How to make a filling dinner without carbs?

DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
Okay before anyone jumps on me & says that carbs aren't bad, I know they are good for us to keep our energy up & I eat carbs during the day, but I don't want to include it in my last meal of the day. I normally eat either fish or chicken with a green vegetable for dinner, but I don't know what else I can include with that, that isn't a carb so that I feel full & I'm not starving after an hour. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I was going to say, load up on veggies, but they have carbs. I dunno. More meat?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Incorporate natural fats into your dinners and you'll feel full for hours -- your food will taste better too. :laugh:
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Beans and nuts.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    By carbs I assume you mean things like pasta, and not vegetables. We don't eat any pasta or bread (though we do eat potatoes). You're welcome to take a look through my food diary, but our dinners consist of a green smoothie (cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley, avocado, apple, ginger, turmeric... 8 cups for 2 people is super filling!), usually a meat, and sometimes another veggie or legumes on the side (beans, fried mushrooms and tomatoes, brussels sprouts, okra, asparagus, baked squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc). Sometimes we have rice or quinoa, but I usually have quinoa for breakfast and rice for lunch, so it depends on the day. :)
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Made this for dinner last night super duper yummy, low calories, filling, and (by chance) no carbs

    1 Med-large eggplant
    1 container cottage cheese
    1.5 bags shredded cheese (I used veggie slices not real cheese)
    3/4 can marinara
    4-5 cloves garlic
    2 cups baby spinach
    handful of basil

    Preheat to 400. Slice eggplant vertically so you have large thin pieces (about 1/4 inch thick by 4-5" wide and whatever the length of eggplant is)
    In lasagna baking pan (9x12 pan) spread a little red sauce on the bottom. Create one layer of eggplant, a layer of sauce sprinkled garlic and basil over sauce, a layer of baby spinach, a layer cottage cheese, and a layer of shredded cheese. Repeat layering with the top layer being shredded cheese. Cover with tinfoil. Bake for 40 minutes, remove foil and bake for an additional 20 minutes.

    Delicious! My husband had it over freshly made bread (for a kind of eggplant parm) I didn't because I hate soggy bread, but I got my carbs in from the delicious red wine I drank with it. You could also serve this with a little pasta for the people who want carbs. here is the nutritional and caloric info

    I broke this down into 9 servings (this makes for rather large servings BTW)

    Per Serving: calories: 184
    carbs: 14
    fat: 5
    protein: 19
    sodium: 768
    Iron: 13

    I believe this would also freeze very well (haven't tried it yet though)

    ETA: I should have said this is LOW CARB obviously it does have carbs just not a lot :) Also I used Fat Free cottage cheese
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't have any idea how to feel full without carbs. Carbs are 50% of my calories. I would definitely feel hungry without them. I could probably take in about 1000 calories of meat and then still want a slice of bread or some veggies to go with it. Carbs are our friend when it comes to ending hunger.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Incorporate natural fats into your dinners and you'll feel full for hours -- your food will taste better too. :laugh:

    That sounds good, but for me, even a meat like pork spare ribs, which have as much fat as they do protein, would *still* leave me feeling hungry after 1000 calories if I don't have at *least* some veggies with it. :smokin:
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    salads w/ oil and vinegar very low carbs and very filling! Also great for the digestive tract.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Okay before anyone jumps on me & says that carbs aren't bad, I know they are good for us to keep our energy up & I eat carbs during the day, but I don't want to include it in my last meal of the day. I normally eat either fish or chicken with a green vegetable for dinner, but I don't know what else I can include with that, that isn't a carb so that I feel full & I'm not starving after an hour. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Eat larger portions of the food you're already eating then, instead of 4oz of chicken, eat 8-10oz and add some cheese or something to it. Could also play around with eating more than 1200 cals
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Made this for dinner last night super duper yummy, low calories, filling, and (by chance) no carbs

    1 Med-large eggplant
    1 container cottage cheese
    1.5 bags shredded cheese (I used veggie slices not real cheese)
    3/4 can marinara
    4-5 cloves garlic
    2 cups baby spinach
    handful of basil

    Preheat to 400. Slice eggplant vertically so you have large thin pieces (about 1/4 inch thick by 4-5" wide and whatever the length of eggplant is)
    In lasagna baking pan (9x12 pan) spread a little red sauce on the bottom. Create one layer of eggplant, a layer of sauce sprinkled garlic and basil over sauce, a layer of baby spinach, a layer cottage cheese, and a layer of shredded cheese. Repeat layering with the top layer being shredded cheese. Cover with tinfoil. Bake for 40 minutes, remove foil and bake for an additional 20 minutes.

    Delicious! My husband had it over freshly made bread (for a kind of eggplant parm) I didn't because I hate soggy bread, but I got my carbs in from the delicious red wine I drank with it. You could also serve this with a little pasta for the people who want carbs. here is the nutritional and caloric info

    I broke this down into 9 servings (this makes for rather large servings BTW)

    Per Serving: calories: 184
    carbs: 14
    fat: 5
    protein: 19
    sodium: 768
    Iron: 13

    I believe this would also freeze very well (haven't tried it yet though)

    Sounds like a great dish, carbs and all! I love eggplant parm. I would have to substitute ricotta for the cottage cheese though.

    I haven't had eggplant parm in years! I'm *so* making this!
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Made this for dinner last night super duper yummy, low calories, filling, and (by chance) no carbs

    1 Med-large eggplant
    1 container cottage cheese
    1.5 bags shredded cheese (I used veggie slices not real cheese)
    3/4 can marinara
    4-5 cloves garlic
    2 cups baby spinach
    handful of basil

    Preheat to 400. Slice eggplant vertically so you have large thin pieces (about 1/4 inch thick by 4-5" wide and whatever the length of eggplant is)
    In lasagna baking pan (9x12 pan) spread a little red sauce on the bottom. Create one layer of eggplant, a layer of sauce sprinkled garlic and basil over sauce, a layer of baby spinach, a layer cottage cheese, and a layer of shredded cheese. Repeat layering with the top layer being shredded cheese. Cover with tinfoil. Bake for 40 minutes, remove foil and bake for an additional 20 minutes.

    Delicious! My husband had it over freshly made bread (for a kind of eggplant parm) I didn't because I hate soggy bread, but I got my carbs in from the delicious red wine I drank with it. You could also serve this with a little pasta for the people who want carbs. here is the nutritional and caloric info

    I broke this down into 9 servings (this makes for rather large servings BTW)

    Per Serving: calories: 184
    carbs: 14
    fat: 5
    protein: 19
    sodium: 768
    Iron: 13

    I believe this would also freeze very well (haven't tried it yet though)

    This sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! I love eggplant so I will definitely be making this!
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    By carbs I assume you mean things like pasta, and not vegetables. We don't eat any pasta or bread (though we do eat potatoes). You're welcome to take a look through my food diary, but our dinners consist of a green smoothie (cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley, avocado, apple, ginger, turmeric... 8 cups for 2 people is super filling!), usually a meat, and sometimes another veggie or legumes on the side (beans, fried mushrooms and tomatoes, brussels sprouts, okra, asparagus, baked squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc). Sometimes we have rice or quinoa, but I usually have quinoa for breakfast and rice for lunch, so it depends on the day. :)

    This sounds like an amazing meal! Thank you!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I don't have any idea how to feel full without carbs. Carbs are 50% of my calories. I would definitely feel hungry without them. I could probably take in about 1000 calories of meat and then still want a slice of bread or some veggies to go with it. Carbs are our friend when it comes to ending hunger.

    That's so funny that two human bodies can act so differently! I'm the exact opposite. Carbs make up 5% of my calories. Before I cut most of them out, I would feel hungry immediately after a dinner of pasta or rice. The whole reason I love a high fat diet is because it keeps me fuller longer.

    OP, with a meal of steak or chicken (pan seared) I eat about half a bag of broccoli with some butter melted on top. Garlic salt and pepper are a nice addition as well as a tablespoon of Parmesan.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Carbs don't make you feel full. Carbs are the one thing that are gone so quickly that they leave you looking for more food. Eat more protein, fats and veggies.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Under my doctor and dieticians guidance, I limit my carbs to 90 per day (or very close to that) as I'm diabetic and actually got off one med recently. Oh so much for my background.

    For my dinner, I do more protein such as chicken, turkey, fish and have beef twice a week to keep cholesterol down. I tend to have veggies that are darker green like broccoli, kale, spinach and Brussels sprouts. The veggies have carbs and I get enough energy from the protein and carbs I take in to get out and exercise 5-6 times a week at the gym without issue.

    You could also try some good home made soups as well. I also snack on Baby Bell Lite Cheeses when hungry with a glass or two of water to fill in the hunger gaps.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    load up on veggies. try some recipes on they are super filling. i tried zucchini stuffed chicken rollatini last night and I was STUFFED. I always have fresh fruit and veggies out when we eat dinner too.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't have any idea how to feel full without carbs. Carbs are 50% of my calories. I would definitely feel hungry without them. I could probably take in about 1000 calories of meat and then still want a slice of bread or some veggies to go with it. Carbs are our friend when it comes to ending hunger.

    That's so funny that two human bodies can act so differently! I'm the exact opposite. Carbs make up 5% of my calories. Before I cut most of them out, I would feel hungry immediately after a dinner of pasta or rice. The whole reason I love a high fat diet is because it keeps me fuller longer.

    OP, with a meal of steak or chicken (pan seared) I eat about half a bag of broccoli with some butter melted on top. Garlic salt and pepper are a nice addition as well as a tablespoon of Parmesan.

    That's very interesting! If I try to do, say, just eggs for breakfast, I am *starving* but if I add just one slice of toast with a smear of jelly, my stomach is like, "Yeah, we're good now!" Before MFP, I would sometimes have just Ramen or mac n cheese for a meal and it would keep me full. It really is interesting how different individuals can be! :bigsmile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Carbs don't make you feel full. Carbs are the one thing that are gone so quickly that they leave you looking for more food. Eat more protein, fats and veggies.

    Veggies *are* carbs! :bigsmile:
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    Okay before anyone jumps on me & says that carbs aren't bad, I know they are good for us to keep our energy up & I eat carbs during the day, but I don't want to include it in my last meal of the day. I normally eat either fish or chicken with a green vegetable for dinner, but I don't know what else I can include with that, that isn't a carb so that I feel full & I'm not starving after an hour. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Add fibrous veggies. Veggied are carbs too but the better option than bread or pasts. Sweet potato or red skin potatoes are good too.
  • NANCY_Lulu
    NANCY_Lulu Posts: 2 Member
    Make Atkins coleslaw from scratch as a side dish? ....and fish and chicken can be easily made into Fajita's....use lettuce as a wrap, instead of tortilla shell.