20 questions about you. PT 2

Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
1. What did you have for breakfast?
2. What kind of TV do you have?
3. Coffee or tea?
4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)
6. Are you moving your leg right now?
7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
8. A/S/L?
9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
10. What was your favorite subject in high school?
11. What would you rename MFP?
12.What is your favorite color?
13. Do you know what poutine is?
14. What is your worst fear?
15. What is the last movie you watched?
16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?
18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
19. How big is your bed?
20. How is the weather right now?


  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast?

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    60 inch Toshiba LCD

    3. Coffee or tea?

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    Reeses pieces mmm

    8. A/S/L?
    26, F, Ontario

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    I cry too much...So sweat cheese

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?

    11. What would you rename MFP?

    12.What is your favorite color?
    Its a tie...blue and purple

    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    Effin EH!

    14. What is your worst fear?

    15. What is the last movie you watched?

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
    Shape Shifter

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite
    My Tv. My camera and....my Blackberry Playbook.

    19. How big is your bed?
    King Size Pillow Top
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    BUMP for new questions!!!
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? Sausage, egg, and cheese sammich
    2. What kind of TV do you have? Which one? Bedroom, living room, or basement?
    3. Coffee or tea? Coffee
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Can't say
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) White
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? No!
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Anything with caramel
    8. A/S/L? 33/M/NYC
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Cry glue
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Math/Science
    11. What would you rename MFP?
    12.What is your favorite color? Blue
    13. Do you know what poutine is? No, is it sexual in nature?
    14. What is your worst fear? something with arachnids...spiders or snakes
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Something's Gotta Give....had no idea Diane Keaton was topless.
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Flying
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? 1 hour of diarrhea instead
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. My mountain bike, my road bike, and my iPhone
    19. How big is your bed? Queen
    20. How is the weather right now? Cold, nipply
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    I made oatmeal, but I never ate it.

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    I have no idea, it's a flat screen that's all I know.

    3. Coffee or tea?

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
    No babies for me for a long long time, I'm not even thinking of a name.

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    Kitkat and gummy worms.

    8. A/S/L?
    I hate when people say asl for some reason.
    23/female clearly/Upstate NY

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    Mmm, sweat cheese.

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?

    11. What would you rename MFP?

    12.What is your favorite color?

    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    No, but I'm scared to know.

    14. What is your worst fear?
    Grasshoppers, heights.

    15. What is the last movie you watched?

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
    my house, my purse, pictures.

    19. How big is your bed?
    Queen, I like to sprall out all over it.

    20. How is the weather right now?
    Sunny and freezing.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? - 2 eggs, ham, coffee
    2. What kind of TV do you have? - 42" LCD HDTV
    3. Coffee or tea? - coffee
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? - Ethan
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) - white
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? - no
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? - Heath bar
    8. A/S/L? - 35/M/Chicago
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? - sweat cheese
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? - History
    11. What would you rename MFP? - Mutha Phuckin Pastries
    12.What is your favorite color? - green
    13. Do you know what poutine is? - yes
    14. What is your worst fear? - death
    15. What is the last movie you watched? - 2001, A Space Odyssey
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? - To fly
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? - blues clues
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. - iPhone, house, car
    19. How big is your bed? - King
    20. How is the weather right now? - Sunny, 37 F
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    nothing. I am never hungry for breakfast

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    42 in flat screen

    3. Coffee or tea?
    tea please

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
    Boy- Coy
    Girl- Alydia

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?
    nope they are crossed.

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    I currently have a gobstopper in my mouth to keep it busy. maybe i like balls in my mouth?

    8. A/S/L?

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    Cry Glue

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?

    11. What would you rename MFP?
    I think MFP is good

    12.What is your favorite color?

    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    Now i do, cause I googled it :) it looks good

    14. What is your worst fear?

    15. What is the last movie you watched?
    Wreck it Ralph with my daughter

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
    Know what people are thinking

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?
    1 hour of blues clues

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
    My phone, my house, and I am obsessed with Scentsy right now.

    19. How big is your bed?
    King size. too big and lonely

    20. How is the weather right now?
    Its cold, but it was colder yesterday.
  • 1. What did you have for breakfast? Manatee steak.
    2. What kind of TV do you have? The type that talks to me.
    3. Coffee or tea? Gasoline.
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? You just said their name was Due Soon...
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) I use seashells
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? It's not moving until it sells the house it already owns.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Unicorn nips
    8. A/S/L? O/P/P you down with it?
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? I poop magic...Expelliarmus!
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Bus rides
    11. What would you rename MFP? Diet Facebook
    12.What is your favorite color? Toilet paper
    13. Do you know what poutine is? What a wife calls it when she feels like her husband's attempt and effort at oral, is just going through the motions.
    14. What is your worst fear? Question 15...
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Ahhhh it's heeeere :O
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Laser eyes that can only be used to slice Christmas hams.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? I wouldn't sleep with either
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. Favorite is singular and finite. Like me :(
    19. How big is your bed? Big enough that if I make it, I have to lie in it.
    20. How is the weather right now? I asked it and it's pissed at you for not asking questions correctly...kidding, it said it's very well.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    Potatoes meat and eggs, hehe.
    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    I'm not sure... it's pretty old, not HD, at least it shows colors.
    3. Coffee or tea?
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
    No baby soon. No idea... John Smith, or something...
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)
    6. Are you moving your leg right now?
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    Don't care. Give me everything what's sweet and I ate it!
    8. A/S/L?
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    Eww... disgusting. I guess glue, if I have to choose...
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?
    11. What would you rename MFP?
    12.What is your favorite color?
    Not sure... prolly black.
    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    Nope... clueless.
    14. What is your worst fear?
    15. What is the last movie you watched?
    Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
    Immortality! :)
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
    My bad, my PC and my radio... I guess.
    19. How big is your bed?
    Relatively small.
    20. How is the weather right now?
  • 1. What did you have for breakfast?
    Haven't had breakfast yet!

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    Dynex.... That's what it says on it. I don't know. My roommate bought it.

    3. Coffee or tea?
    I love both.

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
    I've Made a Huge Mistake.
    In all seriousness, even though I never ever ever want children, I love the names Henry and Sophie.

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)
    White. Is there toilet paper that isn't white? Coloured toilet paper? I want some!

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?
    Surprisingly, no.

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    I'm not picky. I love it all.

    8. A/S/L?
    22 F FL

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    Um. Cry glue, I guess. At least I usually cry in private.

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?

    11. What would you rename MFP?
    I wouldn't.

    12.What is your favorite color?
    Green, yellow, and pink.

    13. Do you know what poutine is?

    14. What is your worst fear?
    Doing nothing with my life, car accidents, family/friends dying, frogs.

    15. What is the last movie you watched?
    Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives.

    It's a really good movie.

    Everyone should watch it.

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
    Teleportation. It would save me so much money on travel.

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?
    Doesn't matter. I'm weird and enjoy kids shows. Probably why my nephews love hanging out with me so much.

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
    My Peter and the Starcatcher playbill signed by the original cast
    My computer
    My cat? Although I don't actually own him. He's my baby.

    19. How big is your bed?

    20. How is the weather right now?
    Kind of gloomy looking.
  • 1. What did you have for breakfast? Laughing Cow cheese and 4 crackers and an apple.
    2. What kind of TV do you have? A HUGE old one. New one on the way!
    3. Coffee or tea? Both.
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Rex.
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) White.
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? No.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Sixlets
    8. A/S/L? 34/F/PA
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? sweat cheese. One can never have enough cheese.
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Advanced Biology
    11. What would you rename MFP? I would rename him Peter.
    12.What is your favorite color? Black
    13. Do you know what poutine is? Yeah, I do.
    14. What is your worst fear? Elephants
    15. What is the last movie you watched? The Holiday
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Flying, please.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Blues Clues.
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. Cheese. Rock and Roll. Motorcycles.
    19. How big is your bed? Queen
    20. How is the weather right now? Cold & Crappy
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? - A banana
    2. What kind of TV do you have? - A sony flatscreen
    3. Coffee or tea? - Neither.
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? - Popsicle
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) - There are colors other than white?
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? - Yup, I fidget all day.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? - Reese's PB Cups... Baby Ruth... Too many to name.
    8. A/S/L? - 96/Hermaphrodite/Yourpants
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Cry Glue. Otherwise there'd be a lot of cheese tumbling off the treadmill.
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Literature. =)
    11. What would you rename MFP? Learn things, then become condescending to newbies.
    12.What is your favorite color? Blue...green...red? I don't have one.
    13. Do you know what poutine is? No.
    14. What is your worst fear? Getting kidnapped and tortured.
    15. What is the last movie you watched? - The Monster High Halloween special (don't judge me!)
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? - Telekinesis.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? - Barney. I know the songs.
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. - My cat, my dress, and my ring.
    19. How big is your bed? - Not big enough.
    20. How is the weather right now? - Can't see... I'm inside. No windows. =(
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    - I don't eat breakfast.

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    - Some kind of a flat-screen, I don't know.

    3. Coffee or tea?
    - Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?
    - Olivia Caroline

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)
    - It comes in colors other than white?

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?
    - Yeah, I'm always fidgeting.

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    - Snickers

    8. A/S/L?
    - I honestly have no idea what this means.

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    - LOL! Sweat cheese.

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?
    - French and English.

    11. What would you rename MFP?
    - Meh. It's fine as it is.

    12.What is your favorite color?
    - Blue.

    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    - I do.

    14. What is your worst fear?
    - Death by drowning.

    15. What is the last movie you watched?
    - It's Complicated

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?
    - To freeze time, like Piper in Charmed.

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?
    - Blues Clues.

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite.
    - Music, laptop, phone.

    19. How big is your bed?
    - Twin.

    20. How is the weather right now?
    - F***ing cold.
  • 1. What did you have for breakfast? I didn't eat breakfast!
    2. What kind of TV do you have? A cheap, big one.
    3. Coffee or tea? I don't drink either
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? If it was a boy, Leo, after my grandpa. If it was a girl, Mi-Cha.
    5. What color is your toilet paper? White? lol
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? No
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? I love Cadbury chocolate!
    8. A/S/L? 26/F/MN
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Sweat cheese...mmm cheese
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? I loved religion and mythology class.
    11. What would you rename MFP? Idk.
    12.What is your favorite color? Red
    13. Do you know what poutine is? No
    14. What is your worst fear? Spiders crawling all over me aagh
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Sonatine, Japanese mafia movie
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Become super rich!
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? 1 hour of barney. I hate that stupid dog
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. My nail polish collection, my camera, and my huge stuffed husky
    19. How big is your bed? I don't have a bed right now lol
    20. How is the weather right now? It's Minnesota "fall" right now, which really means it's 30F and freezing. It's winter here when it hits below 0...
  • paulajune87
    paulajune87 Posts: 56 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? Special K cereal bar.
    2. What kind of TV do you have? Insignia LED flat screen.
    3. Coffee or tea? Neither. (Gag.)
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Girl: Kaydence Boy: Alexander
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) White. (There are other colors??)
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? Negative.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Peanut butter M&Ms.
    8. A/S/L? 25/F/Georgia, US
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Is neither an option? Otherwise, I suppose sweat cheese.
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? English.
    11. What would you rename MFP? Umm. I'm blank here.
    12.What is your favorite color? Hot pink & Lime green. I can't choose between the two.
    13. Do you know what poutine is? I did not, but after Googling it I do. (I Google everything.)
    14. What is your worst fear? Losing someone I love.
    15. What is the last movie you watched? The Amazing Spider-Man
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Invisibility.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? I baby-sit my 2 and 1/2 year-old niece daily, and THANKFULLY she doesn't watch either. Instead we watch Superhero Squad, Ninja Turtles, or Power Rangers. If I had to choose though, I suppose I would go with Blues Clues.
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. iPhone, Laptop, & my Honda.
    19. How big is your bed? Queen.
    20. How is the weather right now? Cold as *kitten*.
  • elishazf
    elishazf Posts: 332 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? Milk and Cereal.
    2. What kind of TV do you have? 50" plasma
    3. Coffee or tea? coffee
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Elisha
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) White
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? Yes.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? I don't really eat candy but if I had to choose it'd be reese
    8. A/S/L? 20/M/ North Carolina
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Sweat Cheese
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? English
    11. What would you rename MFP? Elishazf
    12.What is your favorite color? Red
    13. Do you know what poutine is? Yes
    14. What is your worst fear? Spiders
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Pineapple Express
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Telekinesis
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Blues Clues
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. PS3, Guitar, Car
    19. How big is your bed? I sleep on a futon
    20. How is the weather right now? Raining and Cold
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? A peanut butter sandwich
    2. What kind of TV do you have? An outdated one that doesn't receive any channels. We just use it to watch dvds, etc.
    3. Coffee or tea? Both
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? I actually am expecting a baby very soon, but I never share my children's names on the web.
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) Do they make any colors besides white?
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? Nope.
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Almond Joy
    8. A/S/L? I'm too old for that.
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? I'd rather bathe in cheese and glue.
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Band.
    11. What would you rename MFP? I'd just put more emphasis on FITNESS.
    12.What is your favorite color? Black. Purple.
    13. Do you know what poutine is? I do now. No excuse for ignorance when Google is so readily available.
    14. What is your worst fear? Wasps.
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Brave
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Never having to sleep.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Blues Clues.
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. My iphone, my weapons, and my musical instruments (kinda cheated there, I know)
    19. How big is your bed? Not nearly big enough
    20. How is the weather right now? Crisp
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? egg whites, chicken bacon, smoothie
    2. What kind of TV do you have? LCD 52"
    3. Coffee or tea? neither
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Thor
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) ...
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? No...?!?
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? Too many to count
    8. A/S/L? 13 f cali
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Neither
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? P.E.
    11. What would you rename MFP? My fitness bro
    12.What is your favorite color? Black
    13. Do you know what poutine is? Yes. Delicious.
    14. What is your worst fear? Fear of dying
    15. What is the last movie you watched? SKYFALL. Watch it.
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Fly
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Barney FTW
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. Black Ops 2, My dog, Pesto
    19. How big is your bed? Queen
    20. How is the weather right now? Cold
  • GabbyP93
    GabbyP93 Posts: 37 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds.. yumm

    2. What kind of TV do you have?
    haha, none.

    3. Coffee or tea?

    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name?

    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!)
    pink lol

    6. Are you moving your leg right now?

    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate?
    Snickers, but I have a new found love for KitKat

    8. A/S/L?

    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue?
    eww.. sweat cheese

    10. What was your favorite subject in high school?
    English & Math

    11. What would you rename MFP?
    Hmmm.. Gabby's Keeper :)

    12.What is your favorite color?
    I have 3.. fuchsia, turquoise, & teal..

    13. Do you know what poutine is?
    no... do I want to?

    14. What is your worst fear?
    heights, tight spaces, death

    15. What is the last movie you watched?
    White Chicks ^____^

    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it?

    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney?

    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite
    My bible, my mascara, & this really awesome bra.

    19. How big is your bed?

    20. How is the weather right now?
    Nice & cozy under this blanket :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? Special K Protein Plus with 2% cows milk.
    2. What kind of TV do you have? A Phillips flat screen... LCD? I dunno
    3. Coffee or tea? Either. I love both!!
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? Roland C'thulhu or Rosalind C'thulhu
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) White, but I have used blue and pink before at my grandmother's
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? How'd you know?!
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? I love Lindor Truffles
    8. A/S/L? 23/F/CO
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? Sweat cheese.
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? Science and art.
    11. What would you rename MFP? My Support Net
    12.What is your favorite color? Yellow!!!!!
    13. Do you know what poutine is? Fries, cheese curds, gravy. I cheated though, I have a Canadian friend from www.geekjuice.com
    14. What is your worst fear? Dying before I have at least one grandkid.
    15. What is the last movie you watched? Wreck it Ralph!!! It was amazing!!!!
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? Flight...
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Either. I've seen both and they are both good for kids!
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. My Gerbils, My Cross Stitching, My Husband! ;-)
    19. How big is your bed? Queen. I'm happy with it because King is too big!
    20. How is the weather right now? Very cold. It's winterish time in Colorado!!!
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    1. What did you have for breakfast? hash browns soyrizo and eggs
    2. What kind of TV do you have? a tiny flat screen
    3. Coffee or tea? either iced
    4. Your baby is due soon...What is his/her name? no thanks
    5. What color is your toilet paper? (BEFORE you use it ew!) some shade of white
    6. Are you moving your leg right now? no
    7. What is your favorite candy/chocolate? anything with caramel or coconut
    8. A/S/L? 24/F/So Cal
    9. Would you rather sweat cheese or cry glue? sweat cheese
    10. What was your favorite subject in high school? English and Science
    11. What would you rename MFP? i like MFP no re name
    12.What is your favorite color? Purple
    13. Do you know what poutine is? nope but i did google it
    14. What is your worst fear? being a bum
    15. What is the last movie you watched? pitch perfect
    16. You get the super power of your choice...What is it? to have any superpower i needed depending on my situation.
    17. 1 hour of blues clues or 1 hour of barney? Blues clues
    18. Name 3 things you own that are your favorite. my car, my bed, my cameras
    19. How big is your bed? twin
    20. How is the weather right now? sorta chilly