any other super stressed students out there?

So I've found that trying to lose (or even maintain) a weight while studying your butt off is brutally hard! Is there anyone else out there in the same boat? Add me, I'd love to hear hoe someone else in my situation is coping with school and proper diet!


  • i am with you its my freshman year and college and trying to keep off the freshman 15 is not as easy as i thought it would be especialy cause we have no time to work out between all the studying
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    I am not a student, but I am super stressed most of the time because of my carrer and family life. I am practically a single mom most of the time, so I am handling a lot of stuff right now. It has just been crazy.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    I work and attend school, both full time. Needless to say, plenty of stress here!
  • I read Law full-time and work part-time along with some volunteer work so I know what you mean about stress!

    I find the best way to prevent stress getting in the way is by talking really honestly and openly with my friends about my weight concerns and aspirations; it lightens the load (excuse the pun). Talking will help focus you and their support can get you through times when it feels easier to just give up (:
  • ME! i'm a student right now and it's incredibly hard to lose weight without losing my grades in the process :( add me and maybe we can help support eachother? :D
  • I totally hear you. I work about 15 hours a week, do 6-10 hours of research, and am taking 18 credit hours for my final year. Plus, as a senior physics major, I'm also taking GREs and trying to apply for grad schools. It's a nightmare! Lack of sleep, high stress, and little exercise time make losing weight a nightmare!
    I sent a friend request :)
    Anyone else please feel free to friend me as well, there's always room for one more!
  • Just graduated and fully understand you're woes with stress and studying !! The best method that I found was to eat as healthy as you can six days a week, then reward yourself with a cheat day on the seventh. Great way to keep motivated by having something to look forward to at the end of the week !!

    Healthy and tasty snacks whilst studying:

    Carrots and houmous
    Roasted sunflower seeds
    Dried fruit with yogurt

    Good luck with your studies !