New and in need of support

Hi I'm in need of support and motivation to get my happiness back!

Last year i lost 3.5stone but due to personal issues i gave up the fight and the weight is creeping back on.

i had that moment today when you see a picture of yourself and realise that your even bigger than you thought and it broke my heart.

I've lost the happiness and confidence that i would feel when i looked in a mirror and i need to get it back :sad: ,, if not for myself then for the lovely dresses in the wardrobe that are feeling unloved!

Any support would be greatly recieved and any tips on how to get myself ready to take on this new weight loss challenge!

Thank you in advance


  • Welcome to MFP! Feel free to friend me for support, I am on here everyday. I went thru what you did, I was on a roll and lost weight but then went thru a rough patch and packed on pounds. This site has been a big help.
  • Hello! I had the same problem. I was overweight in my early teens but fought hard to get to my ideal and smallest weight ever by the time I graduated high school. But since then I went through a lot of depression, got married, had two kids, and now I'm bigger than I was in my early teens. I hate seeing my high school pics and thinking why didn't I appreciate what I had instead of thinking I was still so big. It really sucks to not have any confidence to even leave the house or spend quality time with my husband. But I'm hoping that I can get back in shape. If I do what MFP says I should, I will be at least what I was before I had kids by the end of May. So that's nice to think about.

    I'm brand new to this site too, and I have no idea how or if it's going to work. But I guess the best advice is to keep on going even when you feel you can't. Now if I could just follow my own advice...
  • Welcome to mfp :) I've been where you are, and I'm only in the early days of getting back on the waggon, and this is such a good tool. It's great to surround yourself with positive people, and you're taking the right step! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm new too, and I like having supportive people. Please feel free to add me.