A Dog of Cheese

Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
So, my dog Tugg is named after a character in the Pogles Wood childrens programme.
The character was a squirrel type animal that had once been a stuffed toy but had been brought to life by Magic.
You can see the story here:-
The character was actually called TOG but my little brother couldn’t pronounce it properly and always called him Tugg…so that’s how my dog came by his name. We also sometimes refer to him as being a little bear as when he’s tired after a long walk he’s very cute and loves to snuggle up to you for a cuddle.

One day I took him down to the Village Store and tied him up outside while I went in.
When I came out I went to the post box and called Tugg over after I’d posted the letter. Another lady was also posting something and she burst out laughing and said she’d never heard of a dog with such a strange name.

The conversation went something like this:-

Her “Oh My God…that is such a funny thing to call your dog….it’s hysterical…I bet he’s the only dog in the world with a weird name like that”

Me “ Errmm…I don’t think it’s that strange is it?”

Her [LHAO] “Oh yes it is….who else could would name their dog after a piece of cheese!”

Me *thinking..is she bonkers* “Cheese? What do you mean”

Her “You just came out of the shop and called your dog Camembert”

Me “ I beg your pardon?”

Her *more laughter* “Camembert….I mean who names their dog after a cheese”

Me *thinking …should we make a run for it…she could be dangerous*

*BING! Light bulb moment*

I suddenly realised what had happened. I’d come out of the shop and said to Tugg

“Come on Bear….Let’s Go”

She was sooooooo embarrassed when I told her what I’d said
Made my day


  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    Ha! Great story! My mom had a standard poodle who's name was actually Bear while she was pregnant with me. During her pregnancy she had a reoccuring dream that when she finally had me, I was a poodle. After a long and horrible labor, my young cousin asked her "Does she look like Bear?". Unfortunately my exhausted mother heard "She looks like Bear" and immediately fainted.
    Needless to say, I am an only child.:wink:
  • Snoozypaws3000
    Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
    *wipes tears away*
    Brilliant story