LOSE weight at 40(years)

I turned 40 this year not realizing how much I gained.
My son said to me yesterday in his school conference," mom you look big!"
My younger one said " I hope you are not going to die"
Their words really hit me hard. Being a single mom I want to be in their lives and watch them grow.
They are below 10.
This is the reason why I am here to LOSE WEIGHT AT 40!!!!

All you 40's lets motivate each other and I love to know how you lost weight.

Take care


  • Hi there, i am new too, have approx 100# to lose.
  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    Good for you! I met my goal weight just before my 40th birthday and am now back on MFP so that I can focus on maintaining. I was successfully maintaining for about a year but have recently noticed a slip toward bad habits, and the scale is reflecting it. :(

    You can do it! I have no "secrets" to share. For me it worked to just be faithful about logging my food and trying to exercise 3 days/week (which was an improvement over no exercise at all). I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but I was in the "overweight" category (according to the BMI calculator) after having 2 kids and am now back to being a "normal" weight.

    Good luck!

    High weight: 170 (in 2008)
    MFP start weight: 160 (in 2009)
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 146
  • lots2live4
    lots2live4 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in the same boat, just turned 40 this year too, single and have three daughters. In the last month in a half I have lost about 15 lbs, 30 something since August. I was a sugar addict, had to have sweets every single day, had high blood pressure, headaches all the time. I would wake up feeling terrible. Then I read something about sweet cravings being related to processed foods. So, for the most part I gave them up. The first few days I was surprised that I didn't feel that bad, but the next three were hard. After that first week though, I noticed the cravings became less. Not having bread and pasta was a little difficult, but to compensate I allowed myself white rice (there is no way I could give that up, being half asian and all). I just decreased my portion, so I wasn't eating three people's servings. There are up and down days, but the biggest difference I can see this week, is that I can stop now at a single serving. I had a piece a pumpkin pie last night, a really small slice, it was delicious and that's all I needed. You are welcome to add me as a friend (as well as anyone else).

    Oh and duh, I totally forgot to mention logging every thing I eat. It helps so much!
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I started this life change when I was about 3 weeks shy of 40. It can be done if you really want it. I decided that 40 was the year to change my life and I haven't looked back. I haven't worked as hard as I could be. I could of lost everything I wanted to by now but I'm just taking it 1 day at a time. I have just under 20 pounds to go before I reach my goal. I just need to get myself back on track with my exercising and I'll reach it.
  • admnmtpilot
    admnmtpilot Posts: 132 Member
    I turn 40 tomorrow (Nov 17). I have been on MFP for 50 days and I have lost 24 lbs since I started and I have a LONG way to go!!!


    SW 09/21/20012 360.2
    CW 11/15/2012 336.2

    GW1 by 11/26/12 340 met 11/15/12
    GW2 by 12/20/12 332
    GW3 by 01/03/13 324

    Goal weight: 160
  • lots2live4
    lots2live4 Posts: 107 Member
    I turn 40 tomorrow (Nov 17). I have been on MFP for 50 days and I have lost 24 lbs since I started and I have a LONG way to go!!!


    Happy early birthday and congrats on your weight loss!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    You can do it!!! I turned 40 and started MFP. 4 months later, I lost 17 pounds and I am stronger and healthier than ever.
  • amarie45
    amarie45 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal but similar to you, I hit 45 in May and decided I was not going to approach and enter my 50's overweight. I have been significantly overweight my entire life and have lost so many pounds, only to gain them all back. This time I am taking it really slow and focusing on changing my lifestyle and choices one day at a time. I figure I still have many years ahead of me and want to live them healthy, without the crazy yo yo dieting. I'm down 20 pounds since May by adding 3 days of strength training/aerobic activity and two days of yoga, not eating after supper, and trying to reduce my portion sizes. I have lost 7 pounds since joining this site 3 weeks ago. I have found tracking my food intake to be quite helpful.
    Welcome to the 40's, it is a great time of life!!! Best wishes with your weight loss journey.
  • I turned 40 in March and was in denial about how my weight was creeping up. Blamed vacation, bday celebration, busy schedule and on and on. Before I knew it my clothes were working pretty hard to fit. I have battled weight up and down most of my life. I have made a choice to stop the progression of bad habits and a climbing scale. I am nervous to do so, maily because of fear of failure "again." But I want to feel better and look better. So I found this application and website that will hopefully help.
  • Way to keep making progress! I am new to the boards of this site, I am curious what "cw" means on your post. I think I figured out "sw" as starting weight and goal weight...

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • It is harder if you are 50ish I have a 9 and 11 year old.
  • Hi I am 42 and had a complete hysterectomy in 2011 and since then I have gained 12 pounds and have fryer to lose but nothing works. Please keep me encouraged thanks.
  • Hi!
    I turned 40 this year not realizing how much I gained.
    My son said to me yesterday in his school conference," mom you look big!"
    My younger one said " I hope you are not going to die"
    Their words really hit me hard. Being a single mom I want to be in their lives and watch them grow.
    They are below 10.
    This is the reason why I am here to LOSE WEIGHT AT 40!!!!

    All you 40's lets motivate each other and I love to know how you lost weight.

    Take care

    Hi there,

    I, too, turned 40 this year. I have four kids, two of whom are under 5, and keeping up with them was my main motivation to lose the 30kg (more than 70 pounds) I packed on during the last two pregnancies. I've got a lot more weight to lose, but the progress has been so motivating.
    It took me about a couple of months though to psych myself up for this weight loss journey and I "consumed" a lot of articles beforehand to get motivated!
    I joined MFP about a month ago, and really, just tracking your food and exercise helps a lot.
    I've lost almost 7kgs since I joined, just by cutting out sugar (from my coffee, but gradually) and limiting my carbs. Hopefully the weight loss will continue, as it is a challenge to eat healthy during weekends!
    For exercise, I am now on Beachbody's DVDs, the Rockin' Body, mainly because I was such a cardio bunny before in my "thin" days.

    Good luck to you, and everyone here. It is possible!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    48 here. Age is NOT a barrier to weight loss. This is easily doable if you really want it.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm 40 and I'm doing it!! You can too. Logging is key I think. and exercise. and water!! Good luck!!
  • LivingJuicy
    LivingJuicy Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I turned 40 this year. I've been heavy my whole life and I've had it! I'm going all the way this time! I love myself enough to get it done, and you will too. All friend requests accepted!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I started this journey last year...turned 44 this year. Take it one day at a time, set goals and learn from both successes and failures. You can do it. :smile:

  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    Almost to 41 yearso f age and if I can lose weight anyone can!! It's all about keeping yourself motivated, eating clean and moving!!! We are all in this together :) Anyone can add me if they wish! I have been loosing weight since July 9, 2012 and I am at 32 pounds lost. Yea, I am proud of this. I have about 60 more to go. I have also lost 20 inches off of me. No pills, no mixes, just eating clean and walking.
  • SimoneRR
    SimoneRR Posts: 2 Member
    A male coworker use the program and I saw tremendous results in 3 months, he didn't exercise that much. He stuck to his daily calorie intake? He introduce me to the program and by sticking to the calorie intake and exercising everyday, I am seeing results.

    There is no quick fix it's all mind over matter. Mental tuffnes!!!

    Stay encourage.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I turn 50 in April(ack!) and I really got serious this past April right after I turned 49. For me, there is no turning back. It is a lifestyle choice with measuring all foods, constant logging onto MFP and recording everything I put into my mouth and exercise. Trust me, it works. If i can do this, anyone can. Friend me if you would like.