Food Diary Dance

I dont know about you guys, but everyday I do the Food Diary dance. I usually have my breakfast and begin adding my list of foods to my diary. I already know what I'm going to have for snack, lunch, and dinner. And everyday, one of two things happen...1)I am dangerously close to going over my calories, or 2) I'm wayyyyy below my calorie goal.:huh:

1)I am dangerously close to going over my calories
So then I sit and I freak out because now I'm worried about "emergency food" For example what if I get hungry and need to eat something..."darn, that would put me over" and I always like to read "jaleungs8 completed her food diary and was under her calorie goal" Great! Now everyone will know I've eaten too much today (Jeewiz):indifferent: :sad:

2) I'm wayyyyy below my calorie goal.:huh
So now I'm full, and I need to eat because I dont want to go into starvation mode....I always freak out because i dont want to pass out because I havent eaten enough BUT I'M FULL! So I go on a crazy man hunt in my house seeking out a higher calorie/but not so dangerous (fattening) food. :noway: :yawn:

I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, but I am so tired of doing the food diary dance....just thought I share:bigsmile: :grumble: :flowerforyou:


  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I always log my calories in the morning so I don't have to worry about what I'm eating for lunch/dinner/etc. I usually have the same thing for breakfast each day, but after that it varies. I pack my lunch and take it to work it me, so that doesn't vary much after I've already packed it. I like to log ahead of time instead of eating all day and then end up saying "holy *kitten*, I'm 500 calories over for today!" once I log everything....

    As far as being afraid that you'll get hungry later in the day- if you're getting hungry on a regular basis have you thought about up-ing your calories for the day? I have this problem every couple of months, so I'll up it by 100 [that being said, my goal is to build muscle.] If you're still trying to lose weight, maybe you should re-assess what you're eating throughout the day to allow yourself to have a snack at night if you find yourself getting hungry. Or try to build a list of low-calorie snacks in case hunger does strike.

    For the second problem, I don't think you're necessarily going to pass out if you don't eat an extra snack if you're full (assumption- I haven't checked your diary). If that truly is a reoccurring problem, I can again say that you should reassess your diet. You shouldn't be having days that are such a roller coaster ride. Maybe you need to add some consistency into your diet until you can get things to level out a bit. That's how I got to the point that I am now. Some days I don't even log because I've grown accustomed to which foods I can eat in a day and have everything even itself out without having to count.

    I know that if I was always worrying about having to eat at all time of the day I'd go nuts.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I try and plan the night ahead and save 200 cals approx for 'emergency' snacks.

    If my chosen lunch and dinner bring me in far below my goal for the day I re-assess and change meals or add some stuff.
  • carriebeaulieu
    carriebeaulieu Posts: 1 Member
    I'm experiencing a similar issue. I've noticed that I am staying very much on track when it comes to my calorie, fat, and carbohydrate goals, but I'm constantly going over my protien. Is the goal important? Should I change up my eating habbits so that I stay below the protien goal. I've always thought that protien was good for you.
  • I'm dieting with a group of girls at work, and we try to maintain consistancy...the first couple of weeks was cut and dry. We knew what we were going to eat and snack on all day, so it was easy to log. But lately, someone would bring in something different for lunch which makes planning or logging my food diary ahead of time somewhat of a roller coaster ride. Don't get me wrong...all of the foods the girls bring in are amazing, but then I'm also watching how much sodium and carbs I take it's a little harder to make sure I have the right amount of calories, but still maintain my sodium and carb intake. (Hope I didnt confuse you lol!) For me eating the same thing everyday would be boring (but that's me, I like variety) this is why I end up with the battle.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Don't forget to log calories burned from Food Diary Dancing
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    They even themselves out though! I typically stay under during the week and go over on the weekends and it all evens out and I'm still losing.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Don't forget to log calories burned from Food Diary Dancing

    Too funny!!!
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Don't forget to log calories burned from Food Diary Dancing

  • KarenNowi
    KarenNowi Posts: 1 Member
    I don't think that a day or two here and there being below your caloric intake is going to kick in starvation mode or going over is going to send the scale upwards. So, if your not hungry, you shouldn't force yourself to eat.

    What you should be more careful of, is the long-range level of over a weekly time period. Try to have more good days than bad, and you will be healthier for it. This is the mindset that has kept me's a gut realization that this is the way it should be - ALWAYS.

    Just remember that if you are a bit low on the calories for one day, your body is probably going to ask for more the next day. Just make good choices - eat an extra serving of lean protein, add more veggies.

    Good Luck
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I always do the dance and juggling act when I'm close to going over. Not so much when I'm way under, though. One day of going under isn't going to automatically put me in starvation mode. If I'm not hungry... I don't eat.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    one day under goal isn't going to put you in starvation mode. just like one day over goal isn't going to make you obese. I'd recommend some level-headedness and perhaps a chill pill.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    one day under goal isn't going to put you in starvation mode. just like one day over goal isn't going to make you obese. I'd recommend some level-headedness and perhaps a chill pill.

    ^ this

    Do an average over the week.
  • put on my leotards and tutu...wait..oh snap! I thought we were going somewhere else with this thread...::backs out of the forum blushing::
  • one day under goal isn't going to put you in starvation mode. just like one day over goal isn't going to make you obese. I'd recommend some level-headedness and perhaps a chill pill.
    Seriously, this. I'm getting super tired of the "starvation mode" panic around here.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    according to several other forums throughout MFP, starvation mode is a myth UNLESS you are already seriously under weight.... Being low on cals certain days will not put you into starvation mode. On days where calories are low focus on protein intake. What you are doing is actually called cycling calories... start paying attention to your weekly numbers in this case. As long you have a WEEKLY deficit you should continue to see a loss on the scale.
  • Thanks Colleen118, I was just reading about the whole starvation mode...I guess my main concern was more about harming myself rather than messing up the progress that I've made.

    And to everyone else that suggested I take a "Chill Pill" (because you're sooooo tired of all the "starvation mode talk") I strongly suggest that you take your own advice. :laugh:
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Thanks Colleen118, I was just reading about the whole starvation mode...I guess my main concern was more about harming myself rather than messing up the progress that I've made.

    And to everyone else that suggested I take a "Chill Pill" (because you're sooooo tired of all the "starvation mode talk") I strongly suggest that you take your own advice. :laugh:
    I said chill pill. And I didn't complain about starvation mode.