MFP Confession Time



  • CasablancasTX
    I LOVE THIS!!!

    6. I mentally criticize people who have been on here for over a year, have a bunch of weight to lose, & have only lost 30 lbs. (Yes that makes me a b*tch!)

    Be careful of this because a lot of people, like a good friend of mine, created an account here, but didn't dedicate themselves to the entire process. Some didn't start logging right away or whatever. Don't judge based on the date they created their account!
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    I love this!!

    My confessions:

    - I have serious anxiety about eating more than 1,300 calories even though I am not really trying to lose any more weight. I know I have to eat more in order to maintain, but it's hard. When you go from being size 18, 230+ to being a size 4, 144 - it's SCARY to eat more. I never want to go back there again!!

    - BUT I feel better on the days that I eat more - I rarely eat all of my exercise calories back, but I have noticed that eating closer to my MFP goal helps with certain things... Like being cold all the time...

    - I refuse to give up my flavored creamer. But I measure it out now instead of just heavily pouring it into the cup

    - I love cupcakes. I always will. There will never be a day where a cupcake doesn't sound delicious. But now I share one with my husband instead of eating at least one by myself

    - I lost the weight doing Nutrisystem and even though I no longer track my food there (MFP has a much better database now that I'm not really eating as much Nutrisystem food - mostly just lunch and dessert), I can't stay away because I love the people there

    - I am always afraid that I'm going to wake up and this was all a dream and I'm really still fat

    - There are people in my office that are super judgmental of everyone else and always talking about how they are trying so hard to lose weight, but still eating horribly and getting bigger and bigger. I feel superior to them because I was able to stick with it and lose the weight and they haven't.

    - It's bizarre to me that people who don't know me probably just see a skinny chick and think that I have it so easy - they have no idea how hard I worked to get here. I used to always think the same thing when I saw skinny people - now I always wonder how hard they worked to get where they are...

    - I think it's really stupid that we gain and lose in our hands and feet!

    - I want to smack everyone that says I am too skinny now. Especially if I know that I weigh more than them! I worked hard for this! Just let me enjoy it!!!

    - I feel like everyone that knows that I lost a crap-ton of weight is judging me when they see me eat something bad. It kind of forces me to be better than I might want to be at parties...

    - I too have had several days where I had to go back and add more to my diary because the candy jar was calling to me after I had finalized my total for the day!
  • Casfarren
    Casfarren Posts: 26 Member
    Only been active on the site for about a week and already have confessions!

    1. I spend more time on MFP than working at my job.
    2. When I have a bad day, I stop logging because I don't want to get even more discouraged.
    3. I really hate the "rate somebody" forums...I think they are counterproductive to the whole point of why I am on this site.
    4. I wish I could build better relationships with my friends on MFP but I am an inherently distrusting person and have trouble connecting with people over the internet.
    5. Sundays are my "days off"...I don't go to the gym, I don't log, and I don't count. when I am craving something during the week, I set it aside and tell myself I can have it on Sunday! then I usually forget!

    and finally, one of the biggest confessions,
    6. I am actually comfortable with my body the size it is. Most people consider my size to be "normal" and don't believe me when I say that I am overweight. But according to the BMI I am technically obese and I know that it would be healthier for me in the long run if I lose the weight now.
  • CasablancasTX
    1. I have added one person to my 'ignore' list just from this post alone.

    2. I judge people who cannot spell correctly and don't know the right use for your/you're.

    3. I delete people who eat junk food every single day. I want healthy friends and not friends who eat junk.

    4. I struggle with anorexia and I think logging my food makes symptoms resurface.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Since I don't feel like working anyway:
    1) I tend to troll the threads my friend list comment on (case in point here I am) just to see what they'll say. Usually makes me pee my pants.
    2) I've been cut/deleted by a couple of people and I can't figue out why-I'm was a little hurt by it also surprised that I got hurt.
    3) I've found some of the forums snarky-yet entertaining.
    4) I never thought I would log onto MFP more than Facebook!
    5) I was strictly cardio-now due to some great advice I'm hitting the heavy weights-and I love it.
    6) I apprecaite it when my friend list posts good job ar just a random hi on my profile-it actaully makes my day.

    Think that was it.:drinker:

    ^^ I think you were in my mind!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    1. I've been gaining weight and blaming it on a blood pressure reducing medication. It makes me lethargic and I was already pretty lazy. I need to get my *kitten* in gear. I lost 10 lbs but I've gained back 5 in the last 2-3 months. I somehow managed to gain weight in China while sick from food poisoning. It might be the medicine but I need to try harder and not use it as an excuse. I need to be better about weekends. Eating out on weekends and being near the kids' food is like being near kryptonite.

    2. I've spent way too much time on the forums. The other day I realized that I'd spent the entire morning trying to figure out the best thread to use the most awesome Boy Meets World animated gif. That thread got deleted about 5 minutes after posting and my morning felt wasted.

    3. I like my life fitting into silos and that makes me a little anti-social. I don't want to see work friends at church. Or church friends at strip clubs. or work friends at restaurants. I think it's my hangup.

    4. I need to cut back my friend list to people that are working towards their goals and not their trolls. I'm experiencing some down time right now so it's cool. The folks that are kicking *kitten* and keeping me laughing are the best. Every person on my friend list inspires me in some way. I even tell my wife about some of the crazy shenanigans and reasons why I keep them on my FL. But I'm probably going to make the changes soon.

    5. I have to tone down my crazy on facebook. I have ex-coworkers, church friends, former teachers and family on my FB. One time someone posted a pic that was sort of an inside joke... and two of my cousins and my aunt asked who the clown was and if we should go mess them up. Another time someone made a ethnic joke about Indian folks (Google "Indian Superman") and half the development team at work looked at me and said "What you gonna do about that?" And I hadn't even seen it yet!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I love this!!

    My confessions:

    - I have serious anxiety about eating more than 1,300 calories even though I am not really trying to lose any more weight. I know I have to eat more in order to maintain, but it's hard. When you go from being size 18, 230+ to being a size 4, 144 - it's SCARY to eat more. I never want to go back there again!!

    - I am always afraid that I'm going to wake up and this was all a dream and I'm really still fat

    I can totally relate. I've had nightmares that my weight loss never happened...

    - There are people in my office that are super judgmental of everyone else and always talking about how they are trying so hard to lose weight, but still eating horribly and getting bigger and bigger. I feel superior to them because I was able to stick with it and lose the weight and they haven't.

    It's a character flaw of mine that I'm judgemental of them, but I feel the same way. Shame on me... But the ones that really get under my skin are the ones that proclaim to the world that they're chubby and they like it and they're not going to go through life depriving themselves and eating like a rabbit. I'm the only one in my office that has lost a lot of weight, and I work hard to maintain it and make good choices with my food, so I feel like they're talking crap about me!

    - It's bizarre to me that people who don't know me probably just see a skinny chick and think that I have it so easy - they have no idea how hard I worked to get here. I used to always think the same thing when I saw skinny people - now I always wonder how hard they worked to get where they are...

    ^Yes! Totally! I get so irritated when people say things like "Why can't you have a couple slices of pizza? You're so thin!"

    - I want to smack everyone that says I am too skinny now. Especially if I know that I weigh more than them! I worked hard for this! Just let me enjoy it!!!

    - I feel like everyone that knows that I lost a crap-ton of weight is judging me when they see me eat something bad. It kind of forces me to be better than I might want to be at parties...

    Double-yes to both of these last two!
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    There are so many, but so little time (I'm headed to a work potluck...I WILL try to log those calories best I can). So for now, here's my most recent:

    - I ate 4 cookies last night but only logged 2. And probably 1-2 cookies worth of raw dough.
    - I only did 1/2 of the Killer Buns & Thighs DVD last night. My cat was being a PITA and really wanted attention, and since I was gone at work all day, only to return home and immediately start cooking & cleaning, followed by working out, she was not having any of it and bit me on the shoulder when I was on the floor doing bridges. So I turned the DVD off and played with her instead.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    My cat was being a PITA and really wanted attention, and since I was gone at work all day, only to return home and immediately start cooking & cleaning, followed by working out, she was not having any of it and bit me on the shoulder when I was on the floor doing bridges. So I turned the DVD off and played with her instead.

    This made me laugh a LOT. My cats totally interrupt my workouts too! "what's that? you want to STRETCH, but you're stationary and therefore I need to perch on you however I can!"

    My dog, on the other hand, spins in circles chasing her tail and barking whenever you do any exercise that is not running with her. Makes lifting in our downstairs gym interesting...maybe that's why I'm primarily a cardio person!
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    i LOVE this!

    1. I basically have panic attacks if I don't log what I'm eating the second I eat it.
    2. If I can't find the correct calorie count on something, I won't eat it.
    3. I spend more time on MFP than I do on facebook.
    4. Reading people's motivational posts and success stories really help me get through.
    5. I feel guilty if I don't reach my calorie goal, but if I go over, I feel guilty about that too.

  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    These confessions are great.
    Heres mine

    My husband has lost nearly 100lbs. He looks HOT, hes healthy and he looks HOT. I am very jealous. He works really hard at the gym, I do not. He logs everything he eats, I do not. He eats healthier food than me. But still in my crazy head I'm a little pissed because now I am fatter than him. I always joke and say I married a fat man for a reason, to look thinner........ but is it really a joke???
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member

    2. If I can't find the correct calorie count on something, I won't eat it.

    This is amazing, if I can't find the correct calorie count on something I tend to just break it down into it's composite parts (ha ha I was logging "rouladin" in as roast beef, bacon, onions, mustard and pickles separately just yesterday).

    My problem is more likely that if I can't find the correct calorie count I just guess blatantly! (or eat first and then go "crap crap how much of that did I eat!?"
  • evereadysmile
    3. Out of the 400 people at my job, about 5 know me (even that isn't completely.) I separate my personal and professional lives like opposing magnets.

    Me too! My company is smaller and I always wonder if people think I"m stand off-ish or shy or something, but it's just work and I"m only here to work not to play.

    Hmm, my confessions:

    1. I spend way more time lurking on the MFP boards than I do commenting. I'm always worried that I'll say something stupid or just not really contribute.
    2. My lurking has lead me to find lots of people who I wish were my friends, but I always feel too shy to send to send friend requests based just on what people post (I occasionally over come this in tiny bursts of socially awkward outgoingness).
    3. Sometimes MFP makes me feel like I"m not cool enough to sit with the cool kids in the cafeteria.
    4. I love people's before and after pics, especially with huge loses. It's so inspiring.
    5. I'm super lazy. I hate exercising. I"m trying, but for some reason it seems so hard for me. I feel jealous of everyone I see on MFP that seems to love running or whatever they do.
    6. I always feel like I'm a bad friend for not commenting enough on other people's statuses, especially since I love it when people comment on mine.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member

    - I refuse to give up my flavored creamer. But I measure it out now instead of just heavily pouring it into the cup

    - I love cupcakes. I always will. There will never be a day where a cupcake doesn't sound delicious. But now I share one with my husband instead of eating at least one by myself

    I make room for my creamer everyday..I have 4 flavors, no, 5 in the fridge. I measure it now too(most of the time:laugh: )
    I make myself stop at 1 cupcake, but if I decide to eat it I am SO not sharing!
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I have way too many confessions... but I won't list them all.
    1. I'm probably on here way too much.
    2. Sometimes I have to check my thinking process to make sure I'm not turning anorexic.
    3. When my mom says hurtful things about my weight/size, I never tell her it hurts me and I have a hard time letting it go.
  • evereadysmile
    I forgot my most important confession! That last half pound of weight loss I recorded? I'm pretty sure that was from cutting off all my hair and not from eating right and exercising. But what am I going to do, adjust scale numbers for hair I don't have any more? Also, ladies, pro-tip, scale not moving? Cut your hair!
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member

    6. I have at least 5 regular message board posters on ignore.

    This is kind of off topic, but is there actually a way to ignore someone? Do you not see their comments in the threads? Could you share the secret? There is a person who is always posting such nasty and hateful things in almost every thread I read and I would love to not have to see that anymore.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member

    6. I have at least 5 regular message board posters on ignore.

    This is kind of off topic, but is there actually a way to ignore someone? Do you not see their comments in the threads? Could you share the secret? There is a person who is always posting such nasty and hateful things in almost every thread I read and I would love to not have to see that anymore.

    there is a little triangle by people's pictures in the threads. You click on it and then click on "ignore user"
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member

    2. If I can't find the correct calorie count on something, I won't eat it.

    This is amazing, if I can't find the correct calorie count on something I tend to just break it down into it's composite parts (ha ha I was logging "rouladin" in as roast beef, bacon, onions, mustard and pickles separately just yesterday).

    My problem is more likely that if I can't find the correct calorie count I just guess blatantly! (or eat first and then go "crap crap how much of that did I eat!?"

    I used to do that ALL the time after eating and not being sure!! Idk what changed, but now it's just easier to chose something else :)
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member

    6. I have at least 5 regular message board posters on ignore.

    This is kind of off topic, but is there actually a way to ignore someone? Do you not see their comments in the threads? Could you share the secret? There is a person who is always posting such nasty and hateful things in almost every thread I read and I would love to not have to see that anymore.

    there is a little triangle by people's pictures in the threads. You click on it and then click on "ignore user"

    Awesome, you are a life saver! Thank you so much!!