I'm doing low carb, and when I eat a high protein and high fat meal I am thinking to myself... Surely this isn't healthy,

For example, Iv just had 2 Angus beef burgers with bacon and cheese, it was dripping in fat and it makes me question whether this is good for you? How can you loose weight in these circumstances... It seems to be working thou! But surely a banana is healthier than eating a lump of cheese/some peanut butter for a snack?

Which leads onto my next question... Those of you doing low carb what is your calorie goal per day and Macros?

**Especially how many grams of fat is a good amount?**



  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Most people generally aim for about .35g of fat per lb of body weight. Also, dietary fat =/= body fat.

    I think that this "diet" that you are following is becoming quite difficult or stressful. I would personally pick something that would be a lifestyle change that works best for you and I doubt that limiting carbs completely is something that you want to do forever!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    If some of your meals are "dripping in fat" and you maintain a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If some of your meals are "dripping in fat" and you maintain a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.

    But not if they are dripping in bananas
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    Can you take a look at my dairy and see what you think of my daily fat intake, its worrying me... im on low carb so high fat is meant to be good... But surely higher carb and lower fat is better? as a balance.... Im unsure what is best?
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    I have type 1 diabetes and Celiac disease. I eat a very low carb diet. I stay around 1600 calories. I do try to stick with lean cuts of meat and chicken, fish, etc. I also do not eat processed food and rarely eat in restaurants because i seem to always get glutened.
  • DragomirGirl
    carbs are what your body needs for energy. you need comlex carbs. mcdonalds is not healthy, any of it. home cooked meals involving whole wheat and fish(fish has high protein,complex carbs, and it has ONLY unsatuated fat which you need) are best. saturated fat and trans fat are things to stay away from. these can clog your arteries. NO saturated fat or trans fat. trans fat is worse. it automatically clings to the inside of your arteries
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    eat HEALTHY Proteins such as tuna fish, extra lean ground turkey breast, chicken, fish, and even pork. Ground beef or beef in general is high fat and your arteries dont care much for that! If you are eating lean meats and veggies - youll surely be healthy in all ways!
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Can you take a look at my dairy and see what you think of my daily fat intake, its worrying me... im on low carb so high fat is meant to be good... But surely higher carb and lower fat is better? as a balance.... Im unsure what is best?

    I don't see an issue with the fat intake one bit. However, your calorie intake should be higher in my opinion. Honestly, I think that you should set your goals to 1/2 lb of weight loss per week. 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fat.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Lol, well, you're kind of doing the ol' Atkins controversy there, aren't you? The people who went, "I'll lose weight on low carb!" and exclusively started eating cheese and bacon.

    If you don't do that normally, then no sweat--you're taking something that's not necessarily the mooost healthy, and making it work better for your macro plan.

    However, lots of the "omg fat is bad for you" stuff has been way overblown--even fat from fattier meats isn't going to pack the same artery blocking punch as the oils they're often cooked in, or other things are cooked in.

    But yeah, as others said: calories in vs. calories out. The ol' IIFYM/twinkie diet worked/etc. But, you don't need to eat like, a burger to hit your macro...You could invest in more LEAN meats ;)

    I'm eating at around 1400-1500 calories, doing low carb (doctor's recommendation; I have no thyroid), and he recommends 180g or lower... but my goal is generally 120g or lower, and I consider it alright if I'm 150g or lower (which is the conventional "low carb" plan: 150g or lower). Protein macro goal is 100g+, which is hard for me because I rarely eat meat, and have really only been eating it more often to up the protein :P As for fat, I have it generally around 50-60g. My cholesterol, BP, etc. is all fine... but then there's research on more fat being beneficial for people with thyroid/adrenal issues (which I do), so there you go.

    EDIT: Plus, it's pretty arbitrary to say a banana is healthier than a scoop of peanut butter is healthier than a burger. They all have theirs pros for people, they all have their cons.
  • DragomirGirl
    high carb and low SATURATED fat is better. your body needs to intake more carbs and less fat. you are still doing good though.don't worry.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I'm doing low carb, and when I eat a high protein and high fat meal I am thinking to myself... Surely this isn't healthy,

    For example, Iv just had 2 Angus beef burgers with bacon and cheese, it was dripping in fat and it makes me question whether this is good for you? How can you loose weight in these circumstances... It seems to be working thou! But surely a banana is healthier than eating a lump of cheese/some peanut butter for a snack?

    Which leads onto my next question... Those of you doing low carb what is your calorie goal per day and Macros?

    **Especially how many grams of fat is a good amount?**


    Oh my gosh makes me so sad. I know I can't change your mind but I've been there and done that.

    I've found that if I eat plain old good fashioned protein; meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs and just enough carbs to give me energy then the fat mostly falls into place and my diet ends up fairly balanced without much planning. Then just add in some fruits and veggies. It does not have to be perfect, just somewhat balanced. Focusing too hard on macros will not help you lose weight.

    Most of the time what you are embarking on will yield you some short term weight loss results, making you temporarily happy, and then it rebounds because it is not sustainable.

    You want to eat as healthy as you can because it makes you feel better and perform better, and makes you healthier. There are a bunch of tricks and clean eating; reducing sugar (especially HFCS), fiber, white flour vs whole grain, low carb, low fat, on and on. All that matters is calories for weight loss. If you need to eat a certain way for health reasons or to feel better do it, but extensive good food and bad food lists will drive you insane at some point, it’s a constantly moving target. Just eat what you like, mostly healthy, mostly balanced, within a calorie budget.

    These were the diets I tried and failed and did the diet yo-yo with for 15 years:

    Low fat high carb, Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Organic, Weston Price Diet, The Schwarzbein Principle, Eat Fat Lose Fat, The Ultimate PH Solution, The Makers Diet, A friends diet from a personal trainer/dietician

    I finally just got sick of it all and made up my own diet with healthy foods I enjoy and smaller portions. I ate my meals from small desert plates and bowls. I stopped eating in the evenings (not that when you eat matters.) I started calling what I did mini-meals and mini-fasts and I lost 40 lbs. Then I found Eat Stop Eat and learned why it worked and everything took off for me at that point.

    Eat what you want, eat what you like, mostly healthy. Don’t deprive yourself of foods you love unless there is a serious health risk. Depriving yourself of food you love and creating extensive good food and bad food lists at some point borders on a mental disorder. It will drive you insane.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    high carb and low SATURATED fat is better. your body needs to intake more carbs and less fat. you are still doing good though.don't worry.


    Edit: Trans and saturated fats are what should be watched. The only true part of your statement is "low saturated fat".
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Moderation is best. Lean proteins, good healthy fats, and high fiber carbs.

    My macros are around 30% carb/30Protein/40 fat

    My fats are made up of mostly almonds, avocados, eggs,
    My proteins are mostly eggs, chicken, fish, lean pork and lean beef maybe once a week.
    My carbs come from non starch veggies, and maybe one high fiber grain every few days. 1 or 2 servings of whole fruit.
    I do like cheese, but don't go overboard on it.

    I don't buy into the whole greasy dripping with animal fat concept. I have seen too many people eat like this that are extremely unhealthy. But I am sure that there are many who say that it is perfectly fine.

    Again, moderation is key.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Check out my diary. I'm doing a ketogenic diet (65% fat, 30% protein, 5% carbohydrate) and it is a huge mental shift from "low fat" way of thinking.

    With that being said, I have no problem with carbs, I just try to make the ones I do eat as fresh and as green as I can get them. (please ignore yesterday's diary entry... it was a special occasion lol).

    The best part, for me, about these changes: I'm not hungry anymore. Well, I do get hungry, but it's a real hunger, not the "feeling peckish, so I'll graze on some chips" kind of hunger. I feel more energetic, awake, and less brain foggy.

    As far as your body needing carbs? Your body can run on fat just fine, too. It's very adaptable and flexible about which fuel source it uses.

    All in all, I prefer how I feel when I stick to my macros compared to how I felt before keto.
  • cloe31
    cloe31 Posts: 75 Member
    Why aren't you eating any fruits of veggies? You can't just eat meat all the time and cheese. Just concentrate on eating healthy foods and don't worry about low carb.
  • ibach08
    ibach08 Posts: 61 Member
    I looked through your diary and eating 700-1100 calories a day is just way to little! Also it doesn't seem you get enough fiber. I would really recommend upping cal and eating way more veggies to get some more fiber. It is okay to eat calories if they come from a good source!
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    My fats are made up of mostly almonds, avocados, eggs,
    My proteins are mostly eggs, chicken, fish, lean pork and lean beef maybe once a week.
    My carbs come from non starch veggies, and maybe one high fiber grain every few days. 1 or 2 servings of whole fruit.
    I do like cheese, but don't go overboard on it.

    ^ I am glad to find a moderately low carb diet and someone that actually has an understanding of good carbs vs. bad carbs.

    I am more strict (60f,30p,5c), so I do often have steak, burgers, ribs, bacon, or veggies often dripping with animal fat and cheese. But I treat carbs very much the same, minus the occasional wheat. :)

    I am forever laughing at anyone claiming that your body requires carbs for fuel, or that HIGH CARB low fat diets are contributing to anything but furthering obesity and hunger cravings. I eat 20g carb or less since March 2012 and I am still alive and kicking! Albeit another 100lbs lighter.

    OP, eat more veggies. (Not fruit, fruit should be eaten VERY sparingly.) Anything green is probably great for you. Keep up your fat intake, they keep you satiated throughout the day and will keep your calories restricted more naturally. Don't worry what others say (unless its a medical professional based on actual lab results), and just go by how you feel.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Hey hun! As you know I am also doing the really low carb, if it bothers you seeing all the grease, try and go for leaner cuts of meat. If you do ground beef, go for the 96% lean sirloin opposed to ground beef or ground chuck. It doesn't have as much fat and still has no carbs. Also, melting cheese is going to be greasy, with maybe the exception of some cheeses.

    Your body needs the fat because it isn't getting the carbs like you were, but you definitely need to fit in some veggies, obviously fruit will bring above your carb target, but when you take the fiber out of veggies, they are pretty low carb. Even when I get in 7 servings of veggies I have been well under my carb target :)

    Even try eating some raw veggies with some dip or salad dressing, there are a lot of simple recipes to make dressing and it's so much better than the store bought stuff :)

    If you need any ideas take a look at my diary, I know my calorie goal is way higher then yours, but maybe you can get some ideas to switch things up a bit. I am trying to make sure I get in all meats, I am a red meat lover and have gone a bit overboard with it lately, been good with chicken, so going to work on incorporating some fish and light pork in also :)

    Go for leaner cuts of meat if the sat fat bothers you, and try and aim to get your fats from healthy sources. I try to do that, but I also use some full fat dairy and the occasional fatty cuts of meat.

    Let me know if you have any other questions :)
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Half of my caloric intake is fat. I actually add fat (butter or lard) to recipes or replace veggie oils with saturated fats. My bf% is about as low as it can safely be and my cholesterol numbers are fantastic. I will probably get **** for this post, but if you're going to do low carb, just do it. If you can't do it, then don't.
  • cthon98
    Why aren't you eating any fruits of veggies? You can't just eat meat all the time and cheese. Just concentrate on eating healthy foods and don't worry about low carb.

    You should've told me that back in June, when I started pretty much exclusively eating meats and cheese, that would've saved me the trouble of... losing 33 pounds... and getting considerably healthier... and ... wait.