Big girl doing Insanity? Is it possible?

So I have lost almost 20 lbs since October 1st have been killing it at the gym doing weight lifting and cardio ( 60 min on the arc trainer) but I am looking for some more core intensive exercises. I am currently at 242 lbs, I tried to do insanity last summer and could hardly even finish the warm up. I think since I have been going to they gym and doing my strength training ans cardio I may be better equipped to try it again. Has any big girls like me gotten through it? What are your thoughts? do you have pictures to share?


  • FootballMum3Boyz
    FootballMum3Boyz Posts: 32 Member
    I really wantg to try it! But dont know if I can handle it yet, I have slowly worked myself up to be able to do what I can now thanks to Bob and Jillian(Biggest Loser DVD) lol *there is success stories for it on youtube, check them out*
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Having done Insanity I can only tell you that it is just that INSANE! With that being said it is designed for you to do what you can and take breaks when needed. I have seen countless threads on here and on the beachbody website where people in the 300lb range have gone through the entire workout. The mantra of Insanity is to just keep pushing play! Good luck

  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Yes. I believe it is possible to do. You need to just modify in the beginning. Don't feel you have to keep up with them in the video.
    I would also get a heart rate monitor as this will help you too. I used one while doing Insanity and it kept me from going over my max heart rate and it also told me how many calories I burned with each workout! Good Luck!!
  • christy_r
    christy_r Posts: 9 Member
    It is absolutely possible! I did my first round of Insanity in July, weighing in at 216. I did the program all the way through, only having my Sunday rest day (though I did not follow the diet). I only lost around 6 pounds BUT the toning and definition in my body (and inches lost!) was incredible. Do what you can do, but PUSH YOURSELF. Change will only happen if you work for it. Good luck, and have fun!
  • Alisha_Joy
    Alisha_Joy Posts: 24 Member
    Having tried Insanity (and quit) I must agree with PP. Don't feel the need to keep up with the people on the video count for count. Do what YOUR body can do and take rests when needed. I was way to stubborn to follow my own advice and ended up failing miserably with Insanity. This time around, I am going to get a little weight off and then give it another shot but understanding my limits and knowing that just because I don't do every single exercise the same number of times as the instructor does NOT mean I failed.

    Like jquijas said, the mantra is "Keep Pressing Play" no matter how hard it gets! Good Luck! I can't wait to hear your SUCCESS STORY!
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I am over 300lbs and I made it thru month one. The first day I only did the warm up...but I did it 2 times to get a good calorie burn. The first week I did it every other day because it kicked my butt. By the end of the second week I was completing the whole workouts with little modification. Take extra water breaks but pause the dvd when you do. If you put your mind to it and believe that you can get thru it... you will. The fact that you completed (beat) the workout will get you thru the next one.
  • nikkinicole88
    nikkinicole88 Posts: 10 Member
    I have done a few insanity work outs but not the whole program. I did it on days I didn’t hit the gym and it is VERY difficult. Most exercises require a lot of jumping and quick movements which are still hard for me. I have got through a workout but with many breaks because it is just that hard! I look at it this way, the people on the TV doing the work outs with you are barely making it and they are FIT! In my opinion insanity is for those who are fit or close to it but it does not hurt to try just make sure you don't overdo it because one time I almost fainted. But yes the motto is just to keep on pushing! I am hitting the gym now and have not done insanity in a while but I do plan to follow through the entire program once I lose another 20 lbs. (bringing me into the 100 something weight) Nothing is ever impossible, Good Luck!!
  • Someone showed me a youtube video the other day of a fat woman who had 5 kids and worked full time and she did it and at the time of teh video, was continuing to do it. She did it within her own skill level and the best that she could do .
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Yes I have done it at 240 lbs and 260 lbs it's possible. YOu have to have some sort of fitness level not someone just starting at fitness but if you have been working out I say go for it.
    There are moves you might not be able to do but you do them the best you can! You might not be able to do what he's doing for as long but the goal is to IMPROVE!! If you are eating healthy and doing insanity you will get some awesome results!!!

    Good luck if you want any more advice or tips send me a message or add me as a friend.

  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    I started at 182 for Insanity and i agree with previous posters... it can definately be done with insanity because you can take as many breaks as you want... you just have to remember that you DO NOT need to keep up with them... they're fitness professionals... as long as you're doing what you can and keeping your heart rate up you're still getting a really good burn. After i finished Insanity (and lost 16 lbs) i started TurboFire (also beachbody) and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'm not a dancer, nor particularly good with timing but i absolutely crave doing these workouts... maybe look into that too.
    Add me if you'd like!!
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Definitely! Don't try to keep up. Modify when and as needed. You can do it. I'm starting my second round on Saturday!
  • "Big Girl" isn't the issue, it's how in shape are you? "Big" people can be quite athletic, but if you're NOT athletic and you haven't been doing any type of cardio or aerobics then I would say no. I tried it when I first started to lose weight and I made it about 8 minutes into the video before I had to quit. I'm now doing other less strenuous workouts trying to build up my endurance.
    But ask yourself these kinds of questions then deicde for yourself.
    Can you RUN a mile straight?
    Can you do 100 jumping jacks without stopping?
    Jump rope for 15 minutes straight?

    If you can do any or all of these I'd say give it a try, if not then I'd try less intense workouts and build your way up to insanity
  • That's how I lost most of my 100lbs a few years ago! Do it, you won't regret it!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    First of all, you need to speak to your dr. Secondly, you go at your own pace and if anything hurts, you listen to your body.

    Lastly, GOOD FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    im about to start insanity next week, on the 26th. I weigh 174 lbs. im a little nervous about it, but super pumped.
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    I'm on day 11 right now and I weigh 173. The first few days really sucked. But after wading through it and just going along at my snail's pace, I've come to find that it isn't that hard to finish a dvd. Am I going as fast as Tanya? F-no! She's a beast, but I am keeping up with that dorky dude in the back :bigsmile: So go ahead and try it, don't worry about speed. Just focus on good form.
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    I started it when I was 175. I got injured with a fractured foot from it. I also had disk surgery but it might not been because of that. I think it's possible for anyone to start it and finish it. I would just caution and really listen to your body and make sure to always have your core engaged especially during the burpees and such. (sorry for any spelling errors lol)

    EDIT* Since I got injured I switched my work out and lost 10 lbs but did gain back during my surgery and then lost another 10 when I got the ok to work out. I would hesitate to start with insanity and maybe work up to it after like previous poster said, you know you can at least keep up with easy/imd intensity work outs.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    It's possible, yes. Just modify things that you find extremely difficult. Just keep working towards it.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I haven't done Insanity (YET) but I know the $100,000 beachbody winner last year was over 400 pounds when he started either Insanity or P90X. Then he started a Fit Club and said the looks on people's faces when they would walk in and see 'him' and he was going to 'lead' the class. He did it! He also said he could barely do the warm-up at first. I would think each day you would get a bit better.

    Be sure to do before/after pics! Send them to beachbody. They have Daily $500 winners out there.

    Good luck
  • soumbos
    soumbos Posts: 32 Member
    You can get through it if you have determination!
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