Need to lose half of me - desperate for help :(



  • niftyfifty47
    niftyfifty47 Posts: 87 Member
    I have been obese to grossly obese for almost my entire adult life. This present journey of mine started on 9th January this year when I tipped the scales at 336 pounds. I currently weigh in at 226 pounds. It hasn't been easy but it has been well worth it. There are ways around the sweet enough calories for a sweet treat or the other option.....go walk till you have burned the calories you need for the sweet treat, BUT, work up the calories BEFORE you eat the treat. I have added you as a friend.
  • Hey Mara,
    Believe I feel your pain. I hate looking at my weight as well. I recently had to go get a new driver's license and I was just mortified to put my weight. It was like 70 pounds heavier than the one I was replacing. I am 5'0 ft and 246 pounds and just struggling to lose 50 pounds. I want to lose a total of about 120 but I am shooting for 50 first. My niece is getting married next summer and I really would like to feel comfortable and happy with the skin I am in. Feel free to add me we can definitely support each other and fight the good fight 1, 2,3 pounds at a time. We just have to be determined, stay motivated and don't look back! Let's do it!
  • Peasley7
    Peasley7 Posts: 21 Member
    I have to lose half of me too! We can do this!!! Add me if you'd like a Canadian in your corner! :)
  • MadtownMadisonian
    MadtownMadisonian Posts: 66 Member
    I set out to lose exactly half of me, and go from 272 pounds to 136 pounds. I have been absolutely diligent about logging all my food and the result has been that I am infinitely better at making healthier choices. When I see things like cake or bread, I find myself mentally going "is it worth the calories?" and ""can I make it up elsewhere?" At times I've had the goodie. Most of the time I've chosen not to. Either way, I have made myself stay at or just about at my calorie goal. I've also found the logging motivates me to exercise, e.g. if I want to go out to dinner (where I know calories will be higher) then logging will motivate me to go to the gym so that I can "earn" the calories for the dinner. I don't know how it works, but it all works.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Good luck to you!

    I may not be a good "friend" as I'm maintaining.

    However I wanted to mention, the reason many males can "eat what they want and not gain" is because their higher percentage of muscle gives them a higher calorie need. So while women can't have muscles like men, you CAN increase your muscle mass by doing a weight lifting program such as Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting-- and that will give you a huge bonus in your attempt to lose weight.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    My starting weight was 350 pounds. I have lost just about a hundred pounds now and have just about another 100 to go, so more than half of me. :)
    For me, I just take each day one at a time. I don't think about how much I have to lose over all. I instead focus on being the healthiest person I can be each and every day. To think of it as "I have to lose XX amount of weight" can be overwhelming and counter-productive.

    For me, being healthy is the goal and losing weight is a happy side effect! :flowerforyou:
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Congrats on making a choice to get fit. You can do it. People are helpful here. I wish you the best of luck. Bless you
  • I know how it feels to need to feel like half of yourself... We are all in this together and I am so happy with the changes that I've made (the first time I've ever stuck with anything too) that I want to shout from the rooftops "I love MFP and I am now a RUNNER!!!!!"
    However, people who aren't on this journey don't really get what all the excitement is about so, I am extremely grateful for MFP and the people on it. I would love to cheer you along :happy:
  • Feel free to add me and feel free to message me any time you need advice or support!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    You did the hardest part, a determination to start. Welcome to a new and healthier you. Feel free to friend me and I'll be supportive and look for it in return.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I started my journey at 323lbs and now have lost 43lbs so still have 150lbs to go, feel free to add me. You are not alone
  • myway16
    myway16 Posts: 7 Member
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    You got this girl!!! Just if you fall off and don't log or mess up COME BACK asap! Don't give up. I quit for a few months gained some back and all my olf mfp friends are at goal. Take that as an example it sure did teach me a lesson!!!
    Sent a friend request :)
    Good luck on this journey!!!!
  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    I have been using myfitnesspal for 90 days to help with my weight loss goals. Used correctly it is a very powerful and helpful tool, so I highly recommend keeping it up. There are also any number of free information websites full of diet and fitness tips, exercises for all fitness levels, recipes, and inspiration. Congrats on your decision for a healthier you, good luck to you. You can add me to our friends list if you wish.
  • anitajrose
    anitajrose Posts: 9 Member
    Good Luck!! The first step is always the hardest and if you start by just cutting out the simple "bad foods" its the easiest way to maintain and keep losing weight. I started off by just cutting out my chocolate, then the sugar out of my tea etc etc. Now I have lost 22.3kgs with the help of Weight Watchers (just counting calories/points) and also the Biggest Loser Club. I have only just swapped over to MFP as I wanted the help & motivation of people being able to see what I eat and also to keep me accountable to make sure I don't eat that huge slice of cake as everyone can see that. ;)
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    Hello Mara

    I also need to lose half of me!! Your story struck a chord with me, and I'd love to have an Aussie friend (literally half way around the world!!)

  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Welcome chica;)!!! U will do well one day at a time;) Get a schedule and keep it on lock;)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    When I started this journey 14 mos. ago I had half of my body wt. to lose. Now I only have a quarter of my body wt. I know that you can do this, too. You have the right attitude and reasons for doing this. Please feel free to add me.

    Name: Kimberlee
    Age: 49
    Starting wt.: 304 lbs.
    Goal Wt.: 150-175 lbs.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    LOTS OF WATER, anything else is the DEVIL! umm humm
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm from the States (las vegas, nevada) to be exact. I sent you a friend request :)