Introvert, seeking friends for support

So, I've been trying this whole weight loss thing off and on for awhile, and it's just not working. I'm a huge introvert and would love to accomplish my weigh loss goals on my own through sheer force of will, but I've come to the realization that that's not possible. At least not for me. Ergo, I'm hoping to make some friends on MFP who are in the same boat as me, who are willing to kick me in the butt and lend their support. In return, I pledge to do the same for you. However the operative word in the above lines is "friends." Anonymous cyber-support can be awesome, but I'm really interested in people who are willing to go deeper than just surface level comments. I would love to have a support group of people who are willing to get to know me and let me get to know them so that way we can encourage/support/motivate each other the best that we can...quality over quantity and all that jazz, ya know? So, if there's anyone out there like me...well, here I am :)

Helpful tidbits:
*age 24
*full time desk job, full time student
*married, no kids


  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    As a fellow introvert, I say, "welcome."

    Also, as a fellow introvert, I can say I probably am not the kind of support you're looking for. but if you want some dieting advice, I've done well with paleolithic diet and fitness. I didn't need to exercise a whole lot (no public, yay!) and didn't need any personal trainers or other interlopers. i just changed my eating habits and did some weight lifting.

    Anyway, good luck.
  • EmmalineHarris
    Thanks for your reply, fellow introvert :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like exercising in public. And thanks for the tip about paleolithic diet and fitness. I'll have to read up on that.

    Thanks again and best of luck on your journey
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Keep reading the forum and you will find fun people to support you. Love this site, and I am losing weight! Its so easy even for someone older with a slow metabolism.

    Add me if you want. I log daily, its the only commitment I have made. No gym for me, but I do garden alot and even put in my housework as exercise. Try to keep my calories under 1500/day. Have lost 16 in the last 9 weeks doing 1 day at a time. Also logging has encouraged me to work out more.

  • hoal0604
    Welcome!! I feel the same way. I'm definitely introverted. And sometimes asking for help is tough! We can get motivated together and lose the weight!
  • sammiedizzle
    sammiedizzle Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome fellow introvert! I am also turning to this website as I learn I need more support from others to stay motivated! :)
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Welcome from another introvert! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Rika13e
    Welcome! I try to be a great support for MFP friends as much as possible since that is what I'm hoping to do as a profession (dietitian). Feel free to add me :)
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Introverts rock.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    all you introverts just need a good extrovert to show you how to have a good time :smokin:
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    okay, maybe we need an extrovert to this group too... You can add me... I work out at the gym and at home.. I have over 50lbs to lose so I can use all the support I can get.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am a fellow introvert too.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    welcome to this journey!!...Add me if you like!
  • TCondor
    I consider myself an extroverted introvert. I'm OK at making contact w/people online but when it comes to face-to-face I start going back into my shell a bit. But little by little I'm getting more social out in the world. I think boards like this help.

    So, if any of you'd like to send me a request, I'd love to chat, support and get advice from you.

  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Hi I also would love to get to know some people,not just see a list of people who are freindl list .
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I did a Myers-Briggs test a couple of years ago, and scored painfully high on the introvert scale. Nothing I didn't already know, but I hoped I would be a little more moderate than what I got. :) So, another one to join the club!

    I have to say that my fitness journey has also helped a lot with my social anxiety. I joined a crossfit gym a year and a half ago at the urging of my boyfriend, which was terrifying because they really emphasize community and interaction - there's even a quasi-rule that you have to introduce yourself to anyone you don't know! Horrifying, right? It took me 8 months before I stopped having little panic attacks on the way to the gym, but now I really enjoy it. I've become friendly with a lot of people, and it's given me more confidence in other parts of my social life as well... or at least I've learned to fake it a lot better. :)

    Otherwise I'm in a similar situation as you... I'm in school full time in my 3rd year of a professional program, so it can be really challenging to get in enough exercise time between class and studying. I'd also love to build a stronger support network here! :)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49, and I am also an introvert. I have found it easier to "talk" on here and share with others as long as it's not face to face. I love getting to know my friends and helping them along their journey to a healthy lifestyle. I am disabled so am sedentary most of the time, but do try to get in some kind of exercise every day. I am on here daily (at least because I am addicted to this site) and have an open diary. Please feel free to add me for support and motivation.
  • JohnK580
    JohnK580 Posts: 55 Member
    Introversion is a gift and not a liability. I think the Myers Briggs really stresses that fact. You have a lot to offer! Good luck in your journey.
  • looplooploop
    So many introverts! I also did a Myers Briggs test as part of a career prep class in university last year and was rated very much an introvert (ISTP for those who are familiar). If I approach social situations methodically and am prepared for them I tend to do better. This even applies at the gym - if I know exactly what I am going to do in terms of a workout before I leave home, I'm much less likely to get anxious and leave early.

    That said, I'd like to be friends and help motivate you. If anyone else would like another introvert friend, feel free to add me as well :)
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi, I'm on here quite a bit and quite supportive, I'm not an introvert but am quite a quiet person. Feel free to add me (any of you)