Is it just me or does Dieting stink?!?!?

voncreepy Posts: 14
Okay, I’ll cut right to the cheese and drop a bomb… time to plunge a covered wagon on you; yes, I’m describing that God awful topic of earth shattering rumbles of *kitten*. Some of which so noxious, the environmental impact of its Ozone depleting fumes are the primary source of the deadly greenhouse effects on earth’s atmosphere.

So what’s the “inconvenient truth” about that rancorous stench that sends my children running for cover like Legions of men from Army’s of old that would fall on their sword rather than be engulfed in a cloud of sully? We’ve all encountered those undignified moments of close combat with Captain Sphincter. We’ve all emitted such toxic gasses that even your faithful family dog left no trace of their existence in your household after its abrupt exit through the doggie chute. The real question is, why?

Could it be that quest for a healthier you transformed your blustery weather into a fierce force of nature that could lay flat the enemies of Heaven and usher in an era of peace on earth? Is it possible that changing to a healthier diet from the crud lining your entrails caused a massive detonation of extreme bowel happiness that it’s a mere expression of gratitude blasting through the forbidden zone?

I mean seriously, am I the only one who’s experienced an uptick of eruptions that render the Black Friday lines at Wal-Mart free and clear for the picking? Being health conscience and watching my caloric intake has also caused delays in the departure of the A-Train’s path to the porcelain bus on Russet St. But I’ll leave those occasional intimate moments with Mr. Hanky for another discussion; however, the two go hand in hand like building a log cabin out of redwood. And like the effort to take the Cleveland Browns to the Super Bowl, I find it difficult, at best to keep a schedule with the weekly NFL games. But I digress.

One would assume that after staggering across the healthier side and dropping a hefty load of 84 pounds, the household would become a safe haven from deafening tones of egresses. But that certainty is all but reality. Yes, the diet is higher in protein, but otherwise well balanced. It’s still an issue that rears its ugly head all too often. How about you?


  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Haha! For me it took a couple of weeks and then it settled right down. Now I just have to deal with my partners :/
    I don't have toilet issues though, maybe if you went more often it wouldn't be such a problem? Are you getting enough fibre?
  • Do you eat a lot of red meat, pungent ingredients (e.g. garlic) or beans? Those tend to have a pretty.. noticeable effect on the quality of your flatulence.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    He eats just smells like something crawled in there and up and died!!!!! It literally smells like the worst dog fart ever! I just think it has to be the protein or something? Is there an end in sight? No pun intended......:sick:
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member

    Too funny that people who know the OP have chimed in. Yes I had the same problem at first (and I had just started a new job! eek!) took about 3 weeks. So don't be too worried it should be temporary. Word to the wise though after your body gets used to the new eating habits if you go one weekend trip and slip up....EVERYONE will know it! lol I speak form experience.
  • Yes, I eat right...well balanced with the exception of maybe 50 to 75 grams more of protien. I wish I could go more...I started taking psyllium husk fiber suppliment, so hopefuly that will do the trick.I mix my spices so I don't believe the pungent odor has a direct link to the spices, but could. I just think I'm rotting from the inside out...who knows. One thing is for certain...I clean my office out at work and the interuptions soon stop thereby letting me get my work done in peace!! lol
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