Have you changed the food you eat or the way you eat??

Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
I haven't changed my food as much as I have changed the way I eat. I am a foodie and just can't handle the thought of not eating what I want to eat so I have decided to change my eating habits.

I don't have seconds, I try to eat more veggies with each meal and just have smaller portions and healthier snacks. I also don't deny myself...If I want the candy bar or movie popcorn I eat it (sometimes my control sucks and I eat more) but at least I didn't binge.

I probably would lose weight faster if I ate differently but I wanted to be able to eat all the food I love without any major cravings and binging...

Since June and this includes a serious case of Plantars fascitiis where I couldn't walk at all and hernia surgery so had no exercise at all for 2 months I have managed to lose between 15-20lbs.. The exact amount is not known since we changed scales midway and they gave different readings..

For the last month, I have been lifting weights 3-5x a week and Zumba 4-5 a week hoping to lose more...


  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I have done a little of both. Depending on what I am in the mood for I might make/order it as is and just have a smaller portion or I might alter it slightly to make it healthier but still get the fix that I am looking for.

    Everything in moderation!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I've changed my net intake, and while I haven't eliminated any foods that I enjoy, I don't eat calorically dense food as frequently as I used to. So I'll still go to 5-Guys and hammer down a bacon double or two, but not every few days :)
    I probably would lose weight faster if I ate differently

    The nice part is, given equal calorie and macro intake, you wouldn't lose it any faster.

    Your current method will hopefully give you better adherence.

    GOod luck!
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Sun thru Fri I try to eat as healthy as possible although I struggle with too many carbs. On Saturdays, I eat what I want, but don't go crazy.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member

    I've changed my net intake, and while I haven't eliminated any foods that I enjoy, I don't eat calorically dense food as frequently as I used to. So I'll still go to 5-Guys and hammer down a bacon double or two, but not every few days :)
    I probably would lose weight faster if I ate differently

    The nice part is, given equal calorie and macro intake, you wouldn't lose it any faster.

    Your current method will hopefully give you better adherence.

    GOod luck!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Thanks Sidesteel...I could never do those diet shakes or meals cause once I lose the weight, I would go back to my normal food.. at least, this way I am learning to eat differently the foods I love..
  • Fitness_withsarah
    Hi !

    I like your method of eating ! It's true portion control is so important ! Since the beginning of my journey I have changed what I eat; more veggies, more salad, less processed food, less meat and diary. Then recently I have changed how I eat; smaller portions :) its good to change up your eating and always try to improve ! :) good job !

  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    I tend to avoid trigger foods for me, only on the 90 min cheat meal I allow myself every few weeks
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I haven't changed my food as much as I have changed the way I eat. I am a foodie and just can't handle the thought of not eating what I want to eat so I have decided to change my eating habits.

    I don't have seconds, I try to eat more veggies with each meal and just have smaller portions and healthier snacks. I also don't deny myself...If I want the candy bar or movie popcorn I eat it (sometimes my control sucks and I eat more) but at least I didn't binge.

    I probably would lose weight faster if I ate differently but I wanted to be able to eat all the food I love without any major cravings and binging...

    Since June and this includes a serious case of Plantars fascitiis where I couldn't walk at all and hernia surgery so had no exercise at all for 2 months I have managed to lose between 15-20lbs.. The exact amount is not known since we changed scales midway and they gave different readings..

    For the last month, I have been lifting weights 3-5x a week and Zumba 4-5 a week hoping to lose more...

    I see this as more sustainable for a lifetime than radical changes cutting out all your favorite foods. But that's just me.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I tend to avoid trigger foods for me, only on the 90 min cheat meal I allow myself every few weeks

    I am also avoiding trigger foods. Hoping at some point to re-add them when I can eat them like a "normal" person and they don't lead to a binge.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Pretty much both for me.

    I eat better portions and don't stuff it in until I hate myself or can't move anymore.

    But I also have changed the foods I eat. I became more open and willing to try things that I originally had turned my nose up at. Such as veggies and found a way to cook them in a way that I liked them.

    I eat a lot less fast food now but I still have it on occasion. It's all about finding a balance.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    i didnt change a damn thing until april of this year and lost most all of my weight theu exercise alone. im starting to slck on the good eating habits, find that i can easily maintain at this point.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I have changed what I eat a lot. Most of what I ate before September was carbs, carbs, bread, more carbs, and fried carbs, with some fat. The only protein I ate came from meat.

    My diet has changed substantially. I have chosen foods that I love that fit my dietary guidelines, and have just adapted my diet to only eat those things that I like that fit my plan.

    I eat mostly protein and fat, with a few of my calories coming from carbs. The thing is calories. So long as I stay under my calorie goals, I could eat anything I want. I've just chosen a low carb way to do it, since that is my weakness, and it helps take fat off a little faster. If I so much as nibble on a french fry, the plate will be in mah tummeh, and I'll be ordering more. They're like.. pringles.
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    I have changed the foods that I eat. I eat Vegatables in large quantities now and in a variety of colors. I eat very few fruits. NO SODA. Lean meats and fish. No fried foods except on occassion. Very little pasta, rice and potatoes or cheese/dairy. I eat sweet potatoes. Lots of beans and high fiber grains. I eat 1/3 of the carbs that I used to over consume on a daily basis. When I eat the foods I used to eat, I binge (i.e. go crazy) and gain weight. I have not figured out the formula of moderation for ice cream, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, pies, potato chips, french fries, soda, cheese etc. You get the picture.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I haven't changed my food as much as I have changed the way I eat. I am a foodie and just can't handle the thought of not eating what I want to eat so I have decided to change my eating habits.

    I don't have seconds, I try to eat more veggies with each meal and just have smaller portions and healthier snacks. I also don't deny myself...If I want the candy bar or movie popcorn I eat it (sometimes my control sucks and I eat more) but at least I didn't binge.

    I probably would lose weight faster if I ate differently but I wanted to be able to eat all the food I love without any major cravings and binging...

    Since June and this includes a serious case of Plantars fascitiis where I couldn't walk at all and hernia surgery so had no exercise at all for 2 months I have managed to lose between 15-20lbs.. The exact amount is not known since we changed scales midway and they gave different readings..

    For the last month, I have been lifting weights 3-5x a week and Zumba 4-5 a week hoping to lose more...

    I see this as more sustainable for a lifetime than radical changes cutting out all your favorite foods. But that's just me.

    I think that is what I had in my mind when I started this. I have tried many diets over the years and have decided to do it right this time..
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I haven't really eliminated anything, but I some things I don't eat just because I don't think it's worth the calories. Non-diet soda is an example.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Also a foodie and I love wine so I could not even concieve of cutting out Friday night dinner out and wine. I have lowered my consumption of processed food mostly due to trying to lower my sodium consumption. But...I eat what I want. Usually go over a lot on Friday because that is my "cheat" day. I have also started paying some attention to my macros and trying to eat more protein. It is a slow way to lose, but much more sustainable IMO.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i have changed the food i eat and the way i eat. i now eat on a schedule!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I've lost weight before changing my eating habits using the six week body makeover. No processed foods, zero sodium, 100 ounces of water a day.. and six small meals a day with all the vegetables you want and two ounces of lean protein. I lost weight and it was great. But.. it burned me out. I honestly can't wrap my head around having to do it again.

    I agree with the original posters method. I want to eat my calories for the day, exercise..and make it work with the foods I enjoy so I can live my life.

    Yes, I loved being 30 pounds thinner..but I had to eat every 2.5 hours..very hard to have a normal life.. and I had to pack my food and cart it around with me. It was no way to live. This time I going to count calories and exercise so I can eat more. because I love to eat..that's how I got into this mess.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mostly the way I eat but sort of a combo. I still eat pizza but instead of sharing a large loaded with Hubs, I get my own small pizza and only get veg toppings. I still eat chocolate just about every day but I try not to if my calories don't allow for the treat. I still make most of the same kinds of things for dinner but I use leaner meats, more veg and less pasta. And I try to plan and prepare my food as much as I can - less expensive and helps avoid temptations.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Both. I've made changes slowly and don't deprive myself if I really want something and can make it fit into my calorie allowance but I've been gradually learning how to eat more fresh foods.