I have no idea wht to drink when i go out

OK so i go out about once maybe twice a week and i usually drink beer because its cheap (hence the beer belly) but that obviously add up on the calories which i never payed attention to before. What would be the less expensive beverage that wont kill my diet?


  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Budget for a beer you like in your daily calories by either fitting in an extra workout or cutting down your food a bit throughout the day. Plan on having just one or two, and enjoy. There are light beers out there, but IMHO, they suck, and I can't drink them. You can try them and see how you like them though.

    If you plan on drinking more than one, then I'd suggest forgoing the beer and going for a diet soda with clear hard liquor. It'll save a lot of calories, and it'll get the job done in 1-2 drinks.
  • No sugar per mixed varieties eg. Jim beam zero, bundy bare etc. yes more expensive but way less calories
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    In on this . Anyone able to give me ideas on what to drink in general when I go out? Or is it best to drink water. I love partying with friends but I read that alcohol is just a set back for me trying to gain healthy. Aware me brahs?

    I am trying to gain, if that makes a difference.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I am also a fellow beer drinker. I usually budget it into my calories by adding extra time to my workout that day or skipping a snack in order to make up for it, but that's when I know that I'm going out ahead of time. If not I try to stick with a light beer or you could try vodka or rum in a diet coke, i personally can't stand the after taste in diet coke but if you can then it's a good choice. If I don't want beer I typically get a vodka and sprite and then alternate it with water so that I don't have too many. Also, definitely stay away from mixed drinks because the syrupy sugar they use has insane amounts of calories. I remember the first time I had to log a spontaneous night out with friends and my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw how many calories were in the things I was drinking. Haha Good luck! And just remember that everything is fine in moderation. I'm still trying to remind myself of that fact.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    In on this . Anyone able to give me ideas on what to drink in general when I go out? Or is it best to drink water. I love partying with friends but I read that alcohol is just a set back for me trying to gain healthy. Aware me brahs?

    I am trying to gain, if that makes a difference.

    Sorry bro...I'm also trying to gain some muscle and it is by far the worst thing you can put in your body....I limit my drinking to once a month. When your trying to lose its not so bad, but as far as building goes its a killer. :( stick to your water bro, way better off.
  • clhutch76
    clhutch76 Posts: 24 Member
    My trainer always says "clear" alcohol
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    In on this . Anyone able to give me ideas on what to drink in general when I go out? Or is it best to drink water. I love partying with friends but I read that alcohol is just a set back for me trying to gain healthy. Aware me brahs?

    I am trying to gain, if that makes a difference.

    Sorry bro...I'm also trying to gain some muscle and it is by far the worst thing you can put in your body....I limit my drinking to once a month. When your trying to lose its not so bad, but as far as building goes its a killer. :( stick to your water bro, way better off.

    It's all good, I love the drinking and fun with the mates, but not worth sacrificing any hard work in sculpting this here body. Thanks for response
  • amr0291
    amr0291 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks i think i will start drinking clear alcohol with diet soda and just try and stay away from beer all together
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    Since you're going with clear alcohol, may I recommend Gin & Tonic? My fav beverage, and for some reason everyone gives me weird looks when I order it like I'm an old man or something.

    So, out of pure self interest, I want everyone to start drinking gin so bars carry a better selection and I stop getting confused looks from everyone at the bar. Cheers!
  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a big gin fan and tend to stick to gin and diet lemonade. It's got really low cal's :) Admittedly when I've downed about 6 or 7 of them on a night out it always seems to lead me to temptation *cough* kebab *cough*
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    If you would rather stay away from diet sodas go for vodka soda with lime or lemon. (or gin) As far as I know, its the lowest calorie drink out there.

    I was a "drink a cocktail every night" sort of gal, and plenty more on the weekends. Then i started reading about how your body will process alcohol first, its a toxin, screws up metabolism, blah blah. Sorry, I have no references but I did get the take away message that its not the best thing if you are trying to loose weight and build a better body. Now I have cut it out to drinking one night a week so I dont feel so bad if i want a yummy beer or two.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Vodka with water or diet soda
  • jiz35
    jiz35 Posts: 64 Member
    Either vodka with diet coke or white wine with water. I discovered the wine & water whilst living in Germany, it is quite a common drink there (wine shole).
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    All of it.
  • stofteland
    stofteland Posts: 19 Member
    Iced Tea. Takes care bloated feeling as a perk. I like a light beer too or glass of red wine. Wine might be a better option if you like it. 100 cals for 5 oz and you tend to sip it. Friday nights and Game Day are when I like my alcohol.
  • Sugar Free Red Bull and Vodka is the drink of my choice when I go out. You can easily fit a few drinks and not go over on your calories or sugars.

    ETA: Oh, forgot about Vodka soda with lime!
  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    Given my years of alcohol training (I like to drink, a lot), if you want beer, go with Bud Select 55. After the first few, you kind of forget you are drinking low cal beer. You also forget where your car keys are.

    If you want hard alcohol, stay away from flavored or sweet alcohol and use zero cal mixers. Diet Soda / low cal Cranberry / Club soda with a lime....all good.

    Finally, check out this site - http://getdrunknotfat.com
    I drink Crown Royal, #5 on the list. Though the first two don't really count.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Vodka & Diet Coke or Gin & Slimline Tonic

    Luckily for me thats what I always used to drink anyway.

    Surprisingly if you're an ale/stout drinker (I'm partial to one or 2) then guiness is mega low calorie!! I was shocked when I discovered that :-) xx
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Go for a press.

    Flavored vodka + soda water = good stuff and around 70 cals (roughly half a beer, and double the alcohol content)

    For weight loss issues:

    1. Avoid eating during and after alcohol consumption (a glass of wine with dinner ain't a problem. Slamming beers and cocktails at the bar is). Try eating a high protein meal a while before drinking to help you not feel hungry to ward this off.

    2. Alcohol consumption will interfere with REM sleep. This will cause undue stress on the body and result in an imbalance of cortisol. This can lead to a weight loss stall. Try to not go out more than once a week. Every other week would be better.

    3. Most mixed drinks are high calorie. This is NOT from the alcohol. It is actually from the ultra sweat sugary mixers they add in. Yes, alcohol is 7 calories per gram, but a single shot is about 70 ish calories while the mixer can be 200 to 600 calories.

    As for trying to gain muscle, I have read no authoritative/scientific materials relating the two in an overly negative way beyond common sense (shots before the gym is stupid in any fashion).
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Beer: Michelob Ultra (95 cals per bottle and same amount of alcohol as reg beers), Miller Lite (100 cals per bottle) or Guiness Draft (125 cals per 12 oz)
    Cocktails: Vodka with diet or flavored vodka with club soda. Malibu and diet is also good, even though it's rum.
    Red wine is my personal favorite. It's about 125 calories for a 5 oz glass, but it's not a great "bar" drink and the usual glass size is 8 oz when you're out.
  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    As G&T's go, while Gin has a great alcohol to calorie ratio, Tonic has a few. About 11 calories per ounce. Three G&T's could easily get you 100 calories of tonic. And in my opinion, diet Tonic is too vile to be worth it.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Since you're going with clear alcohol, may I recommend Gin & Tonic? My fav beverage, and for some reason everyone gives me weird looks when I order it like I'm an old man or something.

    So, out of pure self interest, I want everyone to start drinking gin so bars carry a better selection and I stop getting confused looks from everyone at the bar. Cheers!
    I'm with you on the gin and tonics. Often when I go out I order vodka tonics instead because most places have a better selection of vodka than gin. I think I will start getting vodka sodas instead because tonic has a surprising amount of sugar and calories (I don't do diet drinks.). Not sure if soda would work with gin, I'll save my tonics for when I can get a good gin :drinker:

    Back to the OP, if you really want beer save up calories for a good beer that you actually like. You will not be satisfied with a crap light beer.
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    It's recommended that you stay away from alcohol as much as possible. Lots of empty calories.
    If you have to drink it's recommended that you drink red wine/white wine or hard alcohol straight up. U can try mixing it with water or diet tonic and a lime to dilute it's potency if needed.

    Good luck!!!!!
  • It's not less expensive but I usually stick to red wine. :)
  • ewestsca
    ewestsca Posts: 63 Member
    Since you're going with clear alcohol, may I recommend Gin & Tonic? My fav beverage, and for some reason everyone gives me weird looks when I order it like I'm an old man or something.

    So, out of pure self interest, I want everyone to start drinking gin so bars carry a better selection and I stop getting confused looks from everyone at the bar. Cheers!

    I love a good Gin & Tonic. Also it can be sipped without it tasting nasty by the end of the drink.
    I also drink Red wine .. but only 2 glasses at the most.
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    I always get a vodka tonic with lime
  • Rum & diet coke is a low cal option, too.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I do beam & either diet coke or coke zero. I'm a lightweight so it's one shot of beam to a can of soda. low cal and tastes great. But i also only drink about once a month (if that).
  • Vodka and Sugar Free Red Bull - Like others have recommended- Low cal as well
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    busch light