Hi - Looking for friends


My name is Amanda and I am looking for anyone that is looking for new friends on myfitnesspal.

I am once again trying to lose weight and even though I have my husband helping me, it would be so nice to have other friends that are just as supportive.

Please feel free to add me


  • Hey Amanda,

    Keep positive thoughts. I love this app. I have lost a lot of weight so far utilizing this tool. I hope it works for you like it did for me. take care and good health! My username is mattmo21224.
  • Welcome aboard Amanda,

    You have definitly come to the right place. Sometimes tracking food can get a little tedious but rest assure MFP works. Get as many friends as you can and join up to relatable groups and you'll do awesome. I have sent you a friend request. Power on beautiful
  • akafede
    akafede Posts: 52 Member
    friend request sent =)
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Don't be scared to add me :)
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    Hey, Amanda! I'd LOVE to have you as a friend. We're all in this for the same purpose, so why not! :bigsmile:
  • I added you as well. MFP support is awesome and having those traveling the same journey with you is great. best of luck and you can do this!
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    thanks guys

    it's nice to know that i am not alone
  • Lori573
    Lori573 Posts: 16 Member
    No, you are NOT alone! Welcome..I just started this week myself and I am really enjoying it..MFP has become my new FB..lol
  • Alidawnt
    Alidawnt Posts: 6 Member
    I've been on here for just about 2 months. Been tracking faithfully, haven't lost a bunch of weight yet but I'm going to keep at it. Adding you as a friend now :smile:
  • You can add me too if you would like!! We are all here to support you <3
  • AubieCRNP
    AubieCRNP Posts: 2 Member
    I sent you a request. I am just getting back into the swing of things as well with weight loss, and accountability/inspirational boosts are always welcome!

    Anyone is welcome to add me as well.
  • philomen
    philomen Posts: 12 Member
    I have just joined as well seems like a great friendly community.Definately need support and willing to give it.Feeling hopeful for the first time in along time.Not sure how to send freind requests ?:smile: