WAY under on calories today, need help!

Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
It's already 7pm and I'm about 700 calories short. My goals are set up to lose 2lbs a week so I really should be eating the all of them.

What should I do? I'm thinking this might be a good time to have a treat I normally wouldn't have the calories for (a turtle sundae, yum!) but I'm just getting started and don't want to sabotage myself in my first week.

How else can I make up those calories this late in the day?


  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    treat yourself to a healthy snack... not a turtle sundae... sorry :(
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Have a bowl of cereal with a banana (if you have those)...you'll get your sweet fix in a much healthier way.
  • Have a handful of raisins, a chicken breast, and a clif bar.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    Make a fresh fruit smoothie, add lowfat yoghurt, juice, fresh fruits, with or without protein powder, add an egg or milk to boost the calories blend with crushed ice.
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Smoothie! its the way forward! I was so low on calories at one point and wasnt seeing any shift, now if im low i drink a smoothie or munch some pistachios or almonds and im bumped right up!
  • avacado with olive oil... or nuts. 700 is alot... eat atleast 400 more
  • onelegpat
    onelegpat Posts: 33 Member
    avacado, chicken breast and almonds
  • sshultz
    sshultz Posts: 27 Member
    Mmmmm... turtle sundae... Uh.. um... yeah...

    Another good way of getting in those extra calories is a protein shake or high protein smoothie. I love the Muscle Milk Chocolate and Chocolate Peanut Butter flavors. Mix 2 scoops of that with 1 cup skim milk and that's 390 delicious, high protein calories. And there are tons of delicious healthy smoothie recipes out there. Just search and you will be amazed at what you find. Or come up with your own.
  • I try to stay anywhere from 100-200 calories under my goal each day. If I was you I would treat myself to something that you feel like you have been deprived of since starting this program. I love MFP because although you do not want to get into the habit of eating bad stuff, every once in awhile you can save up your calories and have a treat. This is just more realistic to me to do it this way. If a turtle sunday is your vice then go get one and only eat half, that seems to really work well for me. I went to DQ and got a waffle cone and scooped out half the ice cream and threw it in the trash, then ate about 1/2 the cone and threw the rest away. I felt satisfied and actually good that I actually had enough control to only eat half. Good Luck!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. I think I'll go with a smoothie. I feel so full that I don't really want food, but drinking those calories will be much easier.
  • I like a good drink of Soy Milk if I'm under. Low calories, low fat, low carbs (depending on the brand and type) and fortified with lots of nutrients. Add some protein mix to it if you're low there as well.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    What really helps me is to log my food in the night before or first thing in the morning. I plan out what I'm going to eat all day and then if I see I'm going to be under, I can tweak things before I eat them. It also helps me to see if I need to up my calories before the evening comes that way I can spread out the calories all day instead of trying to eat them all at night. Just a theory!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: peanut butter or almond butter in a protein shake or with an apple
    those are my prizes for a day filled with exercise. :bigsmile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You should plan in the morning for the whole day and balance your calories out. I eat the most cals at lunch and the least amount at dinner. Put any exercise you plan on doing in that morning as well. That way you're held accountible to do it and you'll have your food planned out ahead of time.
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