
It's my favorite holiday. My extended family is HUGE, so the food preparation process takes a couple of days. Some of the best time I've spent with my grandmother, my mother, and my 4 aunts (along with any cousins who got roped into help) has been in the kitchen peeling potatoes, making pies, and just talking and laughing.

I don't know why, but I'm nervous about the holidays this year. I've been going strong for almost 3 weeks now and seen some good progress -- I guess I'm afraid that I'll get caught up in the hype and eat too much. And that thought process is kind of worrisome. I don't want to feel afraid to eat. I don't want to feel like I'm obsessing. It's one thing to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I don't want to be afraid to splurge every now and again.

Am I crazy? I guess I just need a little support.


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's my favorite holiday. My extended family is HUGE, so the food preparation process takes a couple of days. Some of the best time I've spent with my grandmother, my mother, and my 4 aunts (along with any cousins who got roped into help) has been in the kitchen peeling potatoes, making pies, and just talking and laughing.

    I don't know why, but I'm nervous about the holidays this year. I've been going strong for almost 3 weeks now and seen some good progress -- I guess I'm afraid that I'll get caught up in the hype and eat too much. And that thought process is kind of worrisome. I don't want to feel afraid to eat. I don't want to feel like I'm obsessing. It's one thing to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I don't want to be afraid to splurge every now and again.

    Am I crazy? I guess I just need a little support.
    Enjoy the day. Don't stress over food.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have a game plan for the day, I know my weakness is larger portions and desserts. So this year no desserts and I'm watching my portions of other stuff. I know I can handle it this year and do my best, I know that I have come to far to mess things up now. Gaining is so much easier than losing and I have had enough yo-yo dieting. This is my lifestyle now and I will do what needs to be done to be thinner and healthier. I plan on spending time on my total gym once I finish eating as well. This is my first year that I've been driven on Thanksgiving and had the drive to stick to a plan. I know I will be victorious!!! I will enjoy my family and friends as always but this year without the 4 or 5 thousand calories...Good luck all!!!
  • jikkenkekka
    No, you're not crazy. This will be my first holiday season while being serious about weight loss, and it's got me a little nervous, too--especially since this year we'll be having it at my house whereas we normally go to my aunt's or grandmother's house (eek, think of the leftovers!). And my mum's going crazy adding all sorts of things to the meal plan--including *loads* of dessert!

    I haven't been through a big holiday like Thanksgiving while doing this yet, but all I can say is to keep in mind your weight loss journey and goals, but don't completely restrict yourself so much that you'll be feeling bummed out for days to come afterward. I haven't quite decided what I'm going to be doing this Thanksgiving yet--for a while I considered just not logging on that day, trying to eat at least semi-consciously in regards to what's going in my mouth and trying to balance out the treats with veggies and such, but then i thought that even if I got back on track the next day, not counting on Thanksgiving still wouldn't be helpful to me. So I'm thinking that I'll log everything I eat (to the best of my ability--some things other people will be bringing and I've got not much of a clue about how much of what is in some of it), but for me personally it's probably not likely that I'll stay within my MFP calorie limit on that particular day (though if you can, kudos to you!). So I'll probably log things as best as I can and just try to make sure I don't eat over my maintenance level. Then get in a good workout that night or the next day, and starting Friday get back on track with counting as normal. I just don't see myself realistically walking away from a slice of my mum's pumpkin pie, haha.

    Best of luck to you on turkey day! (Mmmm, it'll be here soon! XD ♥)
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    No you are definitely not crazy. I just started MFP about 3 weeks ago and at first the idea of an entire Holiday dedicated to food made me very nervous, but I came to the realization that I should just enjoy the day and not stress over it. Now this doesn't mean I'm going to go completely insane and binge eat every piece of turkey and pie in sight, but I am going to fill my plate up, and maybe even get a few second helpings of things, drink a glass or two of wine, and have a piece of my Grandpa's homemade pecan pie for dessert and not feel guilty about it.

    That isn't to say that I don't have a plan though. I've already been working out quite a bit extra this week and I plan on doing the same thing next week to prepare for the fact that I'm almost positive that I'll be over my calorie goal that day. I also plan on jogging or walking that morning, and maybe even after the meal as well, to make up for some of it. I don't however plan on stressing about how many calories I've eaten (within reason of course) or whether I exercised enough that day. I'm going to enjoy the day with my family as stress free as possible and get right back on the weight loss train when I wake up the next morning. :smile:
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I like to plan my splurges so I can enjoy them guilt free. My plan is to eat 100 cals less and burn 75 cals more daily the rest of the week since I'm at a modest deficit and gobble up on Thanksgiving guilt free. Hello biscuits and pie, come to momma :love:
  • LMick1986
    I kind of am too! I just bought my first house this year. My dad is coming out to visit me for Thanksgiving, so I'm putting on the show. I thought about making a bunch of healthy stuff, but I'm scared it's a little much. I think what we need to remember....don't be scared of food. I tend to obsess every day of the week over staying in my calorie range. However, after thought, I have come to be ok with going over on Thanksgiving. I'll allow myself that day. :)
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    One day doesn't define your lifestyle. Enjoy the holiday. Just don't go too crazy on the desserts, and don't beat yourself up if you do.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you are eating right the whole month one day of yummy food wont kill you. Im trying to add one more workout day each week to try and balance it out, because i love turkey day and i dont want to give up my mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce! or my wonderful baked goods!!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Make Thanksgiving your (reasonable) cheat day.

    Eat Slowly!!

    Make one plate, eat all of that food, be done.

    Drink all the water you can before/during eating!

    Focus your attention on the socializing, not the food.

    Honestly, I've found that as I've been dieting, foods I once had a craving for just didn't taste as appealing. My sister-in-law makes baked macaroni that I used to get in line early for (it goes fast!). I've always been a huge fan of it. This year, I was nervous about the opportunity to over-eat it. The last time I had it (labor day), I wasn't feeling it. It just wasn't as tasty any more. Same with pop-tarts, pizza rolls, vienna sausages, and a whole bunch of other foods. Anyway, I guess my point is that if you remove some of the anticipation of all the good food you'll eat, you remove some of the desire.

    Not that all the food won't be amazing, but it will only taste as good (and be as tempting) as you want it to be. If you remember yourself that it's just food, and the day is for family and being thankful, and that food is not the only reason to gather, you may feel differently about what you're eating!