disappointed and diet pop!

I just weighed in this week and although I lost one pound, I'm a little disappointed. Yes...this comes off of a 4.5 pound loss last week but I thought I would lose more than one pound for my second week. And yes...I know that one pound is a healthy, more permanent loss. But I thought I did so good this week. Exercised five days and was under my calorie goal every day. Got my 8 glasses of water in almost every day. So...here is the big question...do I need to give up my diet pop? On a typical day, Ihave one 20 ounce bottle. However, yesterday was not a typical day and I had quite a few diet pops. This only happens when I am out because I do not buy pop to keep in the house. But...I have to tell you...I am dying for a diet pop right now!!!!

Any thoughts on diet pop?

Also...could someone send me the link to the information about eating back your calories you earn from exercising? I think I might have been below 1200 calories to many times this week.

Thanks! Have a great Sunday!!!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • valerieflames
    hey here's a good article I found about diet soda:
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/61706-guide-to-calorie-deficits This is a good thread on the subject of eating exercise calories. From what I've read, having a net of under 1200 calories isn't really a good thing and can prevent you from losing.
  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    well just remember that 1200 is the lowest you want to go so if that is your goal try to make it there!! i'm under sometimes too but i try to preplan my day so i'm at least at 1200 or 1300 at the most (my goal is 1300 but i stay between the two) i know dr's say if you dont eat at least that (or more) your body goes in starvation mode etc etc, i'm sure you've heard it.

    i'm not a big diet soda drinker because i hate the taste! i'm going to check out that link though.

    you are doing great!! and maybe you dropped so much in your first week because of losing water weight (?)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Remember that when you increase your exercise you'll build up some muscle and if you weigh yourself before you "recover" from significant exertion, you'll have extra water/blood volume in your muscles which can add weight. If you know you're eating the right amount, and you know you're working out hard - the limited weight loss is probably nothing.

    It takes more than a couple days for your body to go into starvation mode. I found that I had to eat more than I was used to in order to lose weight but that was because I'd been eating under 1200 calories 80% of the time for weeks. I generally eat most of my exercise calories because I'm freaking HUNGRY when I'm working out.

    My only weight loss stall-outs have been when I've either been building muscle from increased workouts (strength building etc) or when I've been bad and consistently eaten too much like the last week or two. I think I may have actually gained weight (usually I just blame water weight) the last week so I'm starting a more disciplined exercise regime. That being said I expect that if I really work out and do my planned aerobic work this week I'll either hold steady or go up this week, then next week see a nice drop as my body adjusts. It could be two weeks before I see the drop.

    Unfortunately our bodies have their own agenda and time schedule and they don't seem to care what OUR schedule requires! I'm hoping to be down 60 pounds by January but I know that there is really no way to predict how I'll lose the next ten pounds.

    Just keep doing what you know is good for yourself and the weight loss will follow!
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Another issue with diet soda is the sodium and caffeine, both of which can cause you to retain water...not to mention the potential long term adverse health effects of artificial sweeteners...that being said, I do still consume them in place of regular soda, but I have drastically cut back and hope to eliminate them completely over time...
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    The artificial sweeteners in diet sodas are a bone of contention - I think they are harmful, but there is no hard research that I'm aware of on anything but aspartame, which can be very harmful. However, to make up for some of the lost flavor a lot of soda makers add extra sodium to their diet drinks, which could be making you retain water. I'd say cut back or give it up entirely. Maybe trade your daily 20-oz bottle for a 12-oz can, or even a 6-oz mini can if you can find one. Or try mixing a half cup of fruit juice with seltzer water to get your fizz fix.
  • Beth1978
    Beth1978 Posts: 19
    I worked my butt off this week and saw a 1 pould weight gain! I tried Diet Mt. Dew and had a can each day with my lunch. I am going to totally cut it out this week! I would bet anything that is what caused my weight gain! I was so pissed off at myself when I weighed in yesterday before we left! Of course I didn't have any way to do anything this weekend riding in the car to S.D. And back and I couldn't log anything (wish there was an app for Blackberry like there is for the iPhone). No more soda for me!!! I am going back to my tea and water. I was very disappointed this week!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Have your pop. Onediet pop is a treat that won't disrupt your weight loss as long as you're getting in your water. And it's something you enjoy. Look at your loss this way, you just lost 4 Sticks of butter (pure fat) - 4 sticks of butter seems like alot when it's sitting on the counter and you imagine that on your BELLY!!! Slow and steady and it will be all off before you know it AND you are creating a life style not just a quick fix, right?? Enjoy the journey.
  • Beth1978
    Beth1978 Posts: 19
    Okay, I guess it wasn't a complete 1 pound weight gain...it was only 4 ounces. I am still not thrilled about it though! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I know this might sound really dumb, but what is diet pop?
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I know this might sound really dumb, but what is diet pop?

    Diet soda
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am sorry, not trying to be akward I promise, but not sure what that is either? Is it like diet drink or something else?
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I am sorry, not trying to be akward I promise, but not sure what that is either? Is it like diet drink or something else?

    I didn't think anyone existed who didn't know what diet soda was!!

    Yes... it's a carbonated drink, sweetened artificially so it has 0 calories.

    Never heard of Diet Coke? Diet Pepsi? Diet Dr. Pepper? Diet Sprite? None of these??? :noway:
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I am sorry, not trying to be akward I promise, but not sure what that is either? Is it like diet drink or something else?

    I didn't think anyone existed who didn't know what diet soda was!!

    Yes... it's a carbonated drink, sweetened artificially so it has 0 calories.

    Never heard of Diet Coke? Diet Pepsi? Diet Dr. Pepper? Diet Sprite? None of these??? :noway:

    It's because we're from the UK :laugh:

    Usually here we just call it by Diet .. whatever it is, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc :happy:
  • LosingLori
    Thanks for the info, suggestions and support. I am really going to try to reduce my amount this week. After I posted, I needed to run out and get my children and I "had" to stop to get my 32 oz refill...but I stopped myself there. That was my splurge and when we went out to dinner tonight with my sister-in-law visiting from out of state, not only did I try to eat better and limited my chips and salsa...but I drank water with lemon! The hardest part about giving up the diet soda is that I am not a coffee drinker so my diet cherry pepsi IS my morning wake-up drink!

    Thanks again...have a great week!
  • roxannemayo
    Hi Everyone!

    I am new to this site so please be gentle. I have been logging since Monday afternoon and am trying to be as diligent as can be. The MyfitnessPlan has chosen 1810 calories for me and as crazy as it may seem, i have only come close one time, 1801, i am always under. Like, way under....any suggestions/advice for me?

    Good luck to everyone, and me too. :happy:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I am sorry, not trying to be akward I promise, but not sure what that is either? Is it like diet drink or something else?

    I didn't think anyone existed who didn't know what diet soda was!!

    Yes... it's a carbonated drink, sweetened artificially so it has 0 calories.

    Never heard of Diet Coke? Diet Pepsi? Diet Dr. Pepper? Diet Sprite? None of these??? :noway:

    It's because we're from the UK :laugh:

    Usually here we just call it by Diet .. whatever it is, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc :happy:

    This just made me laugh! HAHA!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    On the diet soda - I gave up all soda for Lent this year. My experience since not drinking diet soda is that I don't crave sweet things as often and I generally just "feel better". I have terrible plantar fasciitis that is sometimes so painful that I can't walk - let alone exercise - since giving up soda (real and diet) - I haven't had nearly as much trouble. I haven't excluded artificial sweeteners completely - my "treat" now when we go out and I've had ALL of my water for the day is Diet Ice Tea. I'm looking forward to when we have enough sun here that I can make sun-tea... my favorite.

    Roxanne - Welcome. To get your 1800 calories in - (and I know exactly how you feel) - look at adding in some nuts, trail mix, an extra snack or two. Make sure that you're eating every 2 hours. I eat at 8, 10, 12, 2, 4, 5:30, and 7:30... I eat A LOT! What are you generally eating for breakfast???
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I crave a soda every once in a while. The one I use is Waist Watchers. Its sweetened with Splenda. Other than that everything is 0 on the label. Hope that helps. It takes a few secs for you to forget its diet. Now when I take a sip of regular it tastes like syrup to me.
  • onehealthymomma07
    that 20 z soda pop is around 300 plus calories, and if ur not eating enough the weight will not move..