Newbie :)

So im new here and could use some friends :) I am a college senior and being away at school has been the biggest hurdle when trying to diet and exercise! Im sure most of you know about the freshmen fifteen and well lets say I gained that and then some! I currently weigh 150 and 5'2 5'3ish and would love to get down to 115-120 I havent been that small in a long time so I would love to reach my goal! Another struggle I have when trying to eat healthy is the costs, im a poor college kid and do not know how to eat healthy and not break the bank!


  • NatalieDumetz
    So im new here and could use some friends :) I am a college senior and being away at school has been the biggest hurdle when trying to diet and exercise! Im sure most of you know about the freshmen fifteen and well lets say I gained that and then some! I currently weigh 150 and 5'2 5'3ish and would love to get down to 115-120 I havent been that small in a long time so I would love to reach my goal! Another struggle I have when trying to eat healthy is the costs, im a poor college kid and do not know how to eat healthy and not break the bank!

    Hey there!

    I'm new too, I work full time and study online so I can sympathize about the struggle to find the time and the cost of food. Feel free to add me if you would like!

    Best of luck with your goals
  • Mmmporkrinds
    I'm exploring ways of bringing my food budget down too - I'm working so I could spend more, but I'm just interested in seeing how it's possible to eat well for less. Cheap carbs: rice, couscous (easy too and lasts forever). Making your own pasta is cheap and easy too (takes some time, but not heaps). Tortillas are cheap and easy to make as well. Cheap protein: tofu's quite cheap. Dried beans and pulses. Eggs. Cheaper cuts of meat are good in curries and stews. For veg, one useful way is to buy what's cheap (generally stuff in season).

    Basically what I've found is making stuff from scratch with ingredients which are cheap and plentiful works pretty well, if you can invest some time in learning how to use them. Once you get into routines, it doesn't seem to take very much longer than cooking with pre-prepared stuff.
  • angellakh
    Isn't it crazy how hard it can be sometimes, I sympathize with you.

    I work part time , I am going to school part time, I am raising 3 little girls by myself at the moment, I live in my inlaws basement, and i have a mini fridge to store food, I use a skillet to cook and try not to cook too much up in the real kitchen. I don't want to get into their way.

    I will help you out as much as possible, If i find something easy that works for me I will pass it along to you to see if it helps you, hopefully we can help each other out!
  • bao102
    Thanks for all the advise so far!!! I think this is what I needed to really lose the weight!