Gaining weight...Need encouragment

I’m feeling so discouraged right now. I started MFP back in September (after losing 30 pounds on my own) and lost 10 pounds pretty easily. My weight loss slowed (as I got closer to my goal) and then it stopped. I was eating 1200 calories, doing the 30 day shred, and eating back most of my exercise calories. After reading a lot on this site, I realized I need to AT LEAST be eating my BMR of 1400. I decided by plateau was because of this and upped my calories. The first day after eating 1400 I was up 2 pounds! Now I am just bouncing back and forth between 2 more pounds. I am feeling so discouraged because it took me a month to lose that weight since my weight loss stalled and now just a week of upping my calories made me gain that much weight. I read that I need to give it at least a month to start working? I was only 2 pounds away from my Thanksgiving goal and 5 from my Christmas goal, and now I just am feeling incredibly discouraged. Is it possible I was really doing better with 1200? I am 5’4” currently :( 125 pounds. I am really considering going back down to netting 1200 instead of 1400, but I really need some encouragement to stick with this!


  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    this is just my 2cents worth. I'd go back to the 1200 and do not eat back you exercise calories. My dietitian says not to eat those back . Track faithfully on the 1200 and see where that takes you. I understand I've put some back on....and mine is from not be honest in my tracking. Good luck. You will hear many ideas but you need to go back to what was working for you . Good luck WOW if you are 125lbs. what's the worry. I'd love to be 125lbs.
  • 1200 is a really low number and you couldn't expect to keep it that low forever. It's possible that it was so low over time it slowed your metabolism and your body adjusted, hence the plateau and the weight gain after upping it. If I were you I would start lifting weights and eating at least 1500 a day to get your metabolism going. You don't have to starve to be lean.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I wish I knew what the answer is for you...I was hoping someone had helped you because I'm having lots of trouble too....I've kind of given up the last day or so. I know that won't work. IDK....when I lost weight before (but I was in my late 20s as opposed to my late 30s) I ate 1500 calories per day and worked out 6 days a week. I didn't change my calories based on a workout-this was what Denise Austin's website said to do...and I figured if she looks so great at her age!? She must know something! Good luck! You can do it....
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    The smaller you get the slower you lose usually.

    I myself am also a bouncer. Though if mine was only 2 lbs I'd be way less worried. lol. I would give your body time to adjust to the new cal amount. You have to allow more than a week before you make a judgement. I'd stay with the 1400 and drink more water and if you need add a little extra workout in too. Your body wont adjust to something super quick. It needs time. Stick to it girl, it will work out. Oh and watch sugar and sodium intake.

  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    NNOOO!!!! Really, you need to stick with it. You did not and could not have eaten 7,000 calories (3,500 = 1 lb of fat) over your TDEE (which is much higher than BMR) to have gained 2 pounds in a week. This is water weight. This is your body going "is this a binge? Should I store this and wait and see?" Once your body decides that you really are making 1400 the new "normal", it will let go of the bloating and water retention and you will start losing.

    For more info, check out There are absolute TONS of information pages, videos, and stories to help you get going. You can do it. I know how hard it is to be patient, but I'm losing weight at 1970 calories. Many girls on this program are losing or maintaining at 2000+. Good luck! Check out ANewLucia on MFP. She is great and answering questions. :smile:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    My suggestion is to stay where you are with your calories for another week or two, make sure you track very carefully, and don't eat back the exercise calories. If you feel you need to cut back on the calories, do it very gradually. Try 1350 for a few weeks, and if you don't get results, try 1300. That's how I'd do it, anyway.

    Best of luck to you!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I sure hope you find the answer, luv, because I'm in the same boat. I joined mid-Sept. and lost 16 lbs...until today. Of that16 lbs, last week, I had a good week - a 3.5 lb,. loss! YAY! Then I weigh myself this morning, only 5 days later...a 2.5 lb. GAIN! WTF???? I have been sooooo good about being under my daily acolorie allowance, with only one day this week of going over by 200 cals. Really? A 2.5 gain for one day of failure??

    So, I feel your pain. I am almost ready to throw in the towel.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Stick with it!!!! Give it more time.
    EAT! and SMASH you weight train?

    also take measurements...dont fixate on a number on the on your body composition.
  • eringarc
    eringarc Posts: 8 Member
    I am not an expert on this. I am also on a strict 1200 calorie a day diet plan and I honestly hardly ever even reach that goal. What do you eat first. I stick with lean proteins to fill me up. Then "free" nutrient laden veggies and a few fruits. I almost never allow myself the carbs and I do not under ANY circumstance allow processed sugar. I am 5' 1" and I am at 181 right now. I started 4 years ago at 278. I have lost almost 100lbs. When I find myself stalling I usually add some more exercise. (I am really bad at being consistent) and I add more lean protein and veggies and less fruit and starch. I prefer the philosophy of eat when I am hungry and not a "preset" times that people have decided are the appropriate times to eat. I think that makes me just sit around and want to eat. I also go with the philosophy of eat what I really want. not what I think I should eat because my family is having it for dinner or because that is what is available. I will ask at restaurants if something else can be made or at friends houses if they just have a piece of deli turkey or ham instead of linguini with Alfredo sauce etc. As I have strayed off subject...the 1200/1400 thing I am perfectly healthy with 1200 and haven't had any problems even when I consistently go below 1200 a day (usually around 1000) as long as I do the protein first. I try to always reach that 55 a day goal I really watch that nutrient page and try to focus on that as well as the calorie intake and make sure the foods I am taking in are full filling those requirements. I haven't had processed sugar or "white" carbs for 3 years! My goal weight is 125. It is in sight finally. I bought size 16 jeans a few weeks ago and when I started this I was in size 28!
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks to everyone who replied. I'm going to stick with it even if it kills me! With the holidays upon us I am going to be extra careful to log everything! My measurements are still the same, so I am going to try to focus on that and not the fluctuation on the scale. I really just needed some encouragement :) I want to do my body good, and even though I did lose at 1200, I know my body does really need more. Thanks again.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    1400 Calories != 7000 Calroies.

    You did not gain two pounds of fat. You gained two pounds of water. Constantly eating too low will deplete you of precious energy stores. By eating a bit more, your body was able to restore energy stores in the muscles. This requires water to store.

    It is the same trick super low carb people fall into. They lose a TON of weight in the first weeks via water loss, then when they have a slice of toast, the carbs get stored in the muscle (not fat) and lots of water returns and they think that single piece of bread made them gain 10 pounds and is thus the SOLE reason for all fatness in the world.

    ((As a note, not ALL low carbers are like that. Many are knowledgeable about their diet and the effects))