
i consumed over 700 calories in alcohol last night!

red wine. pale ale. guiness.

i feel disgusting.

i have a headache.

and i dont wanna add it to my food diary because i dont wanna see the numbers.


please tell me i am not the only one to slip like that?!


  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I drank possibly 1500-2000 calories in alcohol last night. And I hardly ever drink. I didnt even log them...i'm just gonna get back on the horse today. I was clearly smashed and i had a good time, but i ended my night hugging the toilet and i will definitely be staying away from anywhere with alcohol for quite some time. It happens...just get up and regroup.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    Isn't it scary how fast it all adds up? I just look at it as a learning experience and think to myself, "Wow! Remember when I used to do that all the time?" :-)
    At least now we are conscious of the calories. Baby steps!!
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    I drank possibly 1500-2000 calories in alcohol last night. And I hardly ever drink. I didnt even log them...i'm just gonna get back on the horse today. I was clearly smashed and i had a good time, but i ended my night hugging the toilet and i will definitely be staying away from anywhere with alcohol for quite some time. It happens...just get up and regroup.

    i ended my night hugging the toilet as well : / thanks for words!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Although it seems like you've learned your lesson I think you should log them. At least you'll be able to look back in two months and say "I'm so glad I don't do that anymore". It's all about accountability, no matter what choices you make!
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I am going out tonight to a comedy show, then to dinner and then to a bar for drinks and dancing. I looked up my dinner and entered it into my food log and added the number of drinks I can have as well. That way, I can pace myself and make sure I don't go over my calorie limit. If I have to, I can make changes to it tomorrow. I hope I don't go way overboard. I am also going to include my dancing in my exercise log.
  • csmithlee25
    My boyfriend works at a bar so unfortunatly all my drinks are free... lol I made some simple changes in what I drink, I use to drink the fruity sweet drinks or amerreto sours but now I changed to clear liqour... stay away from beer. I usually just stick to cranberry and vodkas now. =)
  • ferdinandcc
    The good thing is if you consume enough calories of alcohol, your body naturally resets it back to zero.
  • thuelskamp
    thuelskamp Posts: 16 Member
    I did that last week, probably more like 1200 calories in alcohol and french fries. I consciously did it though, since I hadn't drank in 6 months and was celebrating a new job. It was my cheat day. I just maintained my normal diet and exercise the rest of the week and my body actually surprised me by staying the same weight. I didn't gain or lose an ounce. Phew!
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    Like csmithlee said, stick to vodka, supposibly the lighter in colour the less the calories in drinks! So vodka with fruit juice (one of your five a day :P) or a sugar free lemonade is a good way to go if your out on the lash :D
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    i went to a b- day party last night and drank a few high calorie beers and ate pizza and I did my weigh in today like I do on Sundays and I had LOST a pound from the day before. I didn't log all that beer and food, not because I'm lying to myself, but because I hardly ever do anything like that and I don't want to obsess over it. I did it, I'm fine and I'm moving on
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    thank you everyone! all your words helped!
  • mandy10
    mandy10 Posts: 17
    i also had a very bad weekend with my drinks... i had a ton of fun...but drank so many calories that it was not even funny. To make it worse i always think its a good idea to eat a lot of crap when i get home. And then i dident move off the couch at all on sunday because i was so hungover. I agree with you all when you say that lets just make today a good one and hopefully i did not kill my weeks goals to much.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I am guilty of the same..I only log my alcohol when I am having a glass or two...if it is a night out...pshh forget it :)
  • browneyedbug
    Ah...alcohol. Drinking too much is my downfall and the major reason I don't lose weight. Last year I limited my alcohol consumption and lost 15 pounds. I gained it all back during the holidays. Now I found this web site and for the last week I have been recording all the drinks I do on a daily basis. It is an eye opener to me because I see to limit myself to 1200 calories means I can't get the proper nutrition and drink so much. So today I am going to STOP drinking SO MUCH and see if I can get back to losing weight.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I couldnt imagine if I logged my would be insane....but work hard play hard right
  • akivi73
    akivi73 Posts: 27
    I've done this too, but regret it the next day for more reasons than one!

    I think if you end up hugging the toilet it can't all count anyway. :drinker:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've just graduated from college so drinking regular is still part of my social habits. However, instead of ordering a long island iced tea (a whopping 780 calories per drink!), I've been ordering diet coke and rum. It only has 65 calories per 8 oz if it's a single shot. Also better would be fruit juice-based drinks like vodka and cranberry or a screwdriver. At least then you're getting a serving of fruit with the juice. Or even ask if they have light fruit juice. Light beers aren't bad either at around 120 calories each. You don't have to give up drinking, but there are smarter choices about what to drink when you do.