busy mom>>new to exercise>>>want to start again



  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    I am also I busy, working full time, mom to two young kids 3 and 5. (girls for me). Most moms my age (I'm 42) have older kids that are more self sufficient so it's sometimes hard to find understanding and/or empathy when I talk about how BUSY I am and how hard it is to get my workouts in and take care of myself while trying to keep my house and family in order and still spend quality time with my family.

    Being older (and short, I'm 5'3") also doesn't help the weight loss as we all know our metabolisms naturally slow down...

    I've been at this a year and a half. The first 8 months were the hardest in terms of figuring out my routine and sticking to it. I'd be really good for a few weeks and then something would happen either at work or with the family and I'd get thrown totally out of whack and it would all go to hell. Once I'd fall off the wagon it would take me weeks to rally myself to get back on. At the end of the holiday season last year I had finally decided I was done with the on again off again pattern and COMMITTED myself to being here and doing it right EVERY DAY. This week I am at 320 day logged.

    As for working out. Realistically, the only way I can do it is to get up extra early and get the workout in before I have to get my kids up and ready to go. This means my alarm goes off at 5:00 am everyday (sometimes earlier depending on my schedule). I do a lot of workout videos. I like Jillian Michaels videos because they are quick (20-30 minutes) and challenging enough that I feel like I got a good workout. I also started running. There is no better way to get a good calorie burn for the time investment. I started from scratch - I had never been a runner before - in July of last year. I took it slow and alternated between walking and running cutting down on the walking and upping the running time each week. Eventually got to where I could run 10 minutes straight, then 20 and then 30. Signed up for my first 5K in August of last year and have not looked back. I've run 3 1/2 marathons and several 5K and 10K races.

    Honestly, it's the races that keep me motivated. If I did not have a date/distance looming there are mornings I just wouldn't do it. I have a treadmill in my basement for rainy days but I sincerely HATE it and will run outside whenever I can. It was 20 degrees F on Wednesday and I got myself out there. I'll even run in the rain if it isn't pouring. Also, it is dark at 5:00 am but I go out anyway. I have a head-light and I strap it on and head out the door.

    It can be done... but it's not easy and I know that. Feel free to send me a friend request... I'd love to help support you and cheer you through the process... and you can do the same for me. Even though I've been doing it for a year... it's still not easy.

  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I am also a working mom of 2 small kids.. I actually work out after they go to bed Tuesday-Thursday and then weekends so it makes it about 8;30. I try to go to the gym at least two of those nights, if not a video or stationary bike we have at home. The youngest at 15 months still has some mornings of getting up at 4;30 so early morning doesn't work just yet.
  • PollyWolly98
    Also a working mom with 2 little kids. I get up early and run 2-3 weekday mornings while everyone else is still asleep (including husband). I also go to the gym 2-3 days after work but before getting kids. On weekends I either run or do a workout video at home while the little one is napping (older child either joins me or watches shows on the iPad). Before I started running, I was doing workout dvds at night after the kids went to sleep. I am definitely not a morning person, but now that it gets light earlier it is easier for me to get up and run. It always seems impossible until you really try to schedule in what works for you and for your family. I am happy to say that I work out 5-6 days a week and don't feel that my time with my family has been compromised, which is extremely important to me.
  • Ewa101975
    Ewa101975 Posts: 39 Member
    you guys have no idea how motivating this is....I will set up my alarm clock at 5:00am 3 times a week and just do it....

    I think I have to invest in a dvd...probalby not ready for insanity but maybe jillian michaels..

    Thank you all so much.

    P.S does walking in a grocery store for 30 minutes count ;) I just came back from grocery shopping and I am exhausted.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I'm a single mum of 2 girls and work full time. I get up at 6am Mon - Fri to do either a Jillian Micheals or Jackie Warner DVD, then I cycle to work. It is hard at first to get up but you really do get used to it! It's never a problem for me now - I just go to bed a bit earlier!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    The advice on beachbody workout plans is sound, cathe.com is another option in that vane. However, another approach would be buying some cheap weights and following the beginning workouts on nerdfitness.com or scoobysworkshop.com. I would also recommend doing 20-30 minutes of cardio per day, this can be a brisk walk initially and then on the weekends you need to really focus your efforts. I have four kids, my wife homeschools them all, and we both find time to get 5-10 hrs of exercise in per week and sleep 6-8 hrs per night, but you need to get really disciplined on your time management.

    Remember 80-90% of weight loss is diet so if you can't get alot of time to workout, then you REALLY have to be disciplined on food while you are losing.
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is on you tube. Really good quality and only 27 mins.