's what I told myself. This has been a good week since I joined the program. Always someone at hand to chat with or share with. Lets face it we may never be thin but we can endeavor to be healthy. I am 68 years old and have been heavy since I was 48. Thats 20 years too long...Good luck. Lolly T
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    hello there im new as well i can be a weighloss buddy and help with encouraging !
    Don't worry i know your strong enough to do it ! and when you do you'll be so proud off yourself!:smile:

    Thank you so much! I'll send you a friend request :flowerforyou:
  • Like you, I have tried almost every diet out there! I've been a heavy girl all my life but it didn't really escalate into a big problem until I started college. I understand your frustration. The scale is often times my worst enemy. I am new to this site as well and am just starting my journey to a healthier me. My advice to you is don't depend solely on the scale for happiness. When you begin eating healthier and exercising, think about how you feel. Let this be your motivation to keep going, because the scale can tear you down. I know it has me. We can do this! Just gotta take one day at a time and remember that even through hard parts of becoming healthier, we are SO worth it! <3
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Hi, I did the same thing last Sunday. I gained over 12 pounds since I came home from camping for the summer. All I have wanted to do it cook and then eat it. I got on the scale and found that I weighted 223.4 which is the highest I have ever been. The number really does not matter. If we are more than we have ever been then its time to start over. Well that's what I told myself. This has been a good week since I joined the program. Always someone at hand to chat with or share with. Lets face it we may never be thin but we can endeavor to be healthy. I am 68 years old and have been heavy since I was 48. Thats 20 years too long...Good luck. Lolly T

    Glad to know I'm not alone! I live in a college town and it seems like almost everyone around me is thin and beautiful while I'm the fat ugly duckling :cry: But you're right, now is the best time to start over! It's never too late! Good luck to you, too :happy:
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I completely understand how you feel, it looks like we're about the same weight and I lost 15 lbs last year only to gain them ALL back this year :( What you have to do is turn it around and use that displeasure with yourself as MOTIVATION. Let it fuel you into changing your life! Feel free to add me for extra motivation! :)
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    I think my moment of truth was my new doctor being a b***h to me about my health without even knowing anything about it. She automatically assumed that my concern about my hormones was about my thyroid, which is just fine, as opposed to the hormones I was actually worried about, for which I still have no information. Anyway, after a battery of tests showed that I don't drink enough milk,she shipped me to a dietician who was surprisingly nice, gave me a lot of good advice, and sent me here. So far I'm 20 pounds down and I still don't drink enough milk.
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm new to this too and have done weight watchers in the past. If you want a buddy, send me a friend request.

    I think the biggest thing I've come to realize is that if I don't do something about where I'm at, I'm just going to continue gaininig. So the quicker I restart my journey of losing weight, the quicker I stop the gain and the less I will have to relose.

    We both can do this. We've lost weight in the past so we know how to do it!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Hi! Welcome to MFP :) I went through a lot of 'diet phases' which never really worked... I piled on the pounds through puberty and have never really been happy with my weight since I was about 15. I always told myself I'll do this exercise, I'll not eat this food, and even went through a 'cuppa soup and cereal bar for lunch' phase where its all I ate every day for about a month. I didn't even lose a pound by doing that and it made me mega depressed. I thought what's the point? If I can't lose weight by eating next-to-nothing I might as well give up and eat what I want, when I want. But joining MFP has helped me unbelievably. I can track my food which is the most helpful part so I know how much I've eaten, so I know if I can have something else as a snack or I have to stop and have a glass of water instead, it's genius! I really hope this site helps you and if you need any support and motivation there are lots of people on here in the same or similar situation as you :) If you like you can add me as a friend and I'll support you all the way :) x

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! I've been through a lot of the same stuff and I've had more than my fair share of failed diets ending with a "what's the point" phase where I eat whatever and never exercise for months because when I did try so hard to lose weight, it wasn't working anyway. I've heard great things about this site and am really looking forward to using it! I would definitely like to be friends with you :) thanks!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    I came to the same realization last week when I stepped on the scale at the gym after my workout - and found out that I was 11.6 pounds heavier than I thought I was and ya - that much further away from my target. It sucks! I'm at the heaviest I've been I think ever and I'm still haven't gotten over that (but am slowly turning it into motivation!) Add me? I'd love to talk with you or anyone else in a similar situation!

    I'll definitely add you! It's great to know there are people who have been through the exact same thing :) I'm gonna try to turn it into motivation, too!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    Like you, I have tried almost every diet out there! I've been a heavy girl all my life but it didn't really escalate into a big problem until I started college. I understand your frustration. The scale is often times my worst enemy. I am new to this site as well and am just starting my journey to a healthier me. My advice to you is don't depend solely on the scale for happiness. When you begin eating healthier and exercising, think about how you feel. Let this be your motivation to keep going, because the scale can tear you down. I know it has me. We can do this! Just gotta take one day at a time and remember that even through hard parts of becoming healthier, we are SO worth it! <3

    Thanks so much for your advice! I really appreciate it! :) I'd like to be friends on here if it's okay with you!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    I completely understand how you feel, it looks like we're about the same weight and I lost 15 lbs last year only to gain them ALL back this year :( What you have to do is turn it around and use that displeasure with yourself as MOTIVATION. Let it fuel you into changing your life! Feel free to add me for extra motivation! :)

    Thanks for the encouragement! I will definitely add you! :)
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    I think my moment of truth was my new doctor being a b***h to me about my health without even knowing anything about it. She automatically assumed that my concern about my hormones was about my thyroid, which is just fine, as opposed to the hormones I was actually worried about, for which I still have no information. Anyway, after a battery of tests showed that I don't drink enough milk,she shipped me to a dietician who was surprisingly nice, gave me a lot of good advice, and sent me here. So far I'm 20 pounds down and I still don't drink enough milk.

    I've been meaning to go to a dietician but have just been too much of a chicken... I know of a few other people who have visited one and have had great results though, so maybe I should look into it!
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    I'm new to this too and have done weight watchers in the past. If you want a buddy, send me a friend request.

    I think the biggest thing I've come to realize is that if I don't do something about where I'm at, I'm just going to continue gaininig. So the quicker I restart my journey of losing weight, the quicker I stop the gain and the less I will have to relose.

    We both can do this. We've lost weight in the past so we know how to do it!

    Thank you! I'll send you a friend request :)

    And you're so right, I just need to pick up the pieces and start over! We CAN do this! :)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    You have the right plan to lose that weight and get healthy. You have to think about this as a healthy lifestyle change. This site is not a diet. You can eat, log and then evaluate and learn from what you ate. You have to get moving a little at a time. Make changes step at a time. You really can do this.

    I have been overweight my entire life and was finally told that I would die if things didn't change. That was a wake up call and I took control of my life. I have suffered with depression my entire life and was made fun of for my weight since I was in grade school. Instead of changing things, I ate my frustrations. I learned that journaling your feelings can really be helpful.

    Please feel free to add me for support and motivation. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
  • Went through something similar. Went to the doctor to get cleared for surgery and discovered my true weight. Disgusted with the way I felt and looked, joined this site 3 weeks ago and have kept an eye on everything I eat. Have started back to exercising and with a lot of willpower, have lost almost 11 pounds in those three weeks. Hasn't been easy, but have several goals in mind that keep me headed down the right path. Good luck with getting those pounds off and feeling better about yourself.
  • mezasu
    mezasu Posts: 42
    You have the right plan to lose that weight and get healthy. You have to think about this as a healthy lifestyle change. This site is not a diet. You can eat, log and then evaluate and learn from what you ate. You have to get moving a little at a time. Make changes step at a time. You really can do this.

    I have been overweight my entire life and was finally told that I would die if things didn't change. That was a wake up call and I took control of my life. I have suffered with depression my entire life and was made fun of for my weight since I was in grade school. Instead of changing things, I ate my frustrations. I learned that journaling your feelings can really be helpful.

    Please feel free to add me for support and motivation. My name is Kimberlee, 49.

    Yep, diets suck! From what I've heard this site is great for helping you keep track of meals and calories burned, so I'm excited to start using it!

    You should be VERY proud of how far you've come - 104 pounds lost, that's amazing! :drinker:

    Thank you so much for your reply! I will definitely be sending you a friend request! :flowerforyou:
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first step and joining us on MFP. That itself is a big step. I love this site becuase it helps you realize what you are eating and therefore you will eat less. log on everyday and try to exercise atleast 5 days a week. It doesn't have to be for hours at a time but start slow. You can start off with 10 minutes a day. Don't overdo it. you might not see results right away but trust me you will. If you need motivation we are here for you. Try to eat healthier things instead of what you have been eating. Don't forget your vitamins.