Lifting Heavy weights to lose weight

hey! I was just hoping to get peoples advice on weight lifting to lose weight. Im a female and after tons of research I know I want to get into lifting heavy weights to reach my ideal body goals. I'm 5'3 and started out at 235lbs and I did a ton of cardio to get to where I am now in the 190-180 bracket. I still want to lose more weight, and so I still plan to do cardio, but I want my main focus to be lifting.

If i keep a calorie deficit, do cardio, but keep lifting weights as my main focus, do you think this could help me with my goals? More than anything I just want to lose body fat & in the end I want to be really toned and fit.

did any females go this route & did it work for you? any weight lifting guys have advice?

Ill appreciate any response, thanks!


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    If you want to be fit and toned don't pay attention to the scale. When you work on muscles and lift heavy your weight will most likely not drop as much as you would want it to however your body will change drastically.
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    first off, congrats on the weight loss and thinking about lifting. My best advice to a novice lifter is get a trainer. It may seem expensive, but a good trainer will teach you form and help develop a good routine for you to start with and may be someone you work with in the future as your needs change. Lifting will definately help you with goals because the extra muscle you build will help you burn a little more calories each day and provide definition. There are currently a few women at my gym that lift heavy and they are very fit and have great muscle tone without the 'bulk' that a lot of women are scared of with lifting.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I really saw the biggest changes in my body when I started lifting in march, I'm now around goal, but I'm not going off weight anymore, now it's bf% for me. I really want to get under 12, I'm at 14.1% currently. And honestly, people who lift have much better bodies than people who just do cardio in my opinion. Have fun!!! You'll get addicted and rest days will be torture lol
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    If you want to be fit and toned don't pay attention to the scale. When you work on muscles and lift heavy your weight will most likely not drop as much as you would want it to however your body will change drastically.


    I don't do much in the way of full on cardio (i.e. treadmill, elliptical, etc..) other then to maybe do 15 minutes after a workout.

    I focus on mainly strength training moves with lifts thrown in. So things like planks, pushups, boxjumps, side twists, squats, kettlebell swings - along with things like push & strict presses, bench presses and I use a few machines that are spot specific (like leg left machines with weight)

    I also do kickboxing classes 2x's a week - lot of punching/kicking the bag with HIIT things thrown in

    I will say overall the scale weight hasn't been immense - about 20 lbs over the past year - but my body shape has changed quite a bit (to the point I have had people think I have lost 40-50 lbs)- I am quite solid so I will never be one of those skinny girls - so my goals are simply less jiggle when i wiggle. The chances of BULKING up while lifting really isn't going to happen - as a woman you don't have the testosterone levels in order to bulk up and you would really need to eat at a protien heavy calorie surplus to really build up muscle.

    suggestion to make sure your diet is reflective - you want to make sure you are eating good whole foods - with a good amount of protien for your muscle (they need the amino acids to help repair the muscles that you work out) and stay hydrated (muscles need water to aid in the repair). What you should see is your body shape starting to change - you may not see it on the scale (and for a litte while the scale may not budge or may even go up a little bit) but you will notice it in the shape of your arms or how your pants fit a little better
  • wow thank you so much everyone. i really appreciate it
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Weight training is really good for you. Along with a high protein diet, it will help you maintain your lean body mass and you will become more fit and have a tighter body quicker. The more muscle you have, the less you need to lose in order to become fit.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Weight lifting is an excellent way to go :) I keep a calorie deficit, and put an emphasis on getting a lot of protein to help my muscles recover and help maintain my lean body mass. I know I'm not specifically gaining muscle (which is nearly impossible to do in a deficit) but I'm not losing it, I'm getting stronger, and my overall shape is improving.

    There are two ways you can go about doing both cardio and weight lifting, split your workouts into two a day. Do an 30-60 minutes of cardio in the morning (time frame depends on type) and then your weight lifting in the evening. The other option which is what I'm currently doing is 30-60 minutes of weight lifting, followed immediately by 35 min of HIIT cardio.

    Studies have shown that if you are going to do weight lifting and cardio in the same workout that weight lifting should come first. You have more energy to lift heavy and properly, and weight lifting releases fatty acids into your blood and cardio burns those off :)

    I highly recommend Jamie Easons Live Fit Trainer for an introduction to weight lifting, it's a free 12 week program that lays out your workouts, nutrition and supplements (if you choose to use supplements). Then once you have a good feel for it you can figure out what split works best for you.

    My weight lifting split is currently
    Monday : Legs
    Tuesday: Shoulders/triceps + 35 HIIT
    Wednesday: Back/Biceps + 35 HIIT
    Thursday: Legs
    Friday: Chest/Shoulders/butt + 35 HIIT
    Sat and Sun are cardio only days (min 60 min) and I really try and get outside and do something active to break up the gym routine.

    For Fridays workout I picked 2 areas on my body that I feel need work and add them in along with my chest workout.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    ...If i keep a calorie deficit, do cardio, but keep lifting weights as my main focus, do you think this could help me with my goals?

    You don't NEED to do cardio as long as you establish a deficit in your diet. Cardio just gives you extra calories to consume. Lifting weights will help you kick so much *kitten*!

    Check out this for another story of a girl doing awesome things lifting heavy:
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    first off, congrats on the weight loss and thinking about lifting. My best advice to a novice lifter is get a trainer. It may seem expensive, but a good trainer will teach you form and help develop a good routine for you to start with and may be someone you work with in the future as your needs change. Lifting will definitely help you with goals because the extra muscle you build will help you burn a little more calories each day and provide definition. There are currently a few women at my gym that lift heavy and they are very fit and have great muscle tone without the 'bulk' that a lot of women are scared of with lifting.

    ^^^ Definitely this. Even experienced lifters can benefit from a trainer. I see WAY TOO often, more a less guys, on the floor lifting way more then what they can handle and lift poorly to be able to half *kitten* the lift. Chicks are almost always spot on with form because they do not lift more then what they can effectively and safely and alot of times at my gym they almost always have a PT when they first start going to teach the proper form. Congrats on what you have done so far. Many people do not even get what you have done.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    hey! I was just hoping to get peoples advice on weight lifting to lose weight. Im a female and after tons of research I know I want to get into lifting heavy weights to reach my ideal body goals. I'm 5'3 and started out at 235lbs and I did a ton of cardio to get to where I am now in the 190-180 bracket. I still want to lose more weight, and so I still plan to do cardio, but I want my main focus to be lifting.

    If i keep a calorie deficit, do cardio, but keep lifting weights as my main focus, do you think this could help me with my goals? More than anything I just want to lose body fat & in the end I want to be really toned and fit.

    did any females go this route & did it work for you? any weight lifting guys have advice?

    Ill appreciate any response, thanks!

    bumping to hear replies

    My story is so similar to yours! I am 5'2" and started at 228.4lbs. I have done a ton of cardio, and a little strength training to lose almost 32lbs. Just in the last month I have started to do a little heavy lifting--mostly leg presses and barbell squats. Trying to save enough cash to hire the PT to specifically work with me ( he has been super sweet and helped me with specific things, like making sure my squat form was good).
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    thanks for the responses, I've been wondering the same thing :smile:

    I've been lifting using the machines and progressing in my strength progress but am thinking maybe I should go from my usual 10-12 reps to 5-6 reps with heavier weights?

    Or should i just go to free's just easier to use the machines haha, but I'll look into a trainer too!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i started off at 224 size 20.. i've only lost a little over 30 pounds but i'm now a size 12.

    i lift heavy (strong lifts and recently started oly lifts) and eat at a moderate deficit

    and free weights ALL THE WAY!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    ...If i keep a calorie deficit, do cardio, but keep lifting weights as my main focus, do you think this could help me with my goals?

    You don't NEED to do cardio as long as you establish a deficit in your diet. Cardio just gives you extra calories to consume. Lifting weights will help you kick so much *kitten*!

    Check out this for another story of a girl doing awesome things lifting heavy:

    I love nerd fitness. Staci is amazing!

  • My weight lifting split is currently
    Monday : Legs
    Tuesday: Shoulders/triceps + 35 HIIT
    Wednesday: Back/Biceps + 35 HIIT
    Thursday: Legs
    Friday: Chest/Shoulders/butt + 35 HIIT
    Sat and Sun are cardio only days (min 60 min) and I really try and get outside and do something active to break up the gym routine.

    For Fridays workout I picked 2 areas on my body that I feel need work and add them in along with my chest workout.

    thanks for all the info! definitely helps :)
  • ...If i keep a calorie deficit, do cardio, but keep lifting weights as my main focus, do you think this could help me with my goals?

    You don't NEED to do cardio as long as you establish a deficit in your diet. Cardio just gives you extra calories to consume. Lifting weights will help you kick so much *kitten*!

    Check out this for another story of a girl doing awesome things lifting heavy:

    I actually read this story before! shes one of the reasons I decided to look into weight lifting :) hahah

    I just started lifting this week and this is what i do so far, im wondering if i should add to it because the sessions seem so short... like 30 -40min usually. but im always sore the day after

    Mondays & Wednesdays & Friday 5 sets 6-8reps
    Seated Bicep curl
    Shoulder shrugs
    Seated dumbbell military press
    Lateral raises & front raises

    Tuesdays & Thursdays 5 sets 4-6 reps
    Chin ups
    Horizontal Leg press
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    thanks for the responses, I've been wondering the same thing :smile:

    I've been lifting using the machines and progressing in my strength progress but am thinking maybe I should go from my usual 10-12 reps to 5-6 reps with heavier weights?

    Or should i just go to free's just easier to use the machines haha, but I'll look into a trainer too!

    I've been using the machines for like 9 months now. Just recently switched from the lifefitness strength machines to the cable machines... also using the linear leg press ( 213# currently) and squatting ( a measly 60#) and doing assisted pull-ups and triceps dips too.

    I kinda feel like a bad *kitten* doing the leg press :D
  • I think you should focus more on aerobic exercises for now.
    . However, gaining muscles helps you burn more fat. You can lift! I encourage you , but lifting alone will not help
    But yeah, aerobics is the way to go and once your body gets pretty lean, lift hard and look sexy.
    Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I think you should focus more on aerobic exercises for now.
    . However, gaining muscles helps you burn more fat. You can lift! I encourage you , but lifting alone will not help
    But yeah, aerobics is the way to go and once your body gets pretty lean, lift hard and look sexy.
    Good luck!
    not true
  • I think you should focus more on aerobic exercises for now.
    . However, gaining muscles helps you burn more fat. You can lift! I encourage you , but lifting alone will not help
    But yeah, aerobics is the way to go and once your body gets pretty lean, lift hard and look sexy.
    Good luck!
    not true

    What part of it?
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i took a break from heavy lifting this past year ..i did it in dribs and drabs because i either got lazy or i just didnt feel up to it...i havent figured that one out yet ..any way i toned up like crazy . i have a trainer though so learned how to do it the right way. he was awesome and taught me so much in regard to heavy lifting. make sure you take in enough protein too. i always go way over my allotted protein on this thing because of my weight lifting. adding muscle to your body and working them out as well as feeding your muscle properly increases your metabolism. i lost 80lbs doing all this but when i stopped and started eating the good stuff and not exercising i gained back 30lbs ... well i guess i figured out what works for me and what doesnt !!
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    BUMP Im so glad you posted this Im also interested in lifting and this is great info. ty:drinker:
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Lift. Yes. I am smaller than i was when I was anorexic, and weigh 10 lbs more.
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    i did a weight loss program with a trainer that aside from eating healthily, was solely lifting heavy. i was instructed not to do any cardio because my body would be too tired after the lifting, and it worked. the weight melted off. i wouldn't want to do that as a long term program mind you, but people who say you don't lose weight without cardio are wrong.

    good luck!
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    Another thing you might want to try is kettlebells. I do the kettlebell swing. It is cardio and weight training (kind of all in one.) You use your core mostly for the swing, but your legs get a good workout too...and it's fun!!
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    You should definitely pick up a copy of the 'New Rues of lifting for Women". Lifting heavy made me lose inches but not weight. But I'm fine with that :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I think you should focus more on aerobic exercises for now.
    . However, gaining muscles helps you burn more fat. You can lift! I encourage you , but lifting alone will not help
    But yeah, aerobics is the way to go and once your body gets pretty lean, lift hard and look sexy.
    Good luck!
    not true

    What part of it?

    the part about lifting alone not helping
    as well as doing cardio until you "look lean"and then lifting.

    one of the main reasons to lift progressively heavier weights when you're losing weight, especially if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, is that it helps you retain more of your muscle as you lose weight. that way lifting weight and eating moderately below your TDEE ensure s that most of what you burn is fat. doing cardio alone won't ensure that because muscle is active tissue and requires more energy for your body to upkeep. if you arent eating enough calories AND you arent progressively overloading the muscles then your body has no reason to not start burning off a higher percentage of muscle that it normally would.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    bump to read later
  • Lots of good tips on here. The bottom line is this...muscle mass burns fat. Heavy lifting builds muscle mass...quickly, if you keep your protein intake levels high enough to rebuild muscle tissue. Give each muscle group at least 2 days rest between workouts, otherwise you risk breaking down muscle tissue without giving it a chance to repair and strengthen. Make sure you include a good pre and post workout stretching program.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    So all signs point to lifting... But now the questoin - what constitutes lifting and how much is enough???
  • pacosal
    pacosal Posts: 107 Member