Some Motivation for the Holidays

Just wanted to share this with everyone as we work on our eating through the holidays! Holiday

I had to put a line break in there because it wasn't showing the whole url. So just make sure you take the space out right after the word "holiday" when you paste it into your browser.


  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for sharing... all the education we can get, helps us to stay on track.... Keep up the fight for a healthier lifestyle!!!
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    That newsletter is very nice. I especially liked the tip about resisting the idea that it doesn't matter if you overeat because it's the holidays: Your body still processes food just the same as every other day!
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks! I think I'll print out those response cards in case I need them!
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    bump (wait, can I bump my own post? :wink: )