No More Excuses -- Week 18



  • ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!

    Congrats, You should get a short perm with highlights, or go all blond like Teresa.

    Good Morning to everyone:drinker: Have a cup of coffee on me....

    I'm not all blonde. I have a secret patch in the back that is dark brown. Just a little punkish. It's my rebellion on life. I'm a rebel at heart or just a burned out hippie. HaHa!!!!

    Up and running or moving. No exercise this morning because we have an exhibition at 1pm. It's an hour of non stop square dancing. It's hard to get through. We were in a parade at our state's 100th Birthday and we danced for 2 1/2 hours for 5 miles.
    We about died. I learned from that mistake. It's going to be a great day so everyone get up and move. I know we can all do it.
    If I can do it, I know you can too.

    Congrats on the weight lose. To tell you the truth, I'm a little afraid of the scales this week.:wink:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!

    That is totally awesome!!! SUPER DUPER!!!! So happy for you!!!! Great reward too. Can't wait to see pictures!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Wow....what a day....ran a mile and then we went ball room dancing tonight. Just love to be out on the dance floor like that again. We did the cha cha and the rumba and the 2 step and the waltz. I thought I had forgot most of the steps. The good news is I ate enough carbs to sustain me. I did crash at lunch. The blood sugar dropped to 67 - way to low. I had the shakes for about 30 minutes until I recovered. I have been eating all day to keep it up. I didn't realize how hard it is to eat healthy without eating junk food. I am having so much fun. Can't wait until tomorrow.


    Good for you!!! I think I will nominate you for "Dancing with the STARS!!!!" Way to keep a handle on your blood sugar!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!

    Congrats, You should get a short perm with highlights, or go all blond like Teresa.

    Good Morning to everyone:drinker: Have a cup of coffee on me....

    I'm not all blonde. I have a secret patch in the back that is dark brown. Just a little punkish. It's my rebellion on life. I'm a rebel at heart or just a burned out hippie. HaHa!!!!

    Up and running or moving. No exercise this morning because we have an exhibition at 1pm. It's an hour of non stop square dancing. It's hard to get through. We were in a parade at our state's 100th Birthday and we danced for 2 1/2 hours for 5 miles.
    We about died. I learned from that mistake. It's going to be a great day so everyone get up and move. I know we can all do it.
    If I can do it, I know you can too.

    Congrats on the weight lose. To tell you the truth, I'm a little afraid of the scales this week.:wink:

    Dancing for 2 1/2 hours for 5 miles!!!! WOW!!! That is amazing. I thought twirling in a 3 mile parade was a lot! Holy Cow!!!! I bet the scales will be kind!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning all! These posts the last few days are wonderful. Good for all of you! I have got an easy day today!!! YIPEE!!! Anxious for the week-end.

    I have a twirling competition all day on Sunday and my mom and I are going up tomorrow early to hit some thrift stores. Tammy....want to come along you little bargain shopper you!!! ;) Anyway....since my brother just moved here he needs a few things so we are going to go look for him! All of my family have big plans for different things this week-end. We will all be going in different directions except the one that is usually on the go.....our youngest. He actually has nothing really planned except a basketball practice on Sunday.

    Anyway....everyone have a wonderful Friday and start your week-ends off with a bang!!! ;)
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Good evening team...Just had to post this. I am so dang proud of myself. I have worked up to jogging 30 minutes on the treadmill but just couldn't run the trail outside the gym to save me. It has a lot of hills. Well (drum roll please) tonight at the gym just before dark, I ran the whole trail (approximately 1.5 miles). I wasn't even about to drop dead when I finished. My dad said it was because it was almost dark and chicken little was not going to get caught outside in the dark alone :laugh: Anyway, I did it :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great night.

    Laura...Don't sweat it. Tomorrow is a new day.
    Congrats on the 30 minutes. My wife is finishing Week 9 tonight on the C25K and is also running 30 minutes non stop. That is an amazing accomplishment that you should be very proud of. When my wife started 9 weeks ago, she could barely run the 2 minutes non stop. So good job and give yourself a huge pat on the back.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    ok, I am not a person of a lot words, but today I just want to thank my team for all support I had during those 2 month!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!I just want to share it with everyone - I REACHED MY FIRST GOAL - to loose 20 pounds...tomorrow I will and have new haircut ( maybe perm, maybe short, maybe highlights ) ...i do not know yet. But it will something different and absolutelly not me !!!! I will post pictures tomorrow !!!!

    Great job! Look forward to seeing your new look!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...I was MIA this morning. Had to work early and then went to lunch with my hubby, dad and step-mom. Then I ran errands and am just now cooking dinner. I have to go to the gym after I eat because I missed yesterday. It is too easy for me to fall out of my exercise routine. It sounds like everyone is doing fabulous. I am still maintaining with a pound or so. I am drinking more water but I end up only exercising about 3 days a week. I am going to try to increase that. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Ann...I would love to go thrifting. I was supposed to get to go today with my step-mom but my work took longer than I planned and we missed it, maybe next week. Hope you find lots of goodies.

    Teresa...I would love to take dancing lessons. It sounds like you have a great time.
  • Evening team...I was MIA this morning. Had to work early and then went to lunch with my hubby, dad and step-mom. Then I ran errands and am just now cooking dinner. I have to go to the gym after I eat because I missed yesterday. It is too easy for me to fall out of my exercise routine. It sounds like everyone is doing fabulous. I am still maintaining with a pound or so. I am drinking more water but I end up only exercising about 3 days a week. I am going to try to increase that. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Ann...I would love to go thrifting. I was supposed to get to go today with my step-mom but my work took longer than I planned and we missed it, maybe next week. Hope you find lots of goodies.

    Teresa...I would love to take dancing lessons. It sounds like you have a great time.

    Where ever you are at, there is square dancing and round dancing. It has it's own language. It is spoken in the English square dance language. So if you are in Germany and English speaking, you can square dance. Jump on the internet and check it out. It's cheap family entertainment. My Grand-kids dance. And the secret is - it's as fun as s e x....:blushing: ...shhhhh......don't tell anyone. My point is - it will keep you young and in better shape than before. That's why you will see 70 and 80 something year olds still dancing. They started when they were young.

    :drinker: Good Morning to every one. Hope everyone is going to have a great week end. Going to swap meet for square dance callers. We have about 5,000 records and variable speed turn table to sell. Hopefully we can go to a dance tonight. See everyone in the morning for weigh-in.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...Had a busy day today. Started out with youngest bowling and then we went for a picnic and a family bike ride at Cowpens National Battleground. It is a nice 3 mile ride with some hills but not too bad. Now it is popcorn and Planet 51 movie time. We tried to see it at the "big movie" and it was sold out. Then we tried to rent it twice and both times it was out of stock. So I broke down and bought the DVD because youngest wants to see it so bad. Hope it is worth $20. Tomorrow is gym day plus work. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Teresa...Thanks. I'll check it out. Good luck at the swap meet. Hope you sell everything:smile:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Well I was not very good today. I was in the mood to BBQ (and eat) today.

    2 sausage biscuits

    Brisket Sandwichon thin bun (best I ever made)
    Baked beans, potatoe salad, pasta salad

    Steak and Potatoes.

    It was really good, I needed a day off the diet.

    Been frustrated with the diet this week, actually gained a couple pounds (before today). Back at it tomorrow. This weeks weigh in wll not be pretty.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am hoping to be down tomorrow. I leave for Florida for 2 weeks on Tuesday. Hopefully I will be physically active in Florida and not come back up in weight!!!

    Everyone needs a day off Jack. Sounds like you had a lot of protein, so you may be surprised by the scales and not be up!!

    Good Luck. I am not drinking tonight. Hopefully the sacrifice will show on the scales.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My weight today is 149 - so I lost last week's gain:happy:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Weigh in is today, send me your updates. I will post the ones I have by noon central tomorrow.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Sunday evening...I had a busy morning. I made it to the gym and then to church almost on time. It is like winning the lottery to actually get there on time no matter what time I start getting ready. My youngest walked into church with his shirt mis-buttoned and looked pittiful. I caught him just inside the door and fixed it but it was a little funny. My hair was completey wet but WE MADE IT!! I say Sunday is a battle with Satan because something always goes wrong to keep us from going to church, but today it didn't work. I'll have to work out again sometime today to work off the apple cobbler I made for dessert but it was sooo good. I have to work about 6 hours now so better run. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Jack...Sounds like a yummy day. You deserved it!

    Susan...Hope you enjoy your trip. We love to visit Panama City Beach. Where are you going?
  • Hey everyone.....

    Jack don't worry about the one time dinner. The day I pigged out on Bar-B-Que I still lost 2 lbs.

    Having a hard time getting motivated today. It's 4:40pm and still in night gown. Been watching movies all day. and eating the wrong things. No change on poundage. So that is good news. Going back to bed.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300

    Susan...Hope you enjoy your trip. We love to visit Panama City Beach. Where are you going?

    I am flying into Orlando to drive home with my mother. She is afraid to fly so my brother drives her down and I drive her back. But since I was going I decided to stay for 2 weeks. Hope it warms up there - been a bad winter Mom says!!!!
  • Good morning everyone!! I have been MIA but I am hopefully back to stay. I am so sick of doing good for a little bit and then right back off. I need to get it together. It is hard for me to exercise right now. I have some issues going on with my health. I have Arthritis in my right knee and the doctor told me that if it started hurting when I walk I will have to have surgery, well it has started hurting when I walk for a whole week, I am just trying to wait it out and see if the pain will go away, but there goes riding my bike and walking for exercise out the window. I am also dealing with pain in my shoulder, elbow, hand and neck on my right side, I had a test on Thursday and I am still waiting to see if I need to have surgery on that. I think I am falling apart. I told my hubby that once something goes something else does too. Well, anyways, I will at least eat great even if I can't exercise. I hope you all have a great day!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good Monday morning all!!! Sorry I was MIA all week-end. Had a twirling comp in Denver yesterday. Went up on Saturday and shopped all day. My poor mom....83 years young.....was about to poop out on my by the end. She is such a trooper!!!! We had a great time. Twirling comp went marvolous!!! Came away with a "Miss Twirler" and a 3rd place finish! Both the girls I took did well for themselves. I was very proud. Unfortunately I had to judge so I couldn't watch all of their events, but their parents video them, so I will get to see that! :)

    Now drum roll please!!!!!!!Holy Cow....I am at 160.4. I am thrilled. I am so pumped to keep going it is wonderful!!!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Don't worry about the little bumps in the road. They are minor to the accomplishments we are all capable of! Focus on the positives!!! Keep it up team!!! ;)

    have a great Monday everyone!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    This weight loss thing is pretty crazy. I cheated on my diet (not exercising) no less than 5 times last week (3 in one day). Earlier in the week I had actually gained 3.7 lb (after eating mexican), last night I get on the scale and I am at a new low. My guess is I the sodium from the mexican had my weight up for a few days, and I got off the salt and it returned to normal.

    Anyway, I peeked at the results of the weigh ins this week and they are REALLY GOOD!!!!! Great job everyone!!!
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