Help! In College!

Hi! My name is Alex. I need to follow some people who are currently going to a college or university as a way to continue to motivate myself. Lately, since I have been going to college I've been seriously slacking off in my weight loss and even gained most of the weight I've lost back. Help! D:


  • mhaight85
    I'm in college, but I'm also married with a 3 yr old so I'm probably in a bit of a different situation than you. Do you live in a dorm? I thank that would be tough since I don't think most dorms have a kitchen. What seems to be giving you the most trouble sticking to your goals? Many colleges have great workout facilities, my husband goes to a state university and use the fitness area for free...I go to a community college and it's not free but they do have discounted rates for students. Maybe you could find a buddy to workout with?
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm a college girl, and sadly when I started college I seemed to put on the weight. Feel free to add me I will help any way that I can even though I just came back here a few days ago so I'm pretty much in the same position you are in :)
  • carsona92
    I'm in the same boat! I'm 20 and a full time student and I have a hard time making the time to eat right and workout like I should be. If you want to help motivate eachother send me a message and hopefully we can help eachother get to our goals. :)
  • xhiakri
    I do live in a dorm and yes it does have a kitchen and I've even found a workout buddy. Its just really difficult to find food here that is good for you and even then it's difficult to go to the gym while being a music major but I'm determined to try!
  • calliem82
    its not easy I work full time raise two kids on my own and am in college online. Time is not a friend at times but I find if I put ankle weights on as I am reading and do some controlled leg lifts while I am studying or I do some chair squats in between my reading. I have to fine little things that I can do while I am studying just to fit stuff in. While at work I try and walk a lap around the building to get a few extra steps in my day.

    Hope this helps
  • xhiakri
    That actually does help. Thank you!
  • vincentpatel0
    vincentpatel0 Posts: 5 Member
    I broke my leg in University and lost a bunch of weight. I would recommend the same :)

    I couldn't go down to the cafeteria in my dorm due the stairs and not being able to balance a tray and my crutches, so i ate from the vending machine. Carmel popcorn and chocolate milk diet for 2 months and I shed like 20lbs (not even joking!)

    Seriously though, eat whatever is available but in smaller portions. Don't kill yourself trying to supplement your college's meal plan. Just eat less and drink lots of water - tracking them through MFP will help you determine the proper portions. Buy some fruit and Special K for your room once a week and just snack on that when the hunger pains hit during an all nighter!

    Another thing you can do is study at the library furthest from your dorm so you have to hike up there regularly. If your classes are spaced out far enough, go back to your room to get your books between each class. I dont know how big your campus is but our University was big enough that some kids would take the bus to get to the otherside (we had free bus passes)
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey! I'm 23 and a grad student in college. I know how tough it is to lose weight and stick with it while also trying to enjoy college life. I know I packed on some massive pounds over the past few years. I had finally had enough and decided to make a change. Feel free to add me as a friend! I love having the support of other college students on MFP. :smile:
  • destack
    destack Posts: 33 Member
    I definitely identify with this. Finding time to cook healthy food and get to the gym is really hard with crazy college schedule. I would recommend trying to sign up for a class at a specific time that fits into your schedule, if you've paid for zumba or something, you're less likely to skip out on it, and if it's scheduled in to your day, it's a commitment.
  • lovelight30
    college freshman in need of help!
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    I've been in college for the past 2 1/2 years and have been losing weight for the past year. You can add me if you'd like; I log daily. :bigsmile:
  • oliviamariex
    Hey I gained weight in college. At college it can be hard maintaining your weight! I know friends would always have pizza parties; and if you are on a meal plan the food isn't always ideal... Anyway, feel free to add me :)