I can't exercise :(

I'm so upset. I've been having problems with my hip for a better part of the year. It stems from a skiing accident when I fractured my tailbone.

Anyway, I'm close to goal and have been working out a lot. Sometimes it doesn't bother me and other times I'm in tears from the pain. I've been seeing a chiro, acupuncturist, sports medicine doc, been to physical therapy etc. It's now so bad that I'm having a second MRI done of my hip and I cannot exercise until then. My appointment is only two weeks away but I know whatever they discover is going to lead to a hold on exercise. I just know it :(

I'm so upset. I finally am enjoying working out and that took months to take effect! My wedding is in 5 months and I really want to be fit and defined instead of "skinny fat" in my fit and flare gown. I've put in a lot of effort, time and work into this new me and to have it come to a halt is depressing.

Any encouragement for other people who have had to take an exercise hiatus?


  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Well, I can see why you'd need to remove high impact cardio. You could try swimming. And strength training that isolates certain muscle groups while not putting pressure on your lower back (i'm thinking, arms, maybe some leg machines).

    I have chronic back pain and it sucks to accept that certain workouts will always be off limits, but you don't have to turn into a potato :-)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    As long as you continue to eat less than you burn, or eat at your maintenance level, you won't gain weight.
  • at206155
    at206155 Posts: 29 Member
    ask for professional advice....

    I got married last year and concentrated on losing weight but now I think I should have included more upper body weights to tone shoulders arm and my back cos my dress was strapless and thats the bit of my body you can see..... I'm skinny but have that skinny fat look!!!

    But you do could do punches and weights to tone up!
  • kairisika
    kairisika Posts: 131 Member
    If it's a long dress, your hip shouldn't matter much. And skinny-fat looks fine in clothing. Watch your eating to deal with the size, and up your upper-body lifting to look good in your dress.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I second the comment about swimming. It's good exercise, without putting strain on your back or hips. Good luck - I hope they can tell you some good news.
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, I can see why you'd need to remove high impact cardio. You could try swimming. And strength training that isolates certain muscle groups while not putting pressure on your lower back (i'm thinking, arms, maybe some leg machines).

    I have chronic back pain and it sucks to accept that certain workouts will always be off limits, but you don't have to turn into a potato :-)

    For right now they don't even want me to swim but I'm hoping that after they get the results of my MRI back then I'll be able to add something like that in.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I had a stress fracture at the top of my femur once and I was told that I could do upper body weights, swimming, pilates and biking if it didn't hurt. My doctor really stressed that if I had any pain, I could not do that exercise.

    I can understand not doing impact cardio and lower body weight training but I am sure there are some things you could still do without pain. Whenever I'm hurt, I just do exercises that don't cause pain. I've recovered completely from two stress fractures and a bike crash that way.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    The gym I used to belong to had an upper-body exercise bike you pedaled with your arms. Would something like that give you a workout without stressing your injury?

    Whatever happens, just remember a couple of things: In all likelihood you have very many years of life ahead of you, and your opportunity to be fit and healthy doesn't end with your wedding day. Also, the most important thing on that day (and from then on) is your marriage. So you have this fitness setback, but that's all it is-- a temporary bump in a very long road. So don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just try to do what you can to eat less than you burn, but don't make yourself miserable.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,448 Member
    It is what it is! Do what the Doc's tell you so you don't make it worse. It's not the end of the world. Now might be a good time to internet search for nutritious recipes and exercises for people with disabilities. Give yourself a break. Some things we just can't control(coming from a control freak)
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I had surgery a week ago and have been told no exercise aside from walking or lifting more than 5lbs for 6 weeks. Yea it sucks but you know it is what it is. It can't be changed and I would rather heal properly and avoid a longer recovery period than to stress a few weeks of not getting a workout in. Plus exercise is only a portion of losing weight or getting healthier. I am taking this time to focus on my eating cause that is the one thing that needs major improving for me and to let my body do what it needs to do. So don't stress it so much, do what you are able and focus on other improvements in your life. Once you can then get back into gear. I am sure you will look lovely on your wedding day no matter what <3
  • eva200351
    eva200351 Posts: 2 Member
    hi, I know how you are feeling, I have been there myself, I also have a bad hip and bad knees (from ballroom dancing) I wasn't even able to walk properly two years ago (I sort of looked like a drunken duck waddling along) let alone exercise. It has taken me a long time to get back into proper exercise again. I also went to physios, doctors and tried alternative medicine and didn't see any results worth getting excited about for the money it was costing me. I then saw a show on telly about people who had bad backs and hips and this doctor's cure was walking. So get started I bought a treadmill a did a little bit each day, at a low resistance and slowly (it took over a year) built it up. Now I can walk properly again and exercise, I have also started back at ballroom dancing this year (when I had to give it up is when I gained all my weight), I wont be doing any more medals but a least I am dancing again. So hang in there the worse thing you can do is have negative thoughts, remember you burn so many calories a day just doing nothing
  • kairisika
    kairisika Posts: 131 Member
    For right now they don't even want me to swim but I'm hoping that after they get the results of my MRI back then I'll be able to add something like that in.

    Ask if you can swim with a pull-buoy between your legs, using your arms only. If kicking is still a little too much movement for your legs, a pull-buoy keeps them up and lets you still do the cardio, with your arms doing all the work. It's still an excellent cardio workout, plus good for your arms. Use a pair of paddles for some good strength work for your arms.