Feeling kind of hopeless with all of this.

It seems like others who eat unhealthy never seem to gain weight in the places I do. I feel like maybe I have just ruined my metabolism with yo-yo dieting and this is just my "natural" size now... :/
Im so tired of obsessing over this everyday. Needed to vent!


  • samncam
    aw bless you we all have days liek that dont we! x how much have you lost/gained need to lose ect :) ive only been her 3 days so very new and ideally need to lose around 70lbs:( xx
  • Jacqui_Davies
    Jacqui_Davies Posts: 9 Member
    Don't be disheartened... I've learned to accept that the journey to "Thin-dom" is not easy... lol

    Do you exercise? Maybe a change in routine would help... I found my weight loss stagnated and decided to change my old gym routine and began some classes... My weight hasn't changed much, BUT I've lost inches from my arms, bust, waist and hips... It's worth a go xx
  • It takes a couple of months to really see change. It takes a month alone to change the way your brain thinks about food. Consistency is key. Just keep sticking to eating right and exercising and eventually it will all melt away. It took me losing 40 lbs before I even noticed a difference. I also agree with switching things up. Change up your activities along with your calorie intake. Have a couple of higher calorie days mixed in with lower calories days (200 calorie difference, nothing too crazy)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What else are those people doing that may be counteracting the "unhealthy" eating. And what exactly do you mean by unhealthy?
    I've discovered that those in my life who seem to be lucky enough to eat anything really don't. They eat healthy most of the time and work out plenty but when I see them at special occassions or at dinners out, they have earned an indulgence from behaving well the rest of the time and they take advantage.

    First, I'd suggest that you stop comparing yourself with others. My best friend and I are about the same weight but are shaped completely differently. I think she's lucky because she has a nice flat stomach (I'm an apple and will likely never have six pack abs) and she thinks I'm lucky because I have a nice butt (she's a pear and has a natural tendency for cellulite in that area).

    Second, if you're not already doing some form of strengh training, you should start. This, along with a healthy diet withplehty of calories made of protein, healthy fats and carbs, will help you reshape your body. It sounds to me like you're maybe bordering on skinny fat and weighing less might not help how you feel about your body as much as reshaping that weight will.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    Don't give up! Up until now I have been losing weight but over the last few days my weight has crept up a couple of pounds. A year ago this would have made me frustrated and want to give up. However after gaining a pound over 3 days (when I have done so well) I felt determined not to let this ruin my progress. I realised that I have been underestimating my portion sizes so today I made sure I was very careful and logged everything precisely. I also stepped up the exercise and made sure I was drinking enough water. I will be very surprised if the scales show a gain tomorrow.
  • ShowGirl84
    Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. I really needed this encouragement today! This is my first week on MyFitnessPal and im amazed at how supportive and helpful everyone here is :)
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    Definitely don't give up. You will meet lots of supportive friends here who will offer encouragement when you need it! Just be sure to keep logging even on the days you don't do so well! You can do it..... WE can do it!
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    And PS.... You look AWESOME!!!!