Increasing calories question

mom020305 Posts: 33
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
okay, I am changing my daily calorie goal from 1200 to 1627. I meet with a nutrionist on Friday so I will see what they say. But I have a feeling I am eating too little. I know MFP builds in the the deficiet, but I just don't think it is working for me. So I know everything with diet is trial by error and I am going to try it this week!

Does anyone else have any similiar experiences? I did read the hundreds of links in the topics on this but I am trying to get some personal opinions. MFP is the only site that tells me to eat 1200 cals a day. I thought I might not be understanding it right so I was hoping I could get some insight.



  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    How exciting! I have wanted to meet with a nutritionist for a while. Fill us in after you get your info!
  • hmmm...well I just decided to change mine as well. I have hit a plateau, and when researching how to break it, one suggestion said if I wasn't eating enough calories then my metabolic rate would slow for the rest of the day. I went from 1200 to 1400 to see if that would help. Not to mention that i was starving all the time...which should be a sign that you're not eating enough! Let's see if it helps!
  • MFP's calorie goals are based on you not exercising. When you exercise and burn calories, then it increases your calorie goals by that amount and you are supposed to eat more. Personally, I find this doesn't work that well. Most of my workouts are weight lifting, and it's difficult to calculate how much you are burning, because lifting increases your metabolism so you continue to burn calories after the workout. I had to also do trial and error and raise my calories. I'm still working on it, but aiming for 1500 rather than 1200 seems to do it for me. I'm losing weight and I'm not starving! I suspect I could eat even more, and will probably consider another increase after a month or so.
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    I just increased mine as well to 1500 plus I exercise a lot. I was starving on 1200. Plus I had hit a plateu a few months back and when i increased my calories and exercise, i dropped a lot of weight. So give it a try, you may find that 1500 is not enough. Also do not look at numbers like i did. When you see 1500 or 2000 I was like my God, thats alot of food. But when its good/healthy foods it is not alot of food. Best of luck!!!
  • With me, my dietician put me on 1600 cals. I was keeping it between 1400 and 1600, which she wasn't really thrilled about, but accepted. Experimenting with MFP, it told me I should drop to 1200. I did this, lost weight for awhile, and then everything slowed down dramatically. I was getting really frustrated and tried pretty much everything else before I relented and upped my cals again. I'm now back to 1500, my dietician's happy and I'm once again losing weight. So, as counterproductive as it sounds, increasing calories CAN help you lose weight.
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    thanks for all the great advice. I moved up the calories to 1750, not including my exercise cals. Which I don't plan on using unless I really need them.

    By also doing this I can have more at the 3 major meals, instead of more low cal snacks through out the day. I am hoping this will fill me up more!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    mom020305, how's it working for you? I just decided today to up mine!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 2,000 Member
    How do you change your calorie goal? I haven't seen a setting for that.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had been rolling along really well -- melting away for about 5 months. Then I hit a wall and didn't lose anything for 3 weeks. 1 week into that plateau I decided I wasn't eating enough. I went from eating 1200 calories and hardly any exercise calories to eating 1200 base calories and 50% of my exercise calories (and I exercise every day). This put me around 1350-1450 calories a day. It worked, and 2 weeks later I started dropping weight again. I lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks and now I've stalled again (though I fully admit I didn't have a great week). But I'm using that as an excuse to lower my weight loss goal to 1.5 pounds a week which gives me 1350 base calories. Then I'm going to eat 50% of my exercise calories on top of that. Today was a run day for me so I'm eating 1500-1550 calories. Wowee zowee -- that's a lot of healthy food! :love:

    So, yes, increasing calories has worked for me once and I very much expect it to work for me again. :wink:

    Edit: And I think it needs to be noted here that once you increase your calorie intake, you need to accept the possibility you may not lose weight (or *gasp* you may even gain) for a couple of weeks, so if that bothers you, do NOT weigh yourself for 3-4 weeks after increasing them. You have to give your body time to adjust to any changes you make in your diet. Lack of patience is one of the main reasons people get frustrated & quit fighting for their health and weight goals. :flowerforyou:
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    It worked for me. I went from 1200 to 1750 and I lost 3.4 in one week! Based upon my height and weight the 1200 was WAY to low! I did not however eat my exercise calories and didn't want them either!
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Yes--this worked for me, too. I did MFP a couple years ago and stuck to the 1200 (plus all the exercise) calories. I did lose weight, but I was absolutely starving all the time. (My BMR is 1750; that probably has a lot to do with it). I now have a trainer and she has put me on 1875 calories/day and it's wonderful. I'm still losing weight (12 lbs this month) but I no longer obsess about being hungry all the time.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    How many of you that increased your calories gained weight before you started losing weight again? How long did it take for your body to start losing again?
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    I did not gain at all. I believe I started on a Thursday and I weighed myself that Monday and lost 1.2 then weigh myself Friday since that is my normal weigh in day and I lost 2.2 more!!! My exercise stayed the same and well actually since my son was sick I missed 2 days of the gym....
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